A man wakes up in the morning, negligently performs some exercises and runs for work. Pursued by the constant ringing of an alarm clock, he whizzes through the day: dictating, making phone calls, rubber-stamping... The plate of spaghetti he got out of the vending machine he finally puts in the bag for lack of time. The man has no time for his beloved girl, and so cuts his date short and runs to give a lecture to people already waiting in an auditorium. They, however, do not pay much attention to him, playing cards, reading or knitting sweaters instead. The next lecture is intended for rabbit-breeders. Then the man conducts a women's choir and, immediately afterwards, coaches children's exercises in a gymnasium. The dials of clocks and alarm clocks circle around him. The pendulum then inexorably measures his future. With each swing of the pendulum, the Man's portrait grows older and his hollow scull appears as the last image.
spěchající muž
mladík s dlouhými vlasy
Ten čas
Ten čas
That Time
featuretheatrical distribution
projection approval 15 November 1966
preview 18 August 1967 (kino Čas /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 25 August 1967 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní /kina Čas/)
no caption
short film
14 min
395 meters
16mm, 35mm
tinting, black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles