Vít Olmer was confirmed as a contemporary romantic idol with this adaptation of Russian novelist and playwright Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev's 1871 novel Spring Torrents. Playing the youth Dimitri P. Sanin, who due to his foolish ambitions squanders a relationship with a loving girl, the popular actor displays far more than his natural charisma. His style amounts to the releasing of a dramatic intelligence. But Olmer did not enjoy his position as an adored idol and Sanin turned out to be his last big romantic role. Jarní vody (Spring waters, 1968) is also the last piece of work from classic director Václav Krška. Working with the cinematography of Josef Illík, Krška is able to create a convincing atmosphere of an old Russia, seen through the nostalgic view of the aged hero. In this forgotten film, which premiered in cinemas on 30 August 1968, a “Miss Slovakia” beauty contest winner, Alžběta Štrkuľová, plays the tender Gemma. Květa Fialová took on the role of worldly-wise seducer Polozovová.
An ageing lonesome man, Dimitri Pavlovich Sanin, holds a celebration at his manor. He leaves for his study and the iron ring which he finds in his table returns him in his memories forty years back to when he was a handsome twenty-four-year old young man. At that time, he was returning from Italy to Russia. He planned to spend just one night in a small Austrian town but accidentally wandered into an Italian sweetshop where he was asked for help by a scared girl. Sanin managed to awaken her small brother from unconsciousness. The beautiful and grateful Gemma, daughter of the sweetshop's owner, invited him for dinner. Contrary to his plans, Sanin stayed several days. Unlike Gemma's fiancé, the businessman Klüber, he took up her part against an impertinent officer and even agreed to a duel. The officer apologized and Gemma split up with her uptight groom. The romantic relationship between Gemma and Sanin gradually turned to love. Sanin asked for Gemma's hand, decided to sell his manor back in Russia and invest in the sweetshop. His fellow-citizen Polozov introduced him to his charming wife, who was interested in buying the manor. In a short time, Sanin became one of the lovers of the hedonist Marya Polozovova and said good bye to Gemma in a letter. Marya gave him an iron ring as a commemoration. - Sanin rouses from his memories. He never found love again and now only bitterly waits for death.
Dimitrij Pavlovič Sanin
Voice by Gabriela Vránová
Gemma Roselliová
Marja Nikolajevna Polozovová
Lenora Roselliová, matka Gemmy
Hyppolit Sidoryč Polozov, Marjin muž
Pantaleone Cippatola, domácí přítel
obchodník Karl Klüber, snoubenec Gemmy
Emilio Roselli, Gemmin mladší brat
baron Kristian von Dönhof
von Rychter
poručík von Stahl
hraběnka Despraunová
Arabella Agoutová
Manfred von Callas
hospodyně Luisa
hotelový sluha
sluha Charles
dáma v dostavníku
důstojník Callaniat
de Vincente
služka Lény
krásný brunet na plese
dáma na koni
Vilém Henzel
Ivan Sergejevič Turgeněv (Jarní vody /Vešnije vody/ – novela)
Jan Petrů
Zdeňka Černá, Ladislav Dražan
Karel Čabrádek
Marie Zahradníková (klapka), Miroslav Pešan (fotograf)
Jarní vody
Jarní vody
Spring Waters
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 24 March 1966
technical Screenplay approved 5 July 1967
start of filming 20 July 1967
end of filming 19 October 1967
the first film copy approved 8 March 1968
projection approval 15 March 1968
withdrawal from distribution 30 September 1976
premiere 30 August 1968 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 5 September 1968 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Alfa /1 týden/, Klub /1 týden od 19. 9./, Městská knihovna /2 týdny od 19. 9./ a Blaník /2 týdny od 3. 10./, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
90 min
2 548 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
without subtitles
Festival: 1. mezinárodní filmový festival Phnompenh
Phnompenh / Cambodia
Josef Illík
Festival: 19. filmový festival pracujících – léto '68
35 měst / Czechoslovakia