The works of director Antonín Moskalyk are largely found in the television archives, but in 1965 he contributed to the Czech film satire genre with a comedy about quintuplets in the world of real socialism. The quintuplets are born to Mr. And Mrs. Tůma, but the family has nowhere to live. Officials arrive on the scene and decide to award the record-breakers secure accommodation; they house the Tůma family in a villa equipped with a number of modern inventions. The inventions usually don't work, however, and the close supervision of the bureaucrats causes the couple to become mutually alienated. The calm and comfort of the family is also destroyed by a requirement to ceaselessly fill in detailed questionnaires about their intimate life. Fortunately, a formula for boosting the birth rate eventually fails... This relaxing comedy, which takes some mildly ironic potshots at state planning, is the work of screenwriters Irena and Ota Hofmans. The main character roles were successfully handled by Dana Syslová and Oldřich Vlach.
Young married couple Eva and Jarda Tůma do not have a place of their own and cannot provide for a baby. However, nature wins and Eva becomes pregnant. At the maternity hospital, she gives birth to quintuplets. This great occasion does not escape the attention of the local and international media. The authorities decide to help support the family. They set up a commission for the care of the quintuplets, headed by Drahoslav Svitáček. The Tůmas move to a large villa with super modern furnishings. The various kinds of technical equipment do not always function perfectly and cause a lot of problems for the family. An international research centre employs Jarda, who originally worked at a children's shoe factory. Jarda secretly gives pills that the scientists would like to test on him to the experimental animals and soon the institute's buildings are filled with little rabbits, fish and monkeys. The continuous presence of complete strangers in the house does not really contribute to the peace of the family, nor does the couple's duty to fill in increasingly detailed questionnaires, enquiring about their intimate life. The state wants to increase the birth rate and the Tůmas are to be used as a model. The construction of a railway line, entirely incompetently planned by Svitáček in his previous post, is getting dangerously close to the villa. This diverts attention and Eva and Jarda have some time just for themselves. Eva gets pregnant again. Her delivery is eagerly awaited by masses of people, journalists and television crews. She gives birth to only one child. Everybody loses interest and leaves.
Eva Tůmová, matka paterčat
Jarda Tůma, otec paterčat
předseda komise Drahoslav Svitáček
vrchní zdravotní sestra
sekretářka Alenka
Svitáčkova sekretářka
ředitel gumáren
předseda závodní rady
vrátný v porodnici
sovětský novinář Jevgenij Babaněvs
německá novinářka Hilde Müllerová
francouzský novinář
anglický novinář
zahraniční novinářka
zahraniční novinář
blondýnka v bikinách
figurantka geodetů
dívka se slunečníkem
sovětský novinář
muž s puškou
geodet s teodolitem
muž převlečený za zdravotní sestru
polský novinář
fotbalový fanda
muž s kůlem
pracovnice MVÚPP
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pracovnice MVÚPP
pracovnice MVÚPP
pracovnice MVÚPP
pracovnice MVÚPP
pracovnice MVÚPP
pracovnice MVÚPP
hlas průvodce
Eliška Doubková
Miroslav Sinkule
Jan Novák, Emil Hora
Karel Kočí, Bohuslav Varhaník, Jaroslava Vilímková
Adolf Böhm, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)
Dana Dudová, Petr Čapek
Jan Syrový
Jana Rozbrojová (klapka), Ladislava Boudová (klapka), Miroslav Pešan (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Luboš Fišer
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Kopta
Singer sbor
Song Composer Luboš Fišer
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Kopta
Singer sbor
Délka polibku devadesát
Délka polibku devadesát
Kissing-time Ninety
Děti děti děti / Polibek dlouhý devadesát / Délka polibku 90
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, satire
literary Screenplay approved 28 June 1963
technical Screenplay approved 4 May 1964
start of filming 9 July 1964
end of filming 2 December 1964
projection approval 26 February 1965
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1971
premiere 2 July 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Pasáž /2 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 9 July 1965 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Šmída – Fikar, Ladislav Fikar (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
80 min
2 290 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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