As on every working day, Jana Černá gets her children ready for school. Then they all run together through a rainy morning to catch a tram. The postwoman manages to hand her a telegram from her husband. He is coming back home that evening after being away for four weeks on business. The children get off at their school and Jana carries on to the polyclinic where she works as a nurse at the children's ward. She has a lot of work ahead of her: vaccination of numerous invited children in the morning and family visits in the afternoon. Jana is anxious just thinking about how she will manage - after work, she also has to do the shopping and get to the dry cleaners on time. When a young colleague offers to fill in the patients' cards for her, she is relieved. Some of the afternoon baby visits prove unnecessary; others prove valuable for the inexperienced parents. Jana rushes and breaks her shoe heel and a stranger helps her; the lady at the dry cleaners is already closing up but kindly opens the shop for her. On the tram, Jana thinks about her busy schedule, and how much more free she would be if she stayed at home. Nonetheless, she loves her work and so she always changes her mind about quitting. At home, she finds her children in the middle of a wet floor; they wanted to help her with the cleaning. Finally, all is sorted out. Jana is in front of the mirror and her little son snuggles up to her, telling her how much he likes the way she looks. The bell rings. The father has come back home.
zdravotní sestra Jana Černá
zdravotní sestra Mirka
matka Zikánová
matka Řehořová
Oldřich Bílek
Božena, Bílkova žena
lékař v ordinaci
matka Zelenková
průvodčí tramvaje
Karlík, Janin syn
zaměstnankyně opravny
vrchní číšník František, zákazník opravny
zaměstnankyně čistírny
mladá matka
starší lékař
správce domu Král
Kubíčkova matka
Janička, Janina dcera
nažehlená žena v tramvaji
rozčílený muž v restauraci
matka na poliklinice
holčička v čekárně
Zdenka Pešulová, Viktor Riebauer, Zdenka Karlovská
Miloš Osvald, Jiří Rulík
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer sbor
Deštivý den
Deštivý den
Rainy Day
featuretheatrical distribution
projection approval 10 April 1962
preview 15 February 1963 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 22 February 1963 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Pasáž /3 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 22 February 1963 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
no caption
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Brož, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
medium length film
33 min
936 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Festival: 6. Grand Premio Bergamo – mezinárodní festival uměleckých filmů a filmů o umění Bergamo
Bergamo / Italy
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