In 1965 experienced director Jaroslav Mach made a documentary with re-enacted scenes which addressed topical problems of football, a popular sport in Czechoslovakia. The filmmakers got behind the scenes of football via the team Slavoj, which was preparing for a decisive match. If the coach, Beran, didn’t get his lads to give a convincing performance there was a risk that they’d be relegated to the second league. After a series of dramatic mishaps, Slavoj arrived on the pitch so weakened that the dreaded failure became a reality. Fortunately, in the end the fans vented their anger over “their” team losing on the innocent referee. The film also included criticism of the match officials... Besides the actors Martin Růžek and Bohumil Šmída, Mach’s film also featured real football players from the legendary Dukla Prague club and big football names still celebrated at the time (for example, Slavia Prague's František Plánička, one of the most honoured players in the history of Czechoslovakian football).
Football is the most popular sport in Czechoslovakia alongside ice-hockey. Thousands and thousands of football fans cheer, rage, threaten and laugh at the stadiums. Then they leave and only very rarely do they learn anything about the worries of those who rouse and entertain them week after week. Slavoj team faces demotion to B league and its coach Jarda Beran must settle countless problems before the deciding match. Captain Koubek has been accused of using his hand to score the critical goal of the preceding match. Young Smolka, everybody's favourite, is turning into a primadonna. Technical manager Stárek harangues the excellent goalkeeper Sixta and keeps him on the bench. Stárek plays another negative role in the team, trying to set the players against one another. In all this, nobody really understands how he became such an all-powerful official. The day of the match is approaching, but the young inexperienced goalkeeper is too scared to play and Beran must persuade Sixta to cover for him. But Sixta is equally out of form, he has just had two beers. He does his best but still misses the ball twice. In the second half, the young goalkeeper braces himself and replaces Sixta. He misses the penalty kick and Slavoj loses the game. The angry crowd concentrates at the referee who has to flee from the stadium with his little son. The day is over; the fans have a fiery debate. Next week, however, they will yet again rush to the stadium.
on sám, herec
trenér Beran
Karel Koubek
Alois Sixta
lékař Slavoje
rozhodčí Válek
Smolkův otec
televizní reportér
trenér soupeře
korpulentní funkcionář
Růžkův přítel
masér Pytelka
člen výboru
člen výboru
Pepík Válek
trenérova dcera
televizní komentátor ve studiu
předseda komise
kapitán soupeře
hráč Slavoje
rozhlasový reportér
hráč soupeře
muž s holí
Koubkova žena
syn Koubkových
on sám, fotbalista
on sám, fotbalista
on sám, fotbalista
on sám
on sám, fotbalista v dokumentárních záběrech
on sám, fotbalista v dokumentárních záběrech
on sám, fotbalista
on sám, fotbalista
Miloslav Čech
Jan Novák, archivní záběry
Jiří Širc, Antonín Vojáček, Bohumil Paris
Karel Černoch, Jiří Rulík
Karel Prchal, Miloš Stejskal
Ctibor Novotný
Bohumil Musil, dr. Vratislav Fikejs, Rudolf Koros
Jitka Fryčová (klapka), Jiřina Znamenáčková (klapka), Karel Ješátko (fotograf), Ústřední sekce kopané ČSTV, Sparta ČKD Praha, Dukla Praha
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 4 March 1964
technical Screenplay approved 10 September 1964
start of filming 7 October 1964
end of filming 20 May 1965
projection approval 8 July 1965
withdrawal from distribution 30 April 1973
premiere 24 September 1965 /suitable for youths/ (kino Lucerna /3 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 15 October 1965 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
78 min
2 221 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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