It was German author Gottfried August Bürger’s 1786 literary work that inspired film director Karel Zeman to write the script for Baron Prášil (Baron Műnchhausen) together with poet Josef Kainar, before he turned to directing it. The science-fiction motif (featuring the landing of astronaut Toník on the Moon) of the poetic adventure film is, on the one hand, rather unusual for Zeman, but on the other it becomes diluted in the subsequent avalanche of the baron’s highly imaginative storytelling. The legendary Baron Prášil (gracefully depicted by Miloš Kopecký) takes the “Moon-dweller” on a tour of his world that involves countless romantic adventures, including the encountering of beautiful princess Bianca, played by Jana Brejchová. Zeman and his team drew much of their visual inspiration for Baron Műnchhausen from engravings by French printmaker, illustrator and sculptor Gustave Doré. The film remains popular with audiences not only for the brilliant and imaginative technical skill manifested throughout, but also thanks to a considerable list of popular actors in supporting roles.
On the Moon, cosmonaut Toník meets those who have visited this fellow-traveller of the Earth long before: Cyrano de Bergerac, Baron Münchhausen and Verne's cosmonauts Nicholl, Barbican and Ardan. They all consider Toník, clad in a space suit, to be a native of the Moon. Baron Münchhausen therefore invites him to visit the Earth. The mythical Pegasus carries them to Constantinople, where together they save the beautiful captive, Princess Bianca, and both fall in love with her. In their escape from the Sultan, they must overcome many dangers: jumping from a rock into the sea, fighting with the Dutch against the overwhelming superior forces of the Turkish flotilla, withstanding the innards of a whale which swallows them along with their boat. They are freed by the harpoon of a whale hunter, but the adventure is far from over. They still have to get away from an abandoned island, where Toník unsuccessfully attempts to build a steam boat. Eventually, a Dutch boat takes them to a besieged fortress. Münchhausen flies to the enemy on a cannon ball and acquires valuable information. Toník gets hold of the gun-powder which is to help them fly into outer space. He is arrested for the theft, but Princess Bianca, who loves him, sets him free. Then comes Münchhausen's turn - he throws a lit candle into the well full of gun-powder. The subsequent explosion flings the Baron, seated in an arm-chair, Toník and Bianca to the sky. They all happily get back to the Moon where they are welcomed by Cyrano and the rest of the gentlemen.
The visual side of the film was inspired by the engravings of the French painter and graphic artist Gustav Doré which illustrated the original edition of Bürger's novel. In the National FIlm Archive Prague unused shots also survived in the form of duplicate negative (black and white, 2 626,8 metres).
baron Prášil
princezna Bianca di Castelo Negro
astronaut Toník
básník Cyrano z Bergeracu
kapitán holandské lodi
generál Elemele, velitel pevnosti
důstojník pevnostní stráže
tanečnice ze sultánova harému
španělský námořník
Voice by Josef Langmiler
kapitán Nicholl
Impey Barbicane, předseda dělového klubu
vzduchoplavec Michel Ardan
vrchní eunuch Hadži Baban
velitel nepřátelského vojska
hráč šachů
hráč šachů
námořník na holandské lodi
Voice by Oldřich Musil
voják v pevnosti
Gottfried Bürger (Baron Prášil /Baron Münchhausen/ – novela)
Karel Zeman, Josef Kainar (dialogy), Jiří Brdečka (vyprávění)
Arne Parduba, Emil Bártek, Miroslav Sinkule
Josef Pavlík, Vilém Janlík, Marie Smržová
Zdeněk Ostrčil (scény), Josef Zeman (scény), Jiří Tarantík (kamera), Bohuslav Pikhart (druhý kameraman), Antonín Buráň (asistent), Marie Smržová (asistentka), J. Čepel (asistent), V. Soukup (asistent), R. Wölfel (asistent), J. Čep (spolupráce), M. Jakubíček (spolupráce), O. Líbal (spolupráce), B. Smejkal (spolupráce)
Ferdinand Martinásek (malíř pozadí)
Jan Čep (2)
Jaroslav Skála (fotograf), Antonín Stránský (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Zlín /dříve Gottwaldov/, Kudlov (Zlín /dříve Gottwaldov/), přehrada Fryšták (Zlín /dříve Gottwaldov/), okolí (Zlín /dříve Gottwaldov/)
Baron Prášil
Baron Prášil
Baron Műnchhausen
featuretheatrical distribution
adventure, fantastic, special effects
start of filming 1 September 1959
technical Screenplay approved 16 September 1959
end of filming 17 December 1961
projection approval 22 December 1961
withdrawal from distribution 30 September 1991
the end of the distribution monopoly 31 December 2017
preview 31 August 1962 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 7 September 1962 /suitable for youths/ (kina Lucerna /4 týdny/, Flora /1 týden od 21. 9./ a Dukla /1 týden od 28. 9./, Praha)
premiere 21 September 1962 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
renewed premiere 1 August 2016 /suitable for all ages without limit/
renewed premiere 13 May 2024 /suitable for all ages without limit/
Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1962), Asociace českých filmových klubů (obnovená 2016), Muzeum Karla Zemana (obnovená 2024)
feature film
80 min
2 279 meters
16mm, 35mm, DCP 2-D, MP4, BRD
without subtitles
Event: 4. mezinárodní setkání filmů pro mládež Cannes
Cannes / France
Festival: 8. mezinárodní festival veseloherních filmů Bordighera
Bordighera / Italy
Karel Zeman
Festival: 3. mezinárodní festival Boston
Boston / United States of America
Exhibition: 5. světová přehlídka vítězných festivalových filmů Acapulco
Acapulco / Mexico
Karel Zeman
Exhibition: Mezinárodní filmový týden Vídeň
Vídeň / Austria
Festival: 4. festival českých a slovenských filmů Košice
Košice / Czechoslovakia
Event: 3. mezinárodní soutěž o technickou filmovou cenu při zasedání V. mezinárodního kongresu Mezinárodní unie filmových technických sdružení Moskva
Moskva / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Festival: 13. filmový festival pracujících
25 měst / Czechoslovakia
Zdeněk Liška
Festival: 15. mezinárodní filmový festival Locarno
Locarno / Switzerland
Festival: 6. filmový festival Londýn
Londýn / Great Britain
Festival: 13. filmový festival pracujících
25 měst / Czechoslovakia
Karel Zeman
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