In 1969, director Karel Kachyňa and screenwriter Jan Procházka continued their collaboration via this hospital drama, telling the story of an ageing professor looking back over his life after major surgery. Jindřich Šimek has little reason for nostalgia: in the 1950s, he was jailed for many years as a supposed enemy of the communist regime. He lost his career and his family disowned him. The patient focuses on an unknown girl appearing on the roof of a building visible through a hospital window. He becomes fixated on the figure, and begins to plan a bright future with her… This intimate, somewhat poetic psychological drama offered a great acting opportunity for Vladimír Šmeral. Směšný pán (A Ridiculous Gentleman, 1969) is unusual for its direct exploration of Stalinist repression. It was to be was the penultimate “unrestricted” work of Procházka and Kachyňa. After Ucho (The Ear, 1970), the skilled duo would never again be offered the opportunity to work together.
Sixty-year old Professor Šimek is undergoing a serious heart operation. The surgeon Preclík is satisfied with the result, and after the successful operation he and his patient become famous. Šimek is, however, indifferent to fame, since the years have robbed him of energy and taste for life. In the 1950s, during the campaign against supposed enemies of the communist regime, he was unjustly condemned to many years of imprisonment. His wife, daughter and friends have abandoned him, and his academic career was ruined. From the window of his hospital room it is only sick children that catch his melancholy eye, and a charming girl who releases carrier pigeons from a basket on the roof of the house opposite. One day she fails to appear on the roof. The professor is disturbed, sure that something must have happened to the girl. He goes out into the street in his hospital gown, even though he is well aware that too much strain could kill him. After a difficult search he finds the house and the girl's apartment, which is locked. Šimek gets the neighbours to open it. His foreboding has not been wrong, since the unknown girls has tried to commit suicide. She is still alive and the doctors will clearly be able to save her, but but the situation is too much for Šimek's heart and the old man dies. Doctor Preclík understands the professor's actions. The girl had reminded Šimek of the daughter who had repudiated him during his trial, and had poisoned herself when she later discovered her father's innocence.
profesor Jindřich Šimek
MUDr. Preclík
inženýr Harmach
dívka na střeše
zdravotní sestra Nanynka
zdravotní sestra Zezulová
nemocniční kuchařka
nemocniční kuchařka
kolegyně Růžena
děvčátko Alenka
děvčátko v nemocnici
děvčátko v nemocnici
velitel trestnice
zdravotní sestra Prokešová
syn Prokešové
průvodčí v tramvaji
muž v brýlích
vězeň v brýlích
stařeček Rudolf
žena v domě
holčička Věra
Věřina matka
hlas ženy na ulici/hlas sousedky
Karel Brchel
Čestmír Diviš, Vladimír Ježek, Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Rudolf Mos, Ladislav Dražan
Antonín Šimral
MUDr. Zdeněk Náprstek
Josef Vítek (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Směšný pán
Směšný pán
A Ridiculous Gentleman
Muž na ulici
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, poetic
literary Screenplay approved 5 July 1968
technical Screenplay approved 2 October 1968
start of filming 16 October 1968
end of filming 27 February 1969
the first film copy approved 27 May 1969
projection approval 9 June 1969
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
withdrawal from distribution 31 July 1993
premiere 28 November 1969 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 11 December 1969 /suitable for youths/ (kino Kotva /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 March 1991 /suitable for youths/
Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1969 a obnovená 1991 /pod názvem Lucernafilm/)
Tvůrčí skupina Švabík – Procházka, Jan Procházka (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Erich Švabík (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
89 min
2 520 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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