The Assassination





Production year



20 August 1965


100 min




ballad, drama, historical, war


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title


Czech title


English title

The Assassination

Working title

Operace Kanibal


Dramatic events tied to the assassination of Nazi Reichsprotektor Reinhard Heydrich inspired a remarkable film in 1964, brought to life by director Jiří Sequens. The most celebrated title in his extensive filmography, it depicts Operation Anthropoid, the biggest and most important mission carried out by the anti-fascist resistance under the Czechoslovak government in-exile of President Edvard Beneš. Unlike other films of its era exploring Second World War themes, Atentát (The Assassination) did not note the role the communist resistance played in the fight against Nazism. For that reason, the screenplay could not be approved in the late 1950s and was not realised until after the easing of political censorship. But to show that in the Protectorate there were other effective forms of resistance was of course in 1964 too daring. The film reconstructs the preparation for the operation, its implementation in May 1942, the harsh repression that followed Heydrich’s death and the frantic search for the perpetrators – the paratroopers who successfully carried out the assassination – and the disclosure of their hideout and the taking of their own lives. Sequens shot the film in black and white and a widescreen format, and reconstructed the events with the precision of a documentarist. During the production use was made of a series of frames based on photographs from the Gestapo’s archives (the positions of cars on the street also played an important role for him), the testimony of witnesses and many other sources. Shooting from the actual spot where the events took place also helped the director obtain a realistic result. The film in this way preserved images of the places where the assassination and related events unfolded (despite the topography having changed due to later construction). The names of the paratroopers, however, were altered for the film (instead of Kubiš, Gabčík and Valčík, the protagonists are called Král, Strnad and Vyskočil). The dedication of the true fallen heroes was captured by actors Radoslav Brzobohatý, Rudolf Jelínek and Ladislav Mrkvička, respectively.


It is autumn 1941. Acting Reichsprotector Reinhard Heydrich has taken up his position in the occupied Czech lands and Moravia. His old rival from the Nazi supremoes, Admiral Canaris, objects to Heydrich's cruelty, which raises great hatred everywhere he goes. Meanwhile, selected Czechoslovak soldiers undergo paratrooper training in Great Britain; the soldiers are then to be dropped into Czech territory to support the local resistance. Several groups of well-trained men will soon see their homeland. They succeed in contacting members of the resistance and find a hiding place in Prague. They manage to contact the command in Britain via transmitter. The required air-raid on the Škoda factory in Plzeň fails. Heydrich and Canaris visit the St Vitus' Cathedral and the Reichsprotector capriciously puts the crown of the Bohemian kings on his head - an act which, as the legend goes, will bring him death. Two of the soldiers - Strnad and Vyskočil - assassinate Heydrich. They step in front of his car, severely wound the Protector and run away. Heydrich dies and the revenge of the occupying forces is horrendous. Hundreds of citizens are executed. The village of Lidice is burnt to the ground and all its inhabitants are massacred. Due to the betrayal of one of the paratroopers, Karel Vrbas, the Nazis find the church where the others are hiding. All those who had hitherto provided them a shelter are arrested and executed. The paratroopers, however, do not give up and those who survive the fire fight kill themselves rather than surrender.


According to Mr Jiří Sequens, the director, the participants in the assassination of the Acting Reichsprotektor Heydrich act in the movie under the cover names which were assigned to them in Great Britain. Their personal documents, necessary for survival in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the Second World War, were issued under these names.


