In 1965, director Jiří Weiss embarked upon an unusually ambitious project: the psychological drama Třicet jedna ve stínu (Ninety in the Shade). As a British co-production, which primarily uses English actors, it is based on a screenplay by noted playwright David Mercer. Among this playwright’s films adapted for the big screen we find Morgan! A Suitable Case for Treatment (dir. Karl Reiss, 1962, UK) and Providence (dir. Alain Resnais, 1977, Fr./Switz.). However, Weiss’s story of the theft of socialist property is very much attuned to the contemporary Czechoslovak environment. Set in a grocery store, the story sees manager Vorel (James Booth) forcing his lover Alena (Anne Heywood), to partake in the theft of costly alcoholic beverages in the shop. The young woman then commits suicide, and the honest stock controller Kurka (excellently portrayed by Rudolf Hrušínský) is well aware that the truth of this affair will never come to light. This interesting film was nominated for a Golden Globe in the non-English film category.
An surprise inspection turns up in a grocery store, headed by the incorruptible Doctor Kurka. The shop manager, Vorel, is absent and his deputy, Alena, who is his lover, tries to get him on the phone in vain, knowing that there are twelve bottles of expensive alcohol missing in the stock. Fortunately, the electricity goes off and the inventory is laid off to the next day. Alena has no idea that the electric conduit was intentionally damaged by Vorel. They both, however, make use of the laid-off inventory and in the evening manage to buy and replace the missing bottles. The next day, the inventory continues. Everything seems to be just fine until Kurka's assistant breaks one of the bottles and it comes out that instead of the expensive distillate, it contains only tea. The same holds for the rest of the bottles except those Alena and Vorel bought the evening before. The suspicion of the fraud falls on Alena who was responsible for the stock. The culprit, however, is Vorel, who fears for his family and begs Alena to take the guilt upon herself. Alena cannot bear the weight of disappointment and suspicion and poisons herself with gas. Kurka senses that she was not the actual thief, but cannot prove anything against Vorel - he can just helplessly stare into the shop where Vorel flirts with Alena's successor.
Voice by Otakar Brousek
vedoucí prodejny Milan Vorel
Voice by Alena Kreuzmannová
zástupce vedoucího Alena Burdová
inventurník JUDr. Rudolf Kurka
Voice by Zdenka Procházková
Kurkova žena
Voice by Čestmír Řanda
inventurník Bažant
Věra, Alenina sestra
kadeřník Emil Slavík, Věřin muž
mladá prodavačka Jana
ředitel podniku
prodavačka Marie Vávrová
prodavačka Marková
sekretářka Helena
žena na schodech
žena na schodech
Emilův kamarád
muž v telefonní budce
výčepní Lojza
prodavač v gastronomu
Jirka, syn Kurkových
kriminální úředník
muž v restauraci
žena se psem
chlapec na plovárně
žena na schodech
kriminální úředník
Stanislava Hutková
Bedřich Čermák, Karel Kytka, František Straka
Miloslav Hůrka, Milan R. Novotný, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Dagmar Rašilovová, Eva Hrubá
Luďka Žáková (klapka), Josef Vítek (fotograf)
Jazzový orchestr Československého rozhlasu (Music Conducted by Karel Krautgartner), Karel Krautgartner, Richard Kubernát, Laco Déczi, Rudolf Rokl, Karel Růžička, Ivan Dominák, Luděk Hulan, Milan Ulrich
Song Composer Luděk Hulan
Singer Marta Kubišová
Třicet jedna ve stínu
Třicet jedna ve stínu
Ninety in the Shade
Ninety Degrees in the Shade
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Great Britain
literary Screenplay approved 15 February 1964
technical Screenplay approved 20 February 1964
start of filming 23 July 1964
end of filming 30 October 1964
projection approval 5 May 1965
withdrawal from distribution 31 May 1973
premiere 1 October 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 29 October 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina 64 U Hradeb /1 týden/, Světozor /2 týdny od 12. 11./ a Aero /1 týden od 26. 11./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Brož, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
78 min
2 224 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
without subtitles
Event: 23. ročník Výročních cen Sdružení zahraničního tisku v Hollywoodu Zlaté glóby 1965
Los Angeles / United States of America
Festival: 15. mezinárodní filmový festival Berlinale Berlín
Západní Berlín / Federal Republic of Germany
Festival: 15. mezinárodní filmový festival Berlinale Berlín
Západní Berlín / Federal Republic of Germany