A youth facility in Hradiště strives to re-educate young people who have gone down the wrong path. The facility’s enlightened director, Pavlata (Radoslav Brzobohatý), sees to the conditional release of Pepík Adamec (Ladislav Potměšil). But unfortunately, the boy fails to find the necessary support from his family and colleagues upon returning to normal life. Conflicts seem to be a daily routine at the furniture factory where he gets work. He also cannot tolerate the behaviour of his mother (Jaroslava Adamová), who seeks solace from the burden of looking after Pepík’s dying father – in the arms of a lover. Following an assault on a workshop foreman, Pepík must return to the institution where no-one is interested in his problems, except for its director, Pavlata… Škola hříšníků (School of Sinners), directed in 1965 by Jiří Hanibal according to a script by Drahoslav Makovička, was an attempt at criticising the prevalent morals and social climate.
Teenage boys who have committed minor offences are arriving at a corrective educational facility in Hradiště. By the time they leave it at eighteen they are supposed to gain personal and work habits, which they lack mainly because of their unsatisfactory family backgrounds. The young and educated director Pavlata leads his charges to discipline and order, but also rewards them for successes. Pepík Adamec's good behaviour earns him an early conditional release. Pepík's sick father shows distrust for his "criminal" son, but he obtains well paid work in a furniture factory. The boy notices the hypocrisy and callousness of the adults with distaste. After a time he is assigned to worse work without a reason and has his fist conflict with the foreman Fulín. Pepík's mother runs away from her sick husband for some fun and a young lover. Her son's life does not interest her. When his father has an attack and he looks for his mother in a pub, she refuses to come home. The father dies and the conflict between Pepík and his mother reaches a climax at the crematorium, where the boy cannot stand her feigned grief. After the funeral Pepík overslept and gets to work a little late. When the foreman berates him he responds with a blow. Fulín makes sure Pepík has to return to the Home for Young People. The director Pavlata tries to discover what went wrong. He is puzzled by the indifference of his colleagues and their lack of interest in the now withdrawn Pepík. Pavlata resigns and the facility returns to its old barracks-style regime.
František Pavlata, ředitel Domova mládeže
Pepík Adamec
Jana, úřednice Domova mládeže
Adamcová, Pepíkova matka
Josef Adamec, Pepíkův otec
vychovatel Kloc
vychovatel Balcar
doktor v Domově mládeže
tovární mistr Fulín
kádrovačka Myšková
dělník Rybák
inspektor Kodeš
předseda ZV ROH
dělník Dlabola
člen ZV ROH
chovanec Marťan
chovanec Teddy
chovanec Hečky
chovanec Svítek
chovanec Piskoř
chovanec Domova mládeže
chovanec Domova mládeže
chovanec Domova mládeže
chovanec Domova mládeže
mladý dělník Douda
dělnice Miládka
mistr v Domově mládeže Cibula
milenec Adamcové
cestující v autobusu
cestující v autobusu
žena u stolu
dívka u brusky
člen ZV ROH
člen ZV ROH
členka ZV ROH
žena u ryb
Karel Kočí, Bohuslav Varhaník, Jaroslava Vilímková
Jan Syrový, Petr Čapek, Dana Dudová
Luďka Žáková (klapka), Alena Červená (fotografka)
Orchestr Karla Vlacha (Music Conducted by Karel Vlach), FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), skupina Karla Duby
Song Composer Evžen Illín
Singer sbor
Song Composer Evžen Illín
Singer Karel Hála
Song Composer Jaromír Vejvoda
Škola hříšníků
Škola hříšníků
School of Sinners
Orlí pera / Na shledanou, kajmane
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 27 November 1964
start of filming 15 April 1965
end of filming 23 August 1965
projection approval 29 October 1965
withdrawal from distribution 1 September 1974
premiere 14 January 1966 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 26 January 1966 /suitable for youths/ (kino Pasáž /2 týdny/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Brož, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
87 min
2 489 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Festival: Mezinárodní filmový festival Laren
Laren / the Netherlands
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