Radoslav Brzobohatý

nadporučík Král

Rudolf Jelínek

rotmistr Strnad zvaný Ota

Ladislav Mrkvička

rotmistr Vyskočil zvaný Zdeněk

Luděk Munzar

nadporučík Sedlák

Josef Vinklář

rotný Karel Vrbas

Siegfried Loyda

zastupující říšský protektor Reinhard Heydrich

Harry Studt

admirál Wilhelm Canaris, vedoucí Abwehru

Wolf Goette

obersturmbannführer SS Walter Jacobi, vedoucí úřadovny SD v protektorátu

Gerhard Rachold

sturmbannführer Görke

Harald Halgardt

generál Abwehru

Jiří Kodet

rotmistr Toušek zvaný Jožka

Vlastimil Čaněk

rotmistr Zelinka

Jaroslav Dufek

rotmistr Tolar zvaný Jirka

Václav Kutheil

parašutista Hrubý

Pavel Molčík

Voice by Stanislav Fišer
parašutista Sedláček

Jiří Holý

velitel odbojářů Ondra Pavelka

Jaroslav Moučka

odbojář Vašek

Petr Oliva

Víťa Otradovec, spojka

Jiří Vršťala

plukovník československé armády ve Velké Británii

Vlasta Matulová

Otradovcová, Víťova matka

Vladimír Hlavatý

odbojář Otradovec, Víťův otec

Oldřich Velen

Voice by Jindřich Narenta
gestapák Sleicher

Gustav Heverle

kapitán československé armády ve Velké Británii

Miloš Vavruška

kaplan Vladimír Petřek

Eduard Dubský

plukovník Abwehru Horst

Alex Jandouš

důstojník SS

Ivo Foustka

gestapák Heinz Pannwitz

Pavel Robin


Richard Záhorský

státní tajemník Úřadu říšského protektora Karl Hermann Frank

Ludmila Dyrová


Věra Kalenská


Milada Lukašovská


Pavel Bártl

šikovatel Johannes Klein, Heydrichův řidič

Josef Trousílek

šikovatel Johannes Klein, Heydrichův řidič

mjr. Miroslav Barták

velitel SS

Jiří Cimický

důstojník SS

Karel Černoch


Jaroslav Ciboch

anglický major

Oto Ševčík

důstojník SD u mapy

Jan Neubert

anglický důstojník

Vladimír Navrátil

důstojník SS

Vladimír Machek

anglický instruktor Flemming

Jan Laibl

gestapák Löscher

Jaroslav Krupař

důstojník RAF

Pavel Kvasnička

Heydrichův sluha

Ing. Křížek

říšský vedoucí SS Heinrich Himmler

Jiří Hein

příslušník SS

Josef Šolc


Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Otakar Fuka

Assistant Director

Jindřich Mastik, Jana Novotná

Shooting Script

Jiří Sequens

Director of Photography

Rudolf Milič st.

Second Unit Photography

Josef Pechar, Josef Pávek

Camera Operator

Jiří Širc

Production Designer

Karel Lier

Assistent Production Designer

Libuše Jahodová

Set Designer

Miloslav Dvořák, Jiří Čermák, Libor Speychal

Costume Designer

Libuše Hozová

Film Editor

Jan Chaloupek

Assistant Film Editor

Jana Suková

Sound Designer

Jiří Kejř, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)

Assistant Sound Designer

Miroslav Helmich

Special Effects

Trikový ateliér FSB

Special Effects

Antonín Rokos (pyrotechnik), Jiří Pelant (pyrotechnik)

Production Manager

Zdeněk Oves

Unit Production Manager

Jiří Beránek, Vilém Henzel

Unit Production Manager

Jaroslav Vágner


pplk. Trylč, pplk. Miroslav Pelc, mjr. Vladimír Machek, mjr. Novák, mjr. Miroslav Barták, kpt. Klusáček


Československá lidová armáda, Marie Koubková (klapka), Jindřich Aleš (vrchní osvětlovač), Karel Brož (vrchní osvětlovač), Jiří Stach (fotograf), Miroslav Svoboda, dr. Fuchs, Konopický, Vondrák


Selected Music

Ludwig van Beethoven (Symfonie č. 5 c moll /Osudová/)

Music Advisor

Miloš Vacek


Škoda lásky

Song Composer Jaromír Vejvoda

Mám já milou za vodou

Writer of Lyrics Otakar Fuka
Singer mužský sbor

Es zittern die morschen Knochen

Song Composer Hans Baumann
Writer of Lyrics Hans Baumann
Singer mužský sbor

Production info

Original Title


Czech Title


English Title

The Assassination

Working Title

Operace Kanibal




featuretheatrical distribution


ballad, drama, historical, war

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 3 September 1963
technical Screenplay approved 11 November 1963
start of filming 24 February 1964
end of filming 14 October 1964
projection approval 23 December 1964
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1993


premiere 7 May 1965 /suitable for youths/ (kino Alfa /8 týdnů/, Praha)
premiere 20 August 1965 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
renewed premiere 26 May 2022 /suitable for all ages without limit/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize


Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1965), Národní filmový archiv (obnovená 2022)

Creative Group

Tvůrčí skupina Šmída – Fikar, Ladislav Fikar (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

100 min

Original length in metres

2 841 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm, DCP 2-D, BRD

Aspect ratio

1:1,85, 1:2,35


black & white



Sound system/format




Dialogue languages

Czech, German

Subtitles languages


Opening/End credits languages




Event: Cena Národního výboru hlavního města Prahy 1965

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Kamil Pixa


Event: Cena Národního výboru hlavního města Prahy 1965

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Sequens


Event: 7. mezinárodní kongres Mezinárodní unie filmových technických sdružení Praha

Praha / Czechoslovakia


Event: Cena Národního výboru hlavního města Prahy 1965

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Miloslav Fábera


Event: Výroční ceny Víta Nejedlého 1965

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Sequens


Event: Umělecká soutěž k 20. výročí osvobození Československa

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Kamil Pixa


Festival: 16. filmový festival pracujících

32 měst / Czechoslovakia


Event: Umělecká soutěž k 20. výročí osvobození Československa

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Miloslav Fábera


Festival: 6. mezinárodní filmový festival Soluň

Soluň / Greece


Event: Umělecká soutěž k 20. výročí osvobození Československa

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Sequens


Festival: 4. mezinárodní filmový festival Moskva

Moskva / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Event: Umělecká soutěž k 20. výročí osvobození Československa

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Sequens

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