In 1965, director Jindřich Polák and screenwriter Vratislav Blažek worked together on this East German co-production. It provided few hints of the future successes both men would achieve. The protagonist of the comedy story is a marriage counsellor, the doctor Pavel Novák – himself in a happy relationship with ice skater Eva. On the day of the couple’s second wedding anniversary, Eva mysteriously disappears. Gripped by jealousy, Pavel imagines all the different scenarios that might surround the vanishing of his wife... This light film is built upon bringing to life a series of jealous fantasies through a number of ice skating sequences, underscored by contemporary pop music numbers sung by Eva Pilarová, Waldemar Matuška and Karel Štědrý. Husband Pavel is portrayed by Jiří Lír, while Eva is performed by real-life figure skater Olga Divínová.
Doctor of Social Sciences Pavel Novák regularly appears on television in discussions of marital problems. He himself is happily married to the figure skater Eva, who is appearing in an ice revue. On the day of his second wedding anniversary Novák invites a young quarrelling married couple to dinner, wanting to give them a practical example of how a good marriage works. And just when Pavel is so much depending on it, Eva is not returning. The celebration, attended by another couple of neighbours, is ruined. Pavel starts to imagine all kinds of situations in which Eva might have found herself. His dreams are like individual ice dance numbers, in each of which the usually so rational Novák sees his previously faithful wife in the arms of a different seducer. In the end he goes off to the stadium, but Eva has left hours before. Tormented by jealousy, Pavel drinks himself into the ground in a bar. Early in the morning the porter telephones his flat for help. The guests come for Pavel. When they try to get the drunken man in the lift, they find the desperate Eva, who has been stuck in the lift all night since trying to get home for the party. Everyone is pleased that the doctor's optimistic view of marriage has been confirmed. Except that Pavel has to beg the insulted Eva for forgiveness for his suspicions.
dr. Pavel Novák
Voice by Eva Klepáčová
Eva, Novákova žena
rybář Kaválek, Novákův soused
Kouba, Novákův soused
Voice by Jaroslava Tvrzníková
Alena Pokorná
Voice by Jan Tříska
Honza, Alenin muž
Voice by Míla Myslíková
Pavlína, Koubova milenka
Voice by František Hanus
Voice by Jiří Holý
Voice by Bohumil Švarc
Voice by Josef Beyvl
venkovský strýc
Voice by František Filipovský
předseda soudu
Voice by Oldřich Musil
František, vrátný v baru Trocadero
Evin partner na ledě
vrátný ve sportovní hale
televizní reportér
cizinec v baru
Voice by Milan Mach
televizní hlasatelka
dívka s cigaretovou špičkou
plešatý muž
Voice by Eva Svobodová
bufetářova žena
zvukový mistr
asistentka střihu
televizní divák
televizní divák
televizní divák
televizní divák
televizní divačka
televizní divačka
beatová skupina
divák hokeje
příslušník VB
hlas krasobruslařky
hlas ovětlovače
Jaroslav Pour, Doris Borkmann
Otakar Košťál, Erna Beranová, Lothar Stäglich, Christa Grewald
Gerrit List, Jan Kadlec, Dorothea Hildebrandt
Roland Dressel (fotograf), Bohuslav Kück (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj Uzelac), Taneční orchestr Československého rozhlasu (Music Conducted by Josef Vobruba), skupina Olympic
Luboš Ogoun, Míla Nováková
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer Karel Štědrý
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer soubor Jiřího Linhy
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer Eva Pilarová
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer Eva PilarováWaldemar Matuška
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer Eva Pilarová
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer Karel Štědrý
Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Vratislav Blažek
Singer soubor Jiřího LinhyKarel Štědrý
Strašná žena
Strašná žena
The Figure Skater and Fidelity
Eine schreckliche Frau
Die unmögliche Frau
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy
Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic
literary Screenplay approved 24 January 1964
technical Screenplay approved 7 July 1964
start of filming 10 August 1964
end of filming 12 February 1965
projection approval 12 June 1965
withdrawal from distribution 1 September 1974
premiere 2 July 1965 /suitable for youths/ (kino Alfa /3 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 17 December 1965 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Brož, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny), Roter Kreis (DEFA), Hans Mahlich (vedoucí skupiny Roter Kreis DEFA)
feature film
84 min
2 385 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
without subtitles