A student's party. Alcohol is poured. A lonely young man falls into a daydream. In black-and-white scenes, he sees himself and a couple of young elegant people banqueting in a forest. In the colour scenes, the woman abandons the man and leaves with the youth. In the black-and-white shots, the young man secretly watches the couple and then fights with the man. He stays lying on the ground and three girls in black dance around him. In another colour scene he takes the young woman away. But yet another fight breaks out and the young man stabs his rival with a dagger. Three girls in white circle around the man's body. The young man returns from his fantasy world. The party goes on as couples embrace around him. The young man grabs a bottle and drinks it to the bottom. His legs are then reeling in intoxication.
The film is dedicated to Ing. arch. Peter Gál and his wife Katarína, born Hajdučíková.
mladá žena
přítel mladé ženy
tančící dívka
Karel Fiala, Julius Matula (vedoucí výrobního štábu)
Alan František Šulc, Vladimír Kressl, Václav Hanuš (kamera), Alois Fišárek (střih), Ludvík Pavlíček (střih)
Song Composer John Lennon
Writer of Lyrics John Lennon
Singer skupina The Beatles
Song Composer skupina Bee Gees
Writer of Lyrics skupina Bee Gees
Singer skupina Bee Gees
Song Composer Dežo Ursiny
Writer of Lyrics Juraj Lihosit
Singer Dežo Ursiny
Čo ja o tom viem alebo Záznam o sklamaní
Čo ja o tom viem alebo Záznam o sklamaní
What Do I Know about It or Report on Disappointment
featurenon-theatrical distributionstudent film
2. ročník
short film
12 min
331 meters
without dialogue
without subtitles
Exhibition: 10. dny krátkého filmu Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary / Czechoslovakia
Filmová a televizní fakulta Akademie múzických umění v Praze
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