During the mid-1960s, writer Pavel Kohout came along with two back-to-back directorial efforts: the drama Sedm zabitých (Seven Days in Week, 1965) and Svatba s podmínkou (Marriage with Strings Attached, 1965). This latter story, also written by Kohout, is a comment on the crisis in available apartments of the time: Vlasta, a girl from outside of Prague, has completed teaching college and received a placement to teach at a rural school. But she decides to marry a Prague man, so as to be able to change professions and remain in the capital. However, instead of the agreed upon bridegroom, she accidentally commits to wed petrol pump attendant Vlastík. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of the wily Vlasta’s problems... The film, made during the era of the Czechoslovak New Wave, sees Marie Drahokoupilová (Vlasta) and Michael Junášek (Vlastík) in the lead roles. Vlasta’s lover Irka, who procures the sham marriage, is played by Radoslav Brzobohatý, whose later career tended to see him portraying decent, upstanding characters.
In front of a cinema the pretty and energetic young girl Vlasta addresses a waiting young man. She thinks he is the "bridegroom" that her lover Mirek has promised to arrange for her. Vlasta is not from Prague and as a newly graduated teacher she has to leave for a first work assignment in the country. She can only stay in the town and work in another field if she marries a man with official domicile in Prague. Mirek doesn't want to get married and has offered Vlasta his friend, who is a practical joker and would certainly be willing to marry her for a short time. At the agreed place Vlasta addresses Vlastík Vrána by mistake. He is not the promised friend, but he understands Vlasta's problem and agrees to the marriage. The young man works at a petrol station and since his mother's death has lived alone in a cooperative flat. After a short while the wedding takes place in Karlovy Vary. After the dinner the newly weds end up in a luxury hotel room and even in the same bed. Although Vlasta had intended to get a rapid divorce, it seems that kind Vlastík has charmed her and an almost idyllic relationship is developing between them. The woman cleans at home and takes lunches to her husband at work. But then she runs into Mirek. He is shocked to find that Vlasta is married, he did not sent anyone to the cinema that time. Suddenly he wants to marry Vlasta himself. The woman soon forgets her budding love for her husband. Vlastík is unhappy, and refuses to talk to Mirek and the lawyer. When Vlasta comes to his flat he silently hands over her things.
Vlasta Dočekalová
Vlastimil Vrána
architekt Mirek Frynta
Vlastina kamarádka
JUDr. Tomek Král
Mirek Mára, Vlastimilův kolega
funkcionář na závodech
příslušník VB, svědek na svatbě
příslušník VB, svědek na svatbě
číšník Karlíček
fotograf na svatbě
velitel VB
Marie Kaplanová
Ivan Ernyei, Jiří Cvrček, Vladimír Ježek
František Fabián, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Marcela Jakubcová (klapka), Jaroslav Chlasták (fotograf)
Bedřich Smetana (Prodaná nevěsta /árie Věrné naše milování/ – opera), Johann Strauss ml. (Na krásném modrém Dunaji)
Sonatori di Praga (Komorní orchestr Divadla Čs. armády)
Svatba s podmínkou
Svatba s podmínkou
Marriage with Strings Attached
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, bitter comedy
literary Screenplay approved 26 June 1964
technical Screenplay approved 27 August 1964
start of filming 21 September 1964
end of filming 28 January 1965
projection approval 20 July 1965
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
premiere 3 December 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 10 December 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina 64 U Hradeb /1 týden/ a Alfa /2 týdny od 25. 12./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
98 min
2 786 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
without subtitles
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