It was at the end of the 1960s that actor Vít Olmer decided to take a stab at directing. Olmer’s pre-1989 directorial output is widely regarded as noteworthy, but following the revolution and the impact of the unleashed market economy on Czech cinema, Olmer embraced more commercial projects. This 1969 feature-film debut from Olmer tells the story of 23-year-old Veronika who no longer finds fulfilment in leading a somewhat promiscuous, emotionally unattached life. Talented photographer Jan offers her the chance of a normal relationship. However, Veronika soon discovers that she is merely the subject of Jan’s professional passions. The then 28-year-old director sought to present a morality play that utilises the contemporary poetic styles of the Czechoslovak New Wave. Valerie Chmelová offers an authentic debut performance alongside non-professional actor Antonín Sládek. The perceived artistic failure of this film led Olmer to take a multi-year break from shooting feature films.
Twenty-three-year old student Veronika lives with her mother and a white poodle. She does not seem to worry about anything. She is independent, easily making friends and relationships with men. She light-heartedly parts with them with her signature salutation, "So bye-bye" as they leave her to their wives and lovers. Yet, Veronika feels that this is not the right thing. Her girlfriend Kateřina, the married mother of a small girl, tries to help her in vain with good advice. One night in her apartment, she introduces Veronika to an interesting young man. Jan Kubíček is a talented photographer. Veronika meets him accidentally several times and subsequently accepts his invitation to his cellar flat-studio, where they make love without even knowing their names. For Veronika, this is the beginning of love. Jan, too, who has hitherto been saved from loneliness by his preoccupation with work, is satisfied with the relationship. He firmly convinces the girl that his professional colleague Helena does not mean anything to him. One day, however, everything changes. Jan behaves brutally to Veronika and while making love full of tension, the girl hears clicking sounds. When Jan hits her without any reason, she leaves in silence. After her departure, Kubíček develops photographs secretly made by Helena while the couple were making love. It seems that the man regrets it now. In addition, Veronika will go on looking for security in life.
studentka Veronika
fotograf Jan Kubíček
kamarádka Kateřina
fotografka Helena
studentka Marta
Ládík, Kateřinin přítel
milenec cvičící karate
vousatý milenec zvaný Machr
blonďatý milenec
odmítnutý nápadník
malá Katka, dcera Kateřiny
Honza, bývalý Veroničin milenec
milenec s dýmkou
matka Veroniky
otec Veroniky
žena v čekárně u veterináře
cvičitel CO
muž s buřtem a novinami
on sám, sexuolog přednášející v televizi
veršující student
potrhlý muž v knihovně
Zdena Pavlátová
Karel Janda (2), Jiří Cvrček, Bohumil Kadlec
Milan Štěch, František Jaderník
Václav Polák
Irena Hrušková (klapka), Karel Ješátko (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Petr Hapka
Writer of Lyrics Petr Rada
Singer Hana Hegerová
Song Composer Mojmír Smékal
Writer of Lyrics Ivo Fischer
Singer Lilka Ročáková
Takže ahoj
Takže ahoj
So Bye-bye
Drahý Ján / Případ Veronika
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 7 January 1970
start of filming 19 April 1970
technical Screenplay approved 21 April 1970
end of filming 13 July 1970
the first film copy approved 30 September 1970
projection approval 28 December 1970
withdrawal from distribution 31 January 1991
premiere 2 April 1971 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 7 April 1971 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Paříž, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šebor – Bor (příprava), Vladimír Bor (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny a vedoucí výrobní skupiny), Dramaturgická skupina Vojtěcha Cacha, Vojtěch Cach (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny), Výrobní skupina Jiřího Šebora
feature film
85 min
2 407 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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