Some children are playing football in a small open space between blocks. The best player among them is a girl - Ivana Petrů. When boys from another street arrive for a friendly match, they refuse to play with a girl. Ivana leaves for home. In the game, the boys have a quarrel over a disputable goal and a man who had been watching them inconspicuously offers himself to act as a referee. Ivana's brother - her twin Igor - then boasts to the sister about the event. The unknown man is coach Svoboda, a former member of the Czechoslovak national football team, who invites the boys to become members of the junior team of the local football union. Ivana is a girl gifted in sports and the boys respect that, and thus they at least teach her everything between the blocks that they have learned during the training. In the first juniors' match, Mirek breaks his leg. There is no one to substitute for him, and Igor makes up a plan. They cut Ivana's hair short and take her to a training session, where Igor passes her off as his brother Ivan. The neutral surname cannot reveal her true identity, and the coach, satisfied with her results, agrees to accept her on the team. In the juniors' tournament, Ivana is the best of all again and her goal decides the whole match. From the loud encouragement of her parents and her teacher among the spectators, however, Ivana's true identity is revealed. The girl runs away from the playground and the match is annulled. She will likely get away with her "misdemeanour". Despite that, she would like to be a boy most of all things under the sun.
žákyně a fotbalistka Ivana Petrů
žák a fotbalista Igor Petrů, Ivanino dvojče
žák a fotbalista Franta
fotbalový trenér Svoboda
konstruktér a bývalý fotbalista Petrů, otec dvojčat
Voice by Libuše Havelková
Petrů, matka dvojčat
žák a fotbalista Mirek Bureš
žák a fotbalista Bóďa
užalovaná spolužačka Helena
spolužačka Eva
kapitán fotbalového družstva Paneláků
Voice by Eva Klepáčová
učitelka Boučková
pískající kluk
hlas komentáře z televizoru
Marta Novotná
František Strangmüller, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Ivana v útoku
Ivana v útoku
Ivana Attacks
Dvojčata v útoku
featuretheatrical distribution
children, sport
technical Screenplay approved 5 October 1962
start of filming 20 May 1963
end of filming 9 October 1963
projection approval 29 December 1963
withdrawal from distribution 30 September 1991
premiere 4 June 1964 /suitable for youths/ (kino Tatra /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 5 June 1964 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
feature film
64 min
1 809 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Exhibition: 3. mezinárodní filmový týden Teherán
Teherán / Iran
Exhibition: 4. celostátní přehlídka československých filmů pro děti a mládež Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 16. mezinárodní filmový festival pro děti a mládež Benátky
Benátky / Italy
Festival: 16. mezinárodní filmový festival pro děti a mládež Benátky
Benátky / Italy
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