Firemen’s Ball


Czechoslovakia, Italy



Production year



15 December 1967


70 min




comedy, satire


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Hoří, má panenko

Czech title

Hoří, má panenko

English title

Firemen’s Ball

Co-production title

La Fiesta de bomberos


The legendary tragicomedy Hoří, má panenko (Firemen’s Ball), with which the then 35-year-old Miloš Forman brought the Czech part of his career to a close in 1967, ranks among the most exquisite pieces in the family silver of Czech cinematography. The unforgiving portrayal of a rural firemen’s ball is today regarded as a masterpiece of the Czechoslovak New Wave. At the time, however, it was rejected both by the state film industry and (unexpectedly) foreign co-producer Carlo Ponti. Domestic audiences had scant opportunity to enjoy Forman’s picture at the cinema: It was only screened for a few weeks after its December 1967 premiere before, accused of the gross distortion and denigration of socialist reality, being pulled from distribution. The period media repressed the fact that the film, which was to disappear into the normalisation censors’ vaults, received an Oscar nomination in the Best Foreign Language Film category. Domestic audiences did not get to see Firemen’s Ball until 1988, in the perestroika period. After November 1989 critics accorded it the status of a remorseless satire of 1960s communist society. However, Forman himself refused to regard his film as a parable of a particular period. The passing of time has in fact revealed its timeless qualities, primarily its chillingly grim mosaic of human embarrassment, set against a real backdrop with non-actors and with an outwardly spontaneous form. In the film, wretchedness – unaccompanied by shame – engulfs its collective hero: outwardly decent citizens who reveal their weaknesses in the election of a provincial beauty queen, the theft of raffle prizes and the extinguishing of a fire at a neighbour’s cottage. The restored version, created in close cooperation with Miroslav Ondříček, lacks the original opening title stating that the film is not directed against firemen. It was tacked on – in March 1968 – in reaction to artificially stoked protests from allegedly outraged Czech firemen.


In a village under the Giant Mountains, a firemens' ball is in preparation. The former chairman of the firemen, Vrána, is to be rewarded by a golden axe for fifty years of service in the firemens' corps. The men decorate the dancing hall: there is a rich tombola prepared on two tables in the corner, guarded by Josef, one of the members of the committee. When the ball begins, the rest of the committee members try to find girls - candidates for the ball's beauty queen competition. But they are unable to agree upon the winner and their decision-making is moreover constantly influenced by their family members. There are many unpleasant situations during the selection of girls behind the closed door of the office. The whole action results in a fiasco - the girls are shy and refuse to come up to the stage. Josef, too, faces some problems. Every time he leaves the tombola to have a beer, something disappears from the tables. Later, he finds out that the stolen collared pork resides hidden in his wife's bag. In the midst of the celebrations, a fire bursts out in the village. Although the firemen do their best, the wooden cottage of old man Havelka burns to the ground. The villagers decide to donate the tombola takings to him. Upon their return to the dance hall, however, they find the tables with the tombola all empty. The organizers ask the people present to return everything, but the only one to be found by the tables is the innocent Josef who wanted to correct his wife's wrongdoings. The ball is over, people walk away. There is only Vrána sitting in the empty hall, waiting for his reward. But that, unfortunately, was stolen, too.


The text of the song Fire!, the refrain of which gave the title to the film, was written by Fanda Mrázek, but in the film itself the composition is performed in the orchestral form only. The premiere has taken place outside Prague in Vrchlabí in October, 1967.


Jan Vostrčil

velitel požárníků, předseda plesového výboru

Josef Šebánek

požárník, člen plesového výboru

František Debelka

požárník Franta, člen plesového výboru

Josef Valnoha

požárník Ota, člen plesového výboru

Ladislav Adam (2)

