It is Saturday and the construction worker Kája Micka has just received his wages. His father, a brute and a notorious alcoholic, comes at once and extorts all the money out of him, as he has done many times before. Kája's mother, a tough and bitter woman, does not believe that Kája did not spend the money. She likes neither Kája nor his younger sister Růža. Her favourite is the elder son Rudolf, a cruel and selfish man who did not even invite his family, which he is ashamed of, to his wedding. Kája is deft and industrious and desperately tries to make the family look functional - he regularly searches for his father in the pubs and is kind to his mother even despite her assaults and slaps. He is the favourite of the group of friends with which he regularly goes to a country cottage, but all the same, from time to time they make fun of him for his constant lack of money. Kája is musically talented, plays guitar and studied civil engineering. However, the situation in his family forced him to leave school and work as an auxiliary worker. Some time ago, he loved one girl from the group, a hairdresser Bimba, but she preferred the well-established Hynek. Kája's life is paradoxically changed for the better by the tragic death of his drunk father, who is run over by a car. Kája leaves for the Kladno steel foundry and becomes one of the best workers with the support of the brickmaster Naxera. He also finds a new love, Alena, a girl working in the factory canteen.
Voice by Josef Abrhám
Kája Micka zvaný Kočka
kadeřnice Bimba, Kájova kamarádka
Hynek, Kájův kamarád
Voice by Zuzana Stivínová
Alena, dívka ze závodní jídelny
Růža, Kájova nejmladší sestra
Kájova matka
uhlíř Micka, Kájův otec
Hanka, Kájova kamarádka
Kristus, Hančin manžel
Rudolf, Kájův starší bratr
Eliška, Rudolfova žena
mistr Gustav Naxera
překladatelka Jiřina, vdova po letci
vedoucí osobního oddělení
úředník v náborové kanceláři
ošetřovatel v léčebně
číšník v nádražní restauraci
Voice by Petr Kostka
Pepek, Kájův kamarád
Voice by Miloš Vavruška
Hynkův otec
Hynkova matka
přítel Hynkovy matky
suchý chlapík, žadatel o práci
Pepkova matka
Rudolfova přítelkyně
prodavačka oděvů
Eliščin otec
mistr Robert
železničář na motorce
Dagmar Zelenková, Marie Kaplanová
Vladimír Zajíc
Emanuel Dvořáček, Ivan Ernyei, Eva Slívová
Adolf Böhm, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Jaromír Lukáš, Jiří Kamarýt
Dagmar Rašilovová
Emanuela Peterová (klapka)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Jiří Jirmal /kytara/
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer mužský hlas
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics parafráze Stavěli tesaři hospodu
Singer sbor
Na laně
Na laně
On the Tightrope
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 6 August 1962
start of filming 17 September 1962
technical Screenplay approved 29 September 1962
end of filming 24 May 1963
projection approval 3 July 1963
withdrawal from distribution 1 September 1974
premiere 25 October 1963 /unsuitable for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 1 November 1963 /unsuitable for youths/ (kino Blaník /4 týdny/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Švabík – Procházka, Jan Procházka (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Erich Švabík (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
110 min
3 145 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
without subtitles