The terror unleashed in Bohemia and Moravia following the assassination of the Acting Reichsprotector Heydrich, has hit the whole Czech resistance hard and almost destroyed it. With the aim of re-establishing broken communications with the resistance and helping it to resume the fight, three parachutists are sent from Moscow: Štěpán, Karel and Honza. All of them land without injury at the designated spot, from where they are supposed to continue by train. They have bad luck almost as soon as they are back in their homeland. A railway worker who recognizes Karel as a former schoolmate betrays them. Honza pays for the betrayal with his life. Štěpán and Karel continue on their way to Prague, where after long and hopeless wanderings they find shelter and the hope of link-up with the resistance. They are helped by a Doctor Gruber, but when they are receiving instructions in a hospital they are clearly overheard by a waiting patient. Karel, who continues to be tormented by a sense of guilt at Honza's death, since he had failed to kill the cowardly schoolmate in time, shoots at the patient. This draws the attention of German soldiers and in the following struggle he dies. The wounded man on the hospital bed simply quietly repeats, "I know nothing", in front of the Gestapo. Like Karel's, his death is pointless. Only Štěpán is left to fulfil orders and establish communication with the resistance.
Štěpán Hradecký
Karel Vrána, vlastním jménem Vacek
MUDr. Gruber
Eda Hertl
Voice by Alena Kreuzmannová
Hertlova žena
Zdena, Kalábova žena
odbojář Petr Vosecký
Voseckého žena
odbojář Malík
železničář Moučka
Moučkova žena
výčepní Marie Uhrová
udavačka Kirchmaierová
železniční strážný Pinkas
důstojník wehrmachtu
německý voják
výběrčí plynu
postřelený pacient
host v hospodě
mladý dělník v tramvaji
sousedka Malásková
gestapák ve vlaku
ruský navigátor
gestapák v nemocnici
železničář Loukotka
důstojník wehrmachtu
gestapák v civilu
gestapák v civilu
mladá průvodčí
dělník před továrnou
muž v koženém kabátě
hlas kněze, znějící z kostela
Vladimír Zajíc
Viktor Fixl, Jan Drvota, Karel Kočí
Ladislav Hausdorf, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Vladislav Špidra, Jiří Zika, Artur Stacha
Jindřich Dvořák, Vít Pešina
Jaroslav Chlasták (fotograf), Ivana Mikolášová
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Writer of Lyrics Jiří VoskovecJan Werich
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Skok do tmy
Skok do tmy
A Leap in the Dark
Spojení přerušeno
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 3 July 1963
technical Screenplay approved 3 September 1963
start of filming 12 October 1963
end of filming 29 January 1964
projection approval 6 May 1964
withdrawal from distribution 31 August 1976
premiere 21 August 1964 /suitable for youths/ (kino Lucerna /2 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 28 August 1964 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
91 min
2 580 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, German
without subtitles