Standa Hurych has finished his national military service and has begun to work as a driver in an infant nursing institute. On the bus, he meets the elderly Mr Houdek, who wants to adopt the illegitimate child of Květa Slavatová, his colleague from the dining cars of the Czechoslovak Railways. Mrs Houdková, however, wants to know the name of little Honzík's father, for she suspects her own husband of the paternity. The handsome nurse Magda, who has been raising Honzík and likes him very much, is to get this name from Slavatová. She goes to visit her in Prague with Standa, but she fail to get it. At that instant, Standa interferes in the course of events and launches a Large-scale search. He finds out along with Magda that Slavatová in fact does not know the father. It was probably a soldier whom the young woman met in the Kašperk Mountains. That is where Standa, too, served his military service. He therefore turns to his friends there and, with Magda, writes a letter to all those ex-soldiers who could be the man. But this only causes a lot of problems. During their search, the young couple becomes close and they even begin to think about marriage. Their happiness, however, is shaken by a single sentence of the institute's head physician - they learn that Honzík was born prematurely, two months before the term, and thus even Standa may be the father. When Standa sees Květa in a photograph, the possibility turns into certainty. He decides to adopt the son himself and bring him up but he cannot face Magda. She, however, does not let him leave her.
řidič Standa Hurych
zdravotní sestra Magda
primář kojeneckého ústavu
zdravotní sestra Evka
zdravotní sestra Olina
kuchař Houdek, žadatel o adopci
Klárka, Houdkova žena
Voice by Alena Kreuzmannová
Květa Slavatová, Houdkova kolegyně
zdravotní sestra Žižková
zdravotní sestra Jindra
prodavačka Marcela
Karel, Standův kamarád
Vlasta, Karlova žena
nadrotmistr Kaktus
kapitán Liška
Růženka, Liškova žena
příslušník železniční stráže
poručík VB
babička Lišková
sousedka s natáčkami
Emil, Standův kamarád
Irena, Emilova žena
zdravotní sestra Marie
zdravotní sestra Zdena
otec černoch
kapitán v džípu
vrátný na nádraží
průvodčí v autobuse
tlumočník zahraniční delegace
Honzík, syn Slavatové
Jarmilka, Proškova dcera
vrátný v kojeneckém ústavu
muž s ručníkem
Ludmila Sovová, Miloš Sršeň, František Zajíček
Oldřich Tichý, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Antonín Kubový, František Jaderník
Ladislav Dražan
Jaroslav Trousil (fotograf), zaměstnanci Kojeneckého ústavu ve Veské, Dagmar Rašilovová, Hovorková
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Wiliam Bukový
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Sís
Singer Rudolf Cortés
Hledá se táta!
Hledá se táta!
Looking for a Daddy
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 8 March 1961
technical Screenplay approved 10 April 1961
start of filming 15 May 1961
end of filming 31 August 1961
projection approval 7 November 1961
withdrawal from distribution 1 April 1966
preview 22 December 1961 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 29 December 1961 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Paříž /4 týdny/, Flora /1 týden/, Květen /1 týden od 5. 1. 1962/ a Mír /1 týden od 12. 1. 1962/, Praha)
premiere 29 December 1961 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
80 min
2 271 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles