This relationship drama presents the protagonist Jiří Mánek, an ageing architect who finds himself in conflict due to his desires for two women who are very different in personality and age. The first is a former girlfriend, the doctor Jarmila, while the second is Slovak student Eva. The temperamental, whimsical Eva offers Jiří an infusion of energy. But Jarmila represents the stability of a serious relationship. The “third one” who makes “her” way into our lead character’s chaotic life is the most faithful life companion of all – death. This love triangle, which gradually takes on symbolic value, came to the silver screen after screenwriter Jan Otčenášek took a Jaroslav Havlíček novel and made an adaptation that writer-director Jaroslav Balík was able to transform into a screenplay and film. The motion picture sees Václav Voska, Ida Rapaičová and Blanka Bohdanová in the lead roles.
At the funeral of his schoolmate, the nearly-fifty-year old architect Jiří Mánek meets his former close acquaintance - physician Jarmila. They both are still single. Jarmila has recently returned to Prague after years of work on the frontier. Jiří leaves for a business trip. As a conservationist, he is to grant permission for an adaptation of a Baroque chateau to office spaces. On the road, a pretty young hitchhiker named Eva stops him. Eva is Slovak and her spontaneous behaviour enchants Jiří. He thus does not mind making a short detour and takes Eva all the way to the luxurious cottage of her parents. Eva is a student and she loves enjoying life more than anything. A romance develops between the two people, so different in age and temperament. After some time, however, the initial enchantment gradually fades. Jiří resents Eva's group of noisy schoolmates and the girl begins to be bored with the sedate man. Then Jiří meets Jarmila again and realizes that a woman who is closer to him in age is a much more suitable partner. When Eva leaves for mountains despite his disagreement, Jiří breaks up with her, begins to date Jarmila and asks her to marry him. Eva is taken by surprise by the separation but wants to spend a last love night with Jiří. In the morning, the man wakes up alone. He finds Jarmila and unscrupulously cancels the planned wedding, mistaking what Eva meant as a pleasant way to end their affair for a resumption of the relationship. Eva bluntly rejects him and Jiří decides to choose "the third" - death.
architekt Jiří Mánek
studentka Eva
MUDr. Jarmila Pátková
matka Jiřího
Mánkův bratr Karel
Božena, Karlova žena
student Jirka, syn Karla a Boženy
studentka Bobina, Evina kamarádka
Jitka, Evina kamarádka
Bíťák, Jitčin přítel
medik Emil, Evin kamarád
Helena, Jarmilina kolegyně
Evina matka
beatník v klubu
Jiřího bývalý spolužák
Jiřího bývalý spolužák
muž za výlohou
Jaroslav Havlíček (Ta třetí – román)
Miloslav Dvořák, Ivan Ernyei
Ladislav Dražan, Zdeňka Černá
Karel Čabrádek
Roman Soumar (fotograf)
Song Composer James A. Bland
Writer of Lyrics James A. Bland
Singer Louis ArmstrongMills Brothers
Ta třetí
Ta třetí
The Third One
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 18 October 1967
technical Screenplay approved 15 February 1968
start of filming 26 March 1968
end of filming 25 July 1968
the first film copy approved 3 December 1968
projection approval 12 December 1968
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 17 January 1969 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 23 January 1969 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina 64 U Hradeb /2 týdny/ a Městská knihovna /1 týden od 6. 2./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
98 min
2 769 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
Czech, Slovak
without subtitles