It is the year 1914 and Prague prepares for the arrival of Archduke Ferdinand. The police thus remove all politically unreliable citizens, the famous writer Jaroslav Hašek among them. He is placed into a psychiatric asylum. This, however, does not stop Hašek from making provocations. In consequence, he is sent to the drill square and subsequently to the battle front, where the military leadership cannot entrust him with anything but cows. As soon as Hašek meets some Russian soldiers he surrenders, but the Russians are not interested in more fighting either and want to be captured by the Austrians. The Czech writer grants their wishes and is promoted for his act. One day, he manages to desert with his soldiers to the Russian army. First, they find themselves in a P.O.W. camp and later become part of the Czechoslovak legion. As soon as the Russian October revolution breaks out, Hašek and Josef Strašlipka (the latter being the model of the good soldier Josef Švejk) join the Reds. Hašek is appointed commander of the city of Bugulma, where he meets his future wife, Šura. He maintains order in the town and also founds the first red division consisting of Czech and Slovak refugees. Upon his return home with Šura, he, however, faces great disappointment, finding himself prone to police surveillance again, and thus abandoning his dear friend Strašlipka in order to spare him of any possible complications in the future.
The film´s director-consultant was Vladimír Vlček.
spisovatel Jaroslav Hašek
vojín Josef Strašlipka
náčelnice štábu garnizony Šura
generál Václav
bělogvardějec Polivanov
Jakov Sverdlov, předseda výkonného výboru
velitel brigády
pobočník velitele Miťka
starosta města
tajný detektiv
policejní inspektor
rakouský arcivévoda František Ferdinand d'Este, následník trůnu
česká vévodkyně Žofie Chotková, arcivévodova žena
vzdávající se ruský voják
host v hospodě
recepční hotelu
Jerofejev, pomocník velitele Jaroslava Haška
Mefodij, spolupiják starosty
voják s roztrhanými botami
zrzavý voják
voják, otec šesti dcer
voják s foukací harmonikou
voják, Haškův spolubojovník
stařík odevzdávající pistoli
anglický generál
Pjotr Petrovič, pomocník Jakova Sverdlova
revoluční soudruh
hostitelka na Haškově svatbě
Valentina Kuzněcova /ž/
Vladimír Vlček (konzultant režiséra)
Orchestr hlavní správy kinematografie SSSR (Music Conducted by Emin Chačaturjan)
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Josef Abrhámsbor
Velká cesta
Velká cesta
The Great Journey
Bolšaja doroga
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, biography
Czechoslovakia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
projection approval 1 March 1963
withdrawal from distribution 1988
premiere abroad 27 April 1963 (Moskva, Sovětský svaz)
premiere 15 October 1963 /suitable for youths/ (kina Jalta /2 týdny/, Revoluce /1 týden/ a Arbes /1 týden od 25. 10./, Praha)
premiere 18 October 1963 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
feature film
97 min
2 750 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, German, Russian