Following the TV series Hříšní lidé města pražského (The Sinful People of Prague, 1968), director Jiří Sequens and screenwriter Jiří Marek revisited the Prague of the 1930s to create four crime comedies. The plot of this 1971 film focuses on a murder investigation team led by executive Vacátko. Like the previous features Pěnička a Paraplíčko (Burglar and Umbrella, 1970), Partie Krásného dragouna (Game of a Handsome Dragoon, 1970) and Vražda v hotelu Excelsior (Murder in the Excelsior Hotel, 1971), Smrt černého krále (The Death of the Black King, 1971) draws on the book Panoptikum hříšných (The Freak Show of Sinners) by Jiří Marek. Vacátko and his colleagues, Bouše and Brůžek, investigate the deadly robbery of money collector Král, who is entangled in a case of embezzlement. Jaroslav Marva, Josef Bláha and Josef Vinklář portray the First Republic police investigators in this routine feature film. Vlastimil Brodský plays Král, while his real-life wife Jana Brejchová stars as the collector’s daughter Magda.
Good-looking Magda Králová meets Josef Kořínek, called Pépi, on the tram; she has no idea that Pépi, who purports to be a student, is in fact a pickpocket. Meanwhile, Magda's father, Ludvík Král, a collector for the Globus company, is having a drink with his friends at a garden restaurant, despite suffering from a severe pain in his stomach. His young boss, Vili Berger, a joint owner of Globus, seeks him out and gives him a cheque for 42 thousand crowns to be cashed. Vili, however, is not about to send thirty thousand of this to his father in Brno for a business transaction, but plans to elope to Vienna with his secretary Zuzanka and keep the extra money he has secretly added to the amount of the cheque. The next morning, Král receives another cheque from the company secretary Hrádek, this time for twenty thousand. Král collects the money at the bank and buys stationery and an envelope at the tobacconist's. In the evening, Hrádek reports to the police that Král is missing. Inspector Bouše finds the collector dead, tied up and without the money, on the bank of a brook. When interrogating Berger junior and Hrádek, police counsellor Vacátko finds out that they have probably attempted embezzlement, but Berger senior denies it, because the insurance company would not give him any compensation for the money. Gradually, Pépi, Magda's boyfriend Vycpálek and Král's friends become murder suspects, but there is no evidence. It is not until the funeral that an elderly country woman with a headscarf, Král's sister-in-law, turns up. The investigators find out that Král had sent the money to her and then pretended to have been murdered. In this way, the gravely ill Král wanted to provide for his daughter Magda and his wife. The first time the two cold and unfeeling women start crying is when they learn that they cannot keep the embezzled money.
policejní rada Karel Vacátko
vrchní inspektor Josef Brůžek
vrchní inspektor Josef Bouše
inkasista Ludvík Král
Magda, Králova dcera
Králova žena
podkoní Karel Vycpálek, Magdin druh
flétnista Franc Florián
kapsář Josef Kořínek zvaný Pépi Kapsa
prokurista Hrádek
zahradník Standa Kopečný
teta z Brodu, Králova švagrová
továrník Vili Berger
továrník Berger, Viliho otec
sekretářka Zuzana Vorlová, Viliho milenka
policejní komisař ze Záběhlic
soudní lékař MUDr. Vejvoda
strážník Hrůza
výčepní Cyril Pařízek zvaný Evžen
pokladník na nádraží
pokladník v bance
žena na pohřbu
hlas na nádraží
Jiří Marek (Otec Goriot ze Záběhlic – povídka ze sbírky Panoptikum hříšných lidí)
Luděk Kopal
Josef Hudlička, Karel Hyka
Milena Andrejsková
Hana Jozífková (klapka), Jindřich Panáček (fotograf)
Carl Maria von Weber (Koncert pro klarinet a orchestr)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Zdeněk Liška
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Sís
Singer Věra Nerušilová
Song Composer Alois Jelen
Writer of Lyrics Karel Maria Drahotín Villani
Song Composer Zdeněk Liška
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Sís
Singer Věra Nerušilová
Smrt černého krále
Smrt černého krále
The Death of the Black King
Otec Goriot ze Záběhlic
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 1 February 1971
technical Screenplay approved 12 March 1971
start of filming 19 April 1971
end of filming 21 June 1971
the first film copy approved 8 December 1971
projection approval 20 December 1971
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 30 March 1972 /suitable for youths/ (kino Světozor, Praha)
premiere 31 March 1972 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny), Výrobní skupina Bohumila Šmídy, Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výrobní skupiny)
feature film
111 min
3 130 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
without subtitles
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