The Call of the Arctic





Production year



17 November 1961


92 min




children, adventure


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Ledové moře volá

Czech title

Ledové moře volá

English title

The Call of the Arctic


Růženka, Miloš, Petr and Tonda, all children in Prague's Old Town, often play together in the courtyard of their old apartment house. It is the year 1934 and the entire world is learning the news of the Soviet expedition ship caught in the icy waters of the Northern Sea Route. One hundred and six men of the ship's crew and the polar explorers have survived on an ice-floe but the vessel has sunk. The four friends decide to go and help the shipwrecked. Petr exchanges his bicycle for a second-hand compass. With the little bit of money they have earned doing small jobs, the children buy canned food. They pack blankets, skates and some food for the journey. After they fail to shake off Růžena's five-year old brother Ferdík the children take him with as well. Their first destination is Ústí nad Labem, where they want to borrow a barge from Miloš's uncle, worker Jelínek. They travel by train some of the way but don't have enough money so they continue on foot. The parents of the missing children go to the Police to ask for help. On the radio, the runaways hear the news about missing children and go into hiding. They are cold and hungry. Finally, Tonda can't take the hardships of their trip any longer and hitchhikes back to Prague. His police testimony makes top news in the newspapers. The rest of the children reach Ústí and sneak into a factory that is surrounded by the gendarmes because of a strike. They give their cans of food to the strikers and help smuggle the food sent by the workers from Prague into the factory. In the end, the children are reunited with their parents.


Both The Film Review and the production papers list Václav Zeler in the role of Miloš, while the opening captions mention Václav Klofát in the same role.


Hana Bartošková

Růženka Kouklíková

Andrej Pavlov

Petr Knotek

Václav Klofát

Miloš Jelínek

Jaromír Sudek

Ferdík, Růženčin bratr

Ruppert Dubský

Tonda Klouda

Ladislav Potměšil

kamelot Rudla

Michael Dáňa

pikolík Karel

Karel Vojpich


Jaroslav Vojta

děda Charouz

Karel Hlušička

redaktor Haló novin Kurt

Jan Skopeček

železničář Jelínek, Milošův otec

Valtr Taub

Knotek, Petrův otec

Věra Kubánková

Kouklíková, matka Růženky a Ferdíka

Eduard Dubský

komisař Krupička

Karel Houska

obchodník Josef Klouda, Tondův otec

Rudolf Princ

hostinský Ruml

Eman Fiala

vetešník Eduard Čaoej

Karel Pavlík

dělník Karel Holar

Bedřich Vrbský

rada Stoklasa

Jaroslav Mareš

reportér Jindra

Raoul Schránil

poručík četnictva, velitel zásahu

Rudolf Široký

četník Křesina

Jaroslav Orlický

četnický rotmistr Růžička

Mečislav Římal


Richard Záhorský

dělník u brány

Emil Rohan

stráž u brány

Ota Motyčka

školník Hubáček

Ludmila Roubíková

žena s dítětem před továrnou

Josef Steigl

obchodní cestující na nádraží

Jarmila Švabíková

dělnice Martička

Bohuš Hradil

dělník Jelínek, Milošův strýc

Eva Jiroušková

členka výboru

Karel Kocourek

muž s účesem na ježka

Dagmar Kofroňová

členka výboru


Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

František Matoušek

Based on

Alex Wedding (Ledové moře volá /Das Eismeer ruft/ – povídka)

Shooting Script

Hanuš Burger

Director of Photography

Ivan V. Frič

Second Unit Photography

Josef Pávek

Camera Operator

Karel Hejsek

Production Designer

Jan Zázvorka

Assistent Production Designer

Bohumil Nový

Set Designer

Ivan Síbrt, Ladislav Rada

Assistant Film Editor

Diana Heringová

Sound Designer

Ladislav Hausdorf, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)

Production Manager

František Sandr

Unit Production Manager

Karel Fiala, Věra Winkelhöferová

Unit Production Manager

O. Doležal


Jiří Širc (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Karel Reiner

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)


Páni, jak veliký je ten svět

Song Composer Karel Reiner
Singer dětský sbor

Production info

Original Title

Ledové moře volá

Czech Title

Ledové moře volá

English Title

The Call of the Arctic




featuretheatrical distribution


children, adventure

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 22 June 1960
technical Screenplay approved 12 October 1960
start of filming 8 December 1960
end of filming 18 May 1961
projection approval 5 September 1961
withdrawal from distribution 31 August 1976


premiere 17 November 1961 /suitable for youths/ (kino Belvedere /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 17 November 1961 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)

Copyright Holders

Národní filmový archiv

Creative Group

Tvůrčí skupina Hanuš – Procházka, Ladislav Hanuš (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny), Jan Procházka (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

92 min

Original length in metres

2 633 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio



black & white



Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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