During his time working as a screenwriter at the Barrandov film studios in the 1960s, the writer Arnošt Lustig only participated in films that were based on his literary source materials. In 1962, he reworked his story Noc a naděje (Night and Hope) into the wartime prison drama Transport from Paradise (A Convoy Leaving Paradise), which was directed by Zbyněk Brynych. This impressive movie is set in the Terezín ghetto in the autumn of 1944. The discovery of an anti-fascist poster by the camp’s management should be a death sentence for 4,000 men and women, who await immediate transportation to the Birkenau extermination camp. However, in an atmosphere of hopelessness and in the shadow of death, the prisoners do not lose their dignity, as well as their faith in humanity and in ordinary love... In the 1960s, Zbyněk Brynych also revisited the period of the Second World War with the films A pátý jezdec je Strach (And the Fifth Rider Is Fear, 1964) as well as Já, spravedlnost (I, Justice, 1967).
It is autumn 1944. SS General Knecht has arrived to inspect the Theresienstadt ghetto. In the ghetto, the filming of the propagandist movie Theresienstadt, better known as The Führer Gives the Jews a Town is going on. The Nazis want to convince the world that the people of Jewish origin who are being transported to Theresienstadt from all over Europe are living happy lives. An orchestra is playing, children are playing, too, and the façades of houses pride themselves with shop-signs of various non-existent shops and cafés. The general praises the work of the camp's leader, von Holler, aware he can now approve the camp's visit by the representatives of the Red Cross. Then he discovers an anti-fascist poster and orders an immediate transport of four thousand women and men to the Birkenau extermination camp. SS First Lieutenant Herz is appointed to find the culprit. The chairman of the Jewish "autonomous" Council of the Elders, Löwenbach, refuses to formally sign up the lists of the deported, and is thus locked up to a cell. His deputy Marmulstaub, however, meets the wishes of the Nazis and signs up. The night before the transport, very young prisoner Líza gives a loving embrace to several of her friends, for they all can sense their impending death. Herz shoots Fiala, one of the creators of the poster, but the prisoner manages to run away and hide. In the morning, all the almost sixty thousand prisoners thus have to line up on the Apelplatz for roll-call. Herz finally discovers Fiala among them. Then the prisoners leave for the transport train, which takes them away from the Theresienstadt "paradise" to the hell of the gas chambers.
David Löwenbach, předseda Rady starších
obersturmführer SA Moritz Herz
vězeň Hynek Roubíček
generál SS Josef Knecht
sluha na komandatuře Mukl
Ignatz Marmulstaub, Löwenbachův zástupce
Herzův řidič Binde
podplukovník SS von Holler, velitel tábora
vězeň Joachim Spiegel
kabaretiér Kurt Gerron
vězeňkyně Elisabeth Feinerová
vězeň Vlastimil Fiala
Voice by Jaroslava Tvrzníková
Lieselotte Grabová zvaná Líza
důstojník SS, generálův adjutant
příslušník SS
důstojník SS
důstojník SS
důstojník SS
důstojník SS
důstojník SS
důstojník SS
Štěpán, Anin milý
průmyslník Mayer
muž mluvící holandsky
blokový starší
unterscharführer SS Siegfried Mahl
francouzský vězeň
muž zařazený do transportu
příslušník SS
člen filmového štábu
Arnošt Lustig (Noc a naděje – sbírka povídek)
Josef Calta, Ludmila Sovová, Miloš Sršeň
Ludmila Venclíková, Jaroslav Jaroš
Jaroslava Čapková (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf)
Jiří Jirmal /kytara/
Singer mužský sbor
Song Composer Norbert Schultze
Writer of Lyrics Hans Leip
Singer mužský hlas
Transport z ráje
Transport z ráje
A Convoy Leaving Paradise
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, tragedy
literary Screenplay approved 9 November 1961
technical Screenplay approved 19 January 1962
start of filming 26 March 1962
end of filming 2 August 1962
projection approval 3 October 1962
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
preview 1 March 1963 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 8 March 1963 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Paříž /3 týdny/, Revoluce /1 týden od 15. 3./ a Dukla /1 týden od 22. 3./, Praha)
premiere 15 March 1963 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
92 min
2 612 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, English, German, French
without subtitles
Event: Anketa Sdružení švýcarského filmového tisku
Bern / Switzerland
Event: Státní ceny za rok 1963
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Zbyněk Brynych
Festival: Mezinárodní festival odbojových filmů Cuneo
Cuneo / Italy
Festival: 4. mezinárodní filmový festival Viennale
Vídeň / Austria
Festival: 5. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 5. festival českých a slovenských filmů Ústí nad Labem
Ústí nad Labem / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 16. mezinárodní filmový festival Locarno
Locarno / Switzerland
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