In this crime drama directed by Zbyněk Brynych, the spa town of Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary) is presented as an elegant holiday resort attracting the international elite from the world of espionage. Transit Carlsbad (Carlsbad Transit, 1966) is an extraordinary item in screenwriter Jiří Procházka’s filmography. An implausible narrative follows the progress of successful Austrian biologist Dr. Lucke (Miroslav Macháček) who has become the target of several international spies following his invention of an artificial protein. Fortunately for the shy scientist, his stay in Carlsbad’s Moskva-Pupp hotel is left largely undisturbed thanks to the safeguards of mysterious agent 006, otherwise known as Elizabeth (Valentina Thielová). It turns out that 006 is a State Security employee… The film was not intended as a parody but was a distant take on otherwise unattainable James Bond movies. Jiří Adamíra, Josef Vinklář and Jiří Holý played the thwarted spies.
Austrian biologist, Professor Lucke, has invented an artificial albumen that may partially substitute for food in the future. The shy elderly man lives only for his science and has now come to have a rest in a spa. He has nice memories of Carlsbad from his childhood when he visited the town with his father. Lucke has no idea about being the centre of attention of a whole lot of suspiciously behaving people who, like him, have rented a room in the luxurious Carlsbad hotel Moskva-Pupp. Two Frenchmen - Mercadier and Carter - try to sneak into the scientist's room and steal his notebook. American agent Penniker knows both of them as colleagues of the same profession but his plan is much more daring. He invites a group of young men - reportedly American basketball players - to Carlsbad to kidnap Lucke, smuggle him over the border in a secret compartment of their car trunk and transport him to the United States. In the meantime, a mysterious elegant lady named Elizabeth has become a friend of Lucke. The members of the secret police arrive to the spa, warned by their agent "Six" about the prepared kidnapping. They seemingly let Penniker carry out the action - but instead of Lucke, the drugged and bound French agent Carter is taken to the border. Lucke peacefully enjoys his spa sojourn. Now we can see Agent "Six" - Elizabeth - leaving Carlsbad in a sport car, having successfully completed her mission.
profesor dr. Hubert Lucke, biolog
Francouz Mercadier
Francouz Carter
americký agent Penniker
Tarten, Pennikerův spolupracovník
sovětský generál
náčelník StB
liftboy Antonín
vrchní číšník
příslušník StB Chmelíček
PhDr. Konrád
příslušník StB
příslušník StB
příslušník StB
příslušník StB
příslušník StB
příslušník StB
dr. Kabeška
prodavačka oplatek
velitel Pohraniční stráže
úřednice na Rozvadově
muž StB
muž StB
muž StB
muž StB
muž StB
muž StB
muž StB
muž StB
příslušník Pohraniční stráže
příslušník Pohraniční stráže
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
člen basketbalového mužstva Rangers
hlas z filmového dokumentu
Emanuel Dvořáček, Jiří Čermák, Vladimír Ježek, Eva Slívová
Vladislav Špidra, Jiří Zika
Vladimír Pešek, A. Altschul
Miroslava Vopěnková (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf), zaměstnanci grandhotelu Moskva-Pu
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Studiová skupina Karla Duby (Music Conducted by Karel Duba)
Transit Carlsbad
Transit Carlsbad
Carlsbad Transit
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 15 September 1965
start of filming 27 October 1965
end of filming 14 July 1966
projection approval 19 October 1966
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
premiere 18 November 1966 /suitable for youths/ (kino Alfa /2 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 25 November 1966 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
94 min
2 686 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
Czech, English, German, French