The unjustly forgotten tragicomedy Odvážná slečna (The Determined Lady) was drawn from screenwriter Vratislav Blažek’s made-for-television film Obžalovaná (The Accused, 1969), in which Jana Hlaváčová starred under Jaroslav Dudek’s direction. Blažek, with his colleague Otto Zelenka, adapted and expanded the comedy into a feature film, which František Filip directed in 1969. The heroine is a seemingly unassuming court stenographer –the spinster Miss Míková. Unable to sit by and watch divorcing parents bicker shamelessly in the courts over money, over time she kidnaps five emotionally neglected children, giving them a loving home. Chairman of the Senate František Kroupa (who falls for Miss Míková), and even the official judicial system, must capitulate to this uncompromising lady... This is an unconventional film that reflects the social realities and ideals of the Prague Spring. Jiřina Bohdalová and Josef Kemr excel in the lead roles.
Doctor of Laws Kroupa is appointed the new chairman of the senate of the civil court, replacing Doctor of Laws Smolík. He takes over from the brand new pensioner both the office and the secretary, Zdenka Miková. The man is fond of the young woman and soon feels more than sympathy for her. Zdenka borrows three hundred crowns from him, and instead of the money, she returns him a cute puppy. Kroupa judges the case of the Strnad couple, who are arguing over the alimony for their three-year old Věruška, but both the parents are apparently indifferent to the daughter herself. The judge suggests placing the kid into a child's home. Kroupa, in love, spots Zdenka over the shop window of a self-service store and, to his horror, observes the young woman stealing cans. The judge requires an explanation and Zdenka takes him to visit her village, where her father, a pack of hounds and four little children live. Kroupa is unhappy, considering the kids the consequence of the light-minded life of the unmarried Zdenka. He, however, soon finds out that the young woman kidnapped the kids from their own, indifferent and sometimes even brutal parents after meeting them as a registration clerk at the court, and devotedly provided them with a loving family. Kroupa forces Zdenka who falsified the adoption documents to report herself to the police. In a fairy-tale ending, the woman appears in front of the court where she is sentenced only symbolically and, upon accepting Kroupa's offer to marry her, reveals that she will have a baby with him.
sekretářka Zdenka Miková
JUDr. František Kroupa, předseda senátu
Anežka, Kroupova sestra
JUDr. Smolík, předseda senátu
mlynář Mika, Zdenin otec
Josef Provazník
Provazníkova žena
dvojče Standa Provazník
dvojče Jirka Provazník
Strnadova žena
Věruška, dcera Strnadových
Věruščina babička
kapitán VB Sejček
Karel Sládek, Zdenčin chráněnec
Manka Hovorková, Zdenčina chráněnka
sociální pracovnice Patočková
sociální pracovnice Nohejlová
sociální pracovnice Kárná
strážmistr VB
Robek, tajemník MNV
tajemníkův syn
předseda senátu
soudce z lidu
soudce z lidu
starý muž v parku
redaktor Tonda
mladý redaktor
příslušník VB
příslušník VB
Miloslav Čech
Stanislav Krejča, Karel Lukáš, Karel Smrž
Ctibor Novotný, Karel Prchal
Petr Kajtar
dr. Hanuš Nor
Růžena Bedriová (klapka), Jitka Bylinská (fotografka)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Odvážná slečna
Odvážná slečna
The Determined Lady
Odhodlaná slečna
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 3 June 1969
technical Screenplay approved 9 June 1969
start of filming 21 July 1969
end of filming 23 September 1969
the first film copy approved 16 December 1969
projection approval 28 December 1969
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1975
premiere 10 April 1970 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 30 April 1970 /suitable for youths/ (kino Světozor /3 týdny/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Feix – Brož, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Karel Feix (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
88 min
2 500 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
without subtitles