člen plesového výboru

Vratislav Čermák

požárník, člen plesového výboru

Václav Novotný

požárník, člen plesového výboru

František Paska

požárník, člen plesového výboru

František Reinstein

požárník, člen plesového výboru

Josef Řehořek

požárník, člen plesového výboru a konferenciér

J. Řeháček

požárník, člen plesového výboru

Josef Kolb

požárník Josef, hlídač tomboly

Milada Ježková

Josefova žena

František Svět

děda Havelka

Jan Stöckl

zasloužilý požárník Alois Vrána

Antonín Blažejovský

Standa Zindulka

Josef Kutálek

Ludva Metelka

Stanislav Holubec

požárník Václav, hlídač u vchodu

Alena Květová

kandidátka na titul královny krásy Růženka, Metelkova dcera

Olga Blechová

nevybraná kandidátka na titul královny krásy

Ivana Freiburgová

kandidátka na titul královny krásy

Marie Slívová

kandidátka na titul královny krásy

V. Bartošová

kandidátka na titul královny krásy Bartošová

V. Janusová

kandidátka na titul královny krásy Hana

E. Šnajdrová

kandidátka na titul královny krásy

Hana Kuberová

opilá kráska

Anna Liepoldová

Marie Matějíčková, kandidátka na titul královny krásy v plavkách

Jiří Líbal


Miloslav Balcar

Voice by Miloš Forman
Olda Balcar, muž věšící plakát

Jarmila Kuchařová


Vlastimila Vlková

žena se židlí

Hana Hanusová


Stanislav Dytrich


F. Řehořková

Hanina matka

M. Mejsnarová


Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Jaroslav Papoušek

Assistant Director

Milan Muchna

Shooting Script

Miloš Forman

Director of Photography

Miroslav Ondříček

Second Unit Photography

Eduard Kadeřábek

Camera Operator

Jiří Kučera

Production Designer

Karel Černý

Assistent Production Designer

Jiří Kotlář

Set Designer

Rudolf Beneš, Vladimír Mácha, J. Suchý

Film Editor

Miroslav Hájek

Assistant Film Editor

Jitka Šulcová

Sound Designer

Adolf Böhm

Assistant Sound Designer

Václav Kliegel

Production Manager

Rudolf Hájek

Unit Production Manager

Václav Polák


Pavla Marková (klapka), Jaromír Komárek (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Karel Mareš

Music Performed by

Orchestr Karla Vlacha (Music Conducted by Karel Vlach), Orchestr Slávy Kunsta (Music Conducted by Sláva Kunst), Dechová hudba Supraphon (Music Conducted by Jindřich Bauer), FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček), Ústřední hudba Československé lidové armády


U Kokořína

Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Václav Fischer
Singer Milan ChladilJaromír Mayer


Song Composer Karel Hašler
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hašler
Singer Josef ZímaStudiový sbor Jana Svatoše


Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Bohuslav Nádvorník
Singer Zdeněk MatoušPetr Altman

U nás

Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Bohuslav Nádvorník
Singer Kühnův smíšený sbor

Hvězda na vrbě

Song Composer Karel Mareš

Do lesíčka na čekanou

Song Composer lidová píseňMiloš Vacek /úprava/

Pode mlejnem, nade mlejnem

Song Composer František Kmoch


Song Composer Jaroslav Jankovec

Fanfárový pochod

Song Composer František Zita

Adresát neznámý /From Me to You/

Song Composer John LennonPaul McCartney

Production info

Original Title

Hoří, má panenko

Czech Title

Hoří, má panenko

English Title

Firemen’s Ball

Co-production Title

La Fiesta de bomberos




featuretheatrical distribution


comedy, satire

Origin country

Czechoslovakia, Italy



Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 7 July 1966
technical Screenplay approved 14 December 1966
start of filming 11 January 1967
end of filming 11 May 1967
the first film copy approved 22 August 1967
projection approval 12 October 1967
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
withdrawal from distribution 1 October 1993


preview 17 October 1967 (Vrchlabí)
premiere 17 October 1967 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Praha /½ týdne/, Jalta /4 týdny od 22. 12./ a Metro /4 týdny od 22. 12./, Praha)
premiere 15 December 1967 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
renewed premiere 1 January 1989 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 27 September 2012 /suitable for all ages/

Distribution slogan

Restored film, "The Firemen's Ball", is heading to the big screens. (2012)

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize


Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1967 a obnovená 1989), Bontonfilm (obnovená 2012)

Creative Group

Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor, Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

70 min

Original length in metres

1 988 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm, DCP 2-D, BRD

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Event: Anketa Českého rozhlasu – Kánon100 (nejoblíbenější umělecká díla posledních 100 let)

Praha / Czech Republic


Event: Anketa Českého rozhlasu – Kánon100 (nejoblíbenější umělecká díla posledních 100 let)

Praha / Czech Republic


Event: Anketa filmových kritiků o nejlepší česko-slovenský hraný film století

Praha / Czech Republic


Exhibition: Přehlídka českých a slovenských filmů 69 Sorrento

Sorrento / Italy
Miloš Forman


Event: 41. ročník Ceny americké Akademie filmových věd a umění Oscar 1968

Hollywood, Los Angeles / United States of America


Event: Cena Československé federace filmových klubů

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Miloš Forman


Event: Peněžitá odměna za film v rámci hodnocení produkce Filmového studia Barrandov v roce 1967

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Miloš Forman


Event: Československá nominace na Cenu americké Akademie filmových věd a umění Oscar 1968

Praha / Czechoslovakia


Event: Peněžitá odměna za film v rámci hodnocení produkce Filmového studia Barrandov v roce 1967

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Miroslav Ondříček


Event: Peněžitá odměna za film v rámci hodnocení produkce Filmového studia Barrandov v roce 1967

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Papoušek


Event: Múzy pražských diváků

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Miloš Forman


Event: Peněžitá odměna za film v rámci hodnocení produkce Filmového studia Barrandov v roce 1967

Praha / Czechoslovakia
Ivan Passer

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