On All Souls' Day, head official Vavřinec Konopka watches his friend and colleague auditor Koláč with more than a bit of envy as the man sits in the pub relishing his sirloin. All he has to look forward to is garlic soup and the nagging of his wicked wife. But that day in November, he is in for a surprise. No faults, and a roasted goose ready served on the table. After the meal, Konopka heads for the graveyard. When he returns, the man is greeted by another surprise. His wife has fled with a circus artiste and all their savings. She has found her husband a housekeeper before leaving. Konopka quickly gets used to the situation. The housekeeper Trpalová looks after him caringly and soon they develop a deeper bond. And when Trpalová is expecting his child, the blissful Konopka requests a divorce. But now the wife has come back, her lover having abandoned her when Konopka's money had been spent. She forces Trpalová to leave immediately and wants to take her old place. Konopka rebels and now she is the one to file for divorce and wants to destroy Konopka. Unfortunately, the letter of the law is on her side. Finally, it all ends well. Konopka meets his wife's lover at the pub. For a reward the man is prepared to testify that Konopka's wife lived with him and even that she performed in the circus. It is All Souls' Day once again and Konopka's flat resounds with the first cry of his newborn daughter.
In the introductory titles the film title is followed by a sentence: "How Mrs Petronila Konopková defrauded her husband Vavřinec, her hearth and home". The film was broadcast on Czechoslovak Television and screened in cinemas.
c. a k. vrchní oficiál Vavřinec Konopka zvaný Lorenc
vrchní revident Koláč
Petronila Konopková, rozená Slejšková, Konopkova žena
hospodyně Tonička Trpalová zvaná Trpalka
cirkusák Matěj Chramostejl
kartářka Anastasie Wyhnalek
vrchní rada
domovnice Brejchová
zřízenec Kropáček
Ignát Herrmann (Dušičkový příběh – povídka)
Vladimír Opletal (hlavní kameraman), Miroslav Řezníček, Karel Holub, Kamil Kadeřábek
Jaroslav Ciboch, Karel Lukáš
Josef Pitrák, František Jaderník
Miroslav Pešan (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Singer Josef Kemr
Singer Jan Pivec
Příběh dušičkový
Příběh dušičkový
Čili kterak se paní Petronila Konopková choti svému Vavřincovi a krbu domácímu zpronevěřila
The All Souls' Day Story
How Mrs Petronila Konopková defrauded her husband Vavřinec, her hearth and home
Dušičkový příběh
featuretheatrical distribution
projection approval 1964
start of filming 17 March 1964
end of filming 31 July 1964
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1975
non-distribution premiere 26 December 1964 (televizní uvedení ČST)
premiere 18 June 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 25 June 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Paříž /2 týdny/, Praha)
Československá televize Praha (zadavatel), Televizní filmová tvorba Praha, Filmové studio Barrandov
Ústřední půjčovna filmů (uvedení v kinech), Československá televize Praha (uvedení v televizi)
Skupina zakázkových filmů, Antonín Bedřich (vedoucí Skupiny zakázkových filmů)
feature film
95 min
2 695 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles