Věra Řeháková is preparing for her wedding. It is raining outside and uninvited memories of various experiences with her husband-to-be Zdeněk Procházka trouble the young woman's mind. There is only one pleasant memory; all the rest still hurt her. She remembers Zdeněk's rude reaction when she told him she was pregnant; how he didn't support her when she alerted everyone to the misdoings of some co-workers from their tractor unit, and demanded an auditing commission; how cynical his comment was when she once paused before some wedding photographs in the window of the local photography studio. Finally, she is all dressed up and ready, and director Votava, her father and her friend Lojza take her to the town hall registry office. But there is no sign of the bridegroom. He has spent the whole night drinking with his friends at the warehouse and has obviously fallen asleep there. They hurry to fetch the groom and soon drive back with him in his dirty boiler suit. His embarrassed mother helps him into his wedding suit and finally they get him in front of the marriage official. Věra's ugly memories are more and more intrusive until she finally turns around and leaves the town hall without uttering a single word. At home, laughing and crying at the same time, she starts tidying up. She is determined to start an independent, and a more worthy life.
Věra Řeháková zvaná Píšťalka
Lojza, Věřin kamarád
Zdeněk Procházka, Věřin ženich
Votava, ředitel traktorové stanice
řídící Řehák, Věřin otec
Ježek, Zdeňkův kolega
Dubovský, Zdeňkův kolega
Zdeňkova matka
Zdeňkův otec
domovnice Ryšánková
Vrba, Zdeňkův kolega
Horák, Zdeňkův kolega
Jan Trefulka (Pršelo jim štěstí – povídka ze sbírky Pršelo jim štěstí)
Karel Kočí, Bohuslav Varhaník, Jaroslava Vilímková
Jiří Kejř, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Petr Čapek, Dana Dudová
Josef Protiva, Ivana Strahovská
Ivana Strahovská (klapka), Alena Červená (fotografka), obyvatelé města Hořovice
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Svatební pochod)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Pršelo jim štěstí
Pršelo jim štěstí
It Rained Happiness
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 21 December 1962
technical Screenplay approved 4 March 1963
start of filming 3 May 1963
end of filming 22 July 1963
projection approval 18 November 1963
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1973
premiere 20 March 1964 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Alfa /2 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 27 March 1964 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Brož, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
68 min
1 948 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
without subtitles