When it comes to the output of director Václav Krška, comedies make up the lesser part of his work. Moreover, an amusing movie inspired by Italian folk comedies is a rarity of Czechoslovak sixties cinema. At the same time, the subject of 1967's Dívka s třemi velbloudy (The Girl with Three Camels) could even serve as the basis for a psychological family drama. The story’s heroine, 16 year-old Bobina, is set to become a single mother – thus following the fate of her own mother and her forebears. Her only memento of the father of the offspring to be, a young fitter whom she met at a dance, is an exotic postcard with three camels... The role of Bobina became the best-remembered part of actress Zuzana Ondrouchová who died in her late twenties. The part of the protagonist’s mother was taken by the experienced Slávka Budínová.
Sixteen-year old Bobina Gromová surrenders to the charms of a blue-eyed youth she meets at a dance and loses her virginity with him that same night. Only then do they introduce themselves and learn each other's names. Their courtship is short-lived, the next day the assembler Pepík Bajcura leaves for Algeria to work on construction. After a while, a postcard of three camels arrives from him, with a short greeting. The letter that the pregnant Bobina writes to him is returned with a note that the addressee has died in an accident. The girl's mother Božena is single, just like her grandmother and great grandmother. This is why Božena decides to resolve her daughter's "problem" with an abortion. Bobina changes her mind on the way to the hospital and spends the money reserved for the surgery. Božena reconciles herself to the situation and kicks her lover Milouš out of their small flat. Little Pepík is born, and Božena finds a new boyfriend, Alfréd. He helps Bobina in her struggle with the authorities for the young mother wants her son surnamed Bajcura. However, the postcard cannot prove Pepík Bajcura's fatherhood. Even the promised testimony of Pepík's colleagues does not help. A visit to Bajcura's parents is a fiasco. Shocked by the information about their son's unknown lover and the unexpected grandson, they throw Alfréd and the two women with the baby out of their little house. The kind and caring "grandpa" Alfréd is also soon lured away by his long-standing girlfriend. The two women remain alone, as has become traditional in their family.
Bobina Gromová
Božena zvaná Gromka, Bobinina matka
havíř Alfréd Havel, dříve kouzelník
Milouš, Gromčin milenec a podnájemník
parťák Král
montér Pepík Bajcura, Bobinin milenec
zedník Jarda
Vašek, Jardův kamarád
Pepíkův otec
Pepíkova matka
Eman Vyskočil
montér Frajer
montér zvaný Nejmladší
montér Kamarád
montér Dobrák
montér Dlouhán
Havlova družka
vrchní zdravotní sestra
členka interrupční komise
členka interrupční komise
prodavačka v bufetu
mladík ve výstavní síni
příslušník VB
tančící brigádník
tančící brigádník
kamarád Tonda
vedoucí módní přehlídky
muž v bufetu
hlídač na stavbě
mladý černoch
Vilém Henzel
Ladislav Dražan, Zdeňka Černá
Karel Čabrádek
Emanuela Peterová (klapka), Zdeněk Dukát (fotograf)
Orchestr Karla Krautgartnera, Beatová skupina Donald, Dechová hudba Obce baráčníků Hradčany
Song Composer Pavel Novák
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Novák
Singer Pavel Novák
Dívka s třemi velbloudy
Dívka s třemi velbloudy
The Girl with Three Camels
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 26 August 1966
technical Screenplay approved 19 September 1966
start of filming 27 September 1966
end of filming 13 February 1967
projection approval 1 June 1967
withdrawal from distribution 1 September 1974
premiere 30 June 1967 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina 64 U Hradeb /1 týden/ a Blaník /2 týdny od 17. 11./, Praha)
premiere 8 September 1967 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
92 min
2 633 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
without subtitles