The contrast between the big city and the disappearing, idyllic countryside is emphasised by Jiří Hanibal’s family film from 1966. At the time, in the mid-1960s, the 37-year-old director was one of those successful filmmakers who made two works independently of the spark provided by the Czechoslovak New Wave. Both then and later, he added a number of other films to his account whose protagonists were children (Malé letní blues [Little Summer Blues, 1967], Údolí krásných žab [The Valley of Beautiful Frogs, 1973], Anna, sestra Jany [Anna, Jana’s Sister, 1975], Neohlížej se, jde za námi kůň! [Don’t Look Round, a Horse Follows Us!, 1979], and Útěk s Cézarem [Escaping with Cézar, 1989]). The film was inspired by a novella from the writer Jan Ryska, who collaborated with the director on the screenplay for this story intended primarily for children. The protagonist is 5-year-old Jožánek Karpíšek, whose doctor parents (Jiřina Jirásková, Zdeněk Ornest) depart for two months on a business trip abroad. They entrust their son to their neighbour Ms Pokorná (Slávka Budínová), but she proves unable to look after the mischievous boy. Jožánek thus decides to spend the summer with his beloved grandfather in the countryside. The small boy’s escape from the city to the summer tranquillity of a village is successful, but in the heart of nature Jožánek also encounters the unavoidable changes that are happening in the good old world. His grandpa’s job as a ferryman is becoming redundant, because a new bridge has been built across the river. Nonetheless, Jožánek decides that an old folks’ home is not the place for the old man or his loyal donkey. In an idealistic finale, he finds a new home in the city for his grandfather and his animals… Seven-year-old David Schneider made his debut in this light, summer comedy. He next appeared in another of Hanibal’s films, Červená kůlna (Red Shed, 1968). Grandpa Karpíšek was played by the popular Rudolf Deyl Jr. His acting career ended a year later when he died before his time at just 55 years of age.
The Karpíšek married couple, both doctors, are leaving for London for two months on business. They entrust their five-year old son Jožánek to the care of their neighbour, Mrs Pokorná. Jožánek is not pleased with the arrangement. He would rather wait for his parents at the house of his grandfather, a ferryman in Kralovice. On the following day after his parents' departure, the boy runs away to join his grandfather. His journey proves more difficult than he had imagined, but with the help of kind people he finally succeeds. The grandfather is a little angry with the boy but lets him stay. After that, Jožánek enjoys wonderful days: he catches fish with his grandfather, learns how to swim, sails on the barge and the donkey Kylian takes both of them to town shopping. But the boy also learns about a problem that worries his grandfather. A new bridge has been built across the river, people no longer need a ferryman, and grandfather must leave his cottage to move into an old people's home. Jožánek feels sorry for his grandfather and wants him to move his cottage to another place along the river and then move in with them in Prague when the summer is over. His grandson's words encourage the old man to act. He cancels his application at the old people's home and, together with his friends, pulls down his home to build a summer cottage from the materials. He moves to his son's villa in Prague, and in the garden house there is even enough space for the donkey Kylian.
Jožánek Karpíšek
děda Karpíšek
bagrista Vítek
řidič Barták
doc. MUDr. Karel Karpíšek, Jožánkův otec
MUDr. Karpíšková, Jožánkova matka
Hanička, dcera Pokorné
průvodčí tramvaje
Patera, majitel poníků
pes Sultán
Jan Ryska (Jožánek – novela)
Jindřich Dvořák, Dana Dudová
Martin Baroch
Jana Cunderlová (klapka), Antonín Stránský (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Milan Zelenka /kytara/
Singer Jana ČihákováD. MaternaP. Mašek
Song Composer lidová starofrancouzská píseň
Writer of Lyrics Hanuš Jelínek
Singer Rudolf Deyl ml.
Dědeček, Kyliján a já
Dědeček, Kyliján a já
Grandpa, Kylian and I
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 2 May 1966
technical Screenplay approved 2 June 1966
start of filming 12 July 1966
end of filming 26 October 1966
projection approval 20 December 1966
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 7 April 1967 /suitable for youths/ (kina Hvězda /1 týden/ a Klub /2 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 7 April 1967 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Švabík – Procházka, Jan Procházka (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Erich Švabík (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
88 min
2 492 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Exhibition: 3. mezinárodní přehlídka filmů pro děti a mládež Rimini
Rimini / Italy
Festival: 5. mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti Gijón
Gijón / Spain
Event: Odměna vedení Československého filmu za nejúspěšnější film roku 1966
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Hanibal
Festival: 5. mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti Gijón
Gijón / Spain
Event: Odměna vedení Československého filmu za nejúspěšnější film roku 1966
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jan Ryska
Festival: 2. mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti a mládež Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
David Schneider
Exhibition: 19. přehídka filmů pro děti a mládež Benátky
Benátky / Italy
Festival: 5. mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti Gijón
Gijón / Spain
Exhibition: 19. přehídka filmů pro děti a mládež Benátky
Benátky / Italy
Festival: 2. mezinárodní festival filmů pro děti a mládež Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia