Left with Five Girls





Production year



27 October 1967


87 min


Evald Schorm




drama, psychological


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Pět holek na krku

Czech title

Pět holek na krku

English title

Left with Five Girls


Actress Andrea Čunderlíková gained her first major acting role thanks to the efforts of director Evald Schorm. This key representative of the Czechoslovak New Wave cast the 15-year-old actress to play the lead in this 1967 psychological drama. The protagonist of the story, inspired by a novel from author Iva Hercíková, is 14-year-old Nataša, the daughter of a small town functionary. At school, many classmates abuse the goodwill of this timid girl. When Nataša falls madly in love with new classmate Petr, classmates Jiřina, Jana, Zdena and Libuše carry out a humiliating act to land her with a heavy taste of reality. Nataša shakes-off her shyness and decides to fight back, cold-bloodedly using her father’s official influence in the process. The film, by no means merely intended for young audiences, is notable for its portrayal of the moral transformation of a naive young girl into a bitter manipulator straight out of the German opera Der Freischütz (The Marksman) – excerpts from which are directly cut into the film.


The father of fourteen-year old Nataša is the chairman of the housing department at the Municipal National Committee. His position is probably the cause of the high living standard of his family. Nataša has everything, even a box in the local theatre, but despite all this she is still unhappy. Her parents are never able to find time for her and the group of four of her girl-classmates, to which Nataša would like to belong, envy her and misuse her. Nataša meets a boy named Petr and is going to have her first date with him. But the girls, aware of her date, lock her in the school cloakroom and hypocritically offer themselves to carry a letter of explanation to Petr. But, instead of Nataša's apologies, they write and deliver another letter in which the girl is shamelessly offering herself to him. Petr therefore behaves reluctantly to Nataša. The girls continue to let Nataša treat them but make the best of every occasion to hurt their shy classmate. Nataša feels lonely and decides to take her life, but first wants to talk to her "friends" and Petr. She thus learns the truth about the letter and finally realizes that the girls hate her. She reveals everything to her parents and Nataša's father complains to the schoolmaster. Due to both her bitter experience of the hatred of the others and the results of her actions, Nataša grows mature and splits with Petr. The closing words from The Freischütz opera, which used to accompany Nataša's attempts to find friendship, are a sad comment on the girl's transformation: "Those whose hearts are pure and who oppose evil can always trust in the deepest love."


The performance of The Freischütz opera in the Theatre of F. X. Šalda in Liberec was directed byl Oldřich Mrňák.


Andrea Čunderlíková

Nataša Pleskotová

Jana Krupičková

Zdena Martínková

Lucie Žulová

Jana Modrá

Dana Matějková

Jiřina Zelenková

Markéta Křenková

Libuše Králová

Martin Vedra


Leoš Suchařípa

Natašin otec, předseda bytového odboru MěNV

Dagmar Cejnková

Natašina matka

Vojtěch Ron

správce zámku

Marie Durnová

prodavačka v bufetu

Jiřina Logačevová

stará žena

Lubomír Tlalka

vedoucí obchodu

Milada Vítová

Petrova matka

Vlasta Petříková


Pavel Bošek

vlezlý muž

Josef Skrčený

Jiřinin otec

Milan Uherek

učitel zpěvu

Anna Portová

žena na úřadu

Petr Rýdel


Josef Němeček

muž v obchodě

Petr Doubravský


Libuše Domanínská

Agáta v opeře Čarostřelec

Jaroslav Kachel

Max v opeře Čarostřelec

Zdena Tomková

Anička v opeře Čarostřelec

Petr Růžička (2)

Otokar v opeře Čarostřelec

Josef Vojtíšek

poustevník v opeře Čarostřelec

Dalibor Jedlička

Kašpar v opeře Čarostřelec

Vladimír Šorsák

Kilián v opeře Čarostřelec

Bohuslav Maršík

Kuno v opeře Čarostřelec

Karel Janda

žadatel na úřadě

Helena Růžičková

prodavačka v antikvariátu

Arne Poledňák

Monika Horanová

M. Michalcová

M. Hercíková

Crew and creators


Evald Schorm

Second Unit Director

Jiří Růžička st.

Based on

Iva Hercíková (Pět holek na krku – kniha)

Shooting Script

Evald Schorm, Jan Čuřík

Director of Photography

Jan Čuřík

Second Unit Photography

Oldřich Hubáček

Camera Operator

Jiří Polák

Production Designer

Leoš Karen

Assistent Production Designer

Leopold Zeman

Set Designer

Karel Kočí

Costume Designer

Jarmila Konečná

Make-Up Artist

Vladimír Černý

Assistant Film Editor

Štěpánka Stříbrná

Sound Designer

František Strangmüller, Bohumír Brunclík (zvukové efekty)

Production Manager

Petr Čapek

Unit Production Manager

Dana Dudová, Jindřich Dvořák

Unit Production Manager

Martin Baroch


Iva Hercíková


Jana Cunderlová (klapka), Jaroslav Trousil (fotograf), Oldřich Mrňák


Music Composed by

František Belfín

Selected Music

Carl Maria von Weber (Čarostřelec /Der Freischütz/ – opera), Modest Petrovič Musorgskij (Boris Godunov – opera)

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)


Hop hej, cibuláři

Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer dívčí sbor

Na hranicích města německého

Song Composer František Hais

Vojáci jdou

Singer mužský sbor

Production info

Original Title

Pět holek na krku

Czech Title

Pět holek na krku

English Title

Left with Five Girls




featuretheatrical distribution


drama, psychological

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 30 November 1966
technical Screenplay approved 20 January 1967
start of filming 22 February 1967
end of filming 11 May 1967
projection approval 10 August 1967
withdrawal from distribution 31 August 1976
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992


premiere 27 October 1967 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 10 November 1967 /suitable for youths/ (kino Pasáž /3 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 March 1990 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize


Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1967 a obnovená 1990)

Creative Group

Tvůrčí skupina Švabík – Procházka, Jan Procházka (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Erich Švabík (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

87 min

Original length in metres

2 476 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio



black & white



Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Event: 8. mezinárodní setkání filmů pro mládež Cannes

Cannes / France


Event: Peněžitá odměna za film v rámci hodnocení produkce Filmového studia Barrandov v roce 1967

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Evald Schorm


Event: Peněžitá odměna za film v rámci hodnocení produkce Filmového studia Barrandov v roce 1967

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Iva Hercíková