This feature-film debut from director Otakar Fuka represents the start of his career-long interest in crime genre films. Fuka would later return to this sphere with Zlaté rybky (The Gold Fish, 1977), Příliš velká šance (Too Big a Chance, 1984) and Černá punčocha (Black Stocking, 1986). The protagonist of this adaptation of the novel Pozlacené mříže (Gilded Bars) by Jiří Brabenec and Zdeňek Veselý is retired police detective Gaudl. He has justified suspicions that the death of his niece Hedvika was not down to an unhappy accident, but the result of a premeditated murder carried out by husband Jiří. Also on the trail of Jiří is his young lover Daniela... The film climbs above your average fare mainly thanks to a strong cast. Gaudl is portrayed by Vladimír Šmeral, while the part of the accused husband goes to Jiří Adamíra. Slávka Budínová plays tragic wife Hedvika.
Retired criminal investigator Gaudl does not like the husband of his niece Hedvika, a good-looking, but already ageing editor. He suspects that, seventeen years ago, the elegant employee of a foreign trade corporation and university professor Jiří Horáček married Hedvika for her considerable wealth. There seems to be no problem in their childless marriage, but Horáček has a mistress, who even lives in their villa. It is Daniela, the young relative of the Horáčeks' housekeeper, for whom the housekeeper has arranged lodging at the villa. When the girl gets pregnant, Jiří decides to divorce his wife. In Hedvika's car on the way back from a party at the director's cottage, the couple quarrel and run over a hitch-hiker standing by the road. Secretly, Hedvika takes photographs of Jiří dragging the girl's dead body into a ditch beside the road. Horáček tries to produce an alibi for himself and returns back to the cottage in his car. But Hedvika shows him the photographs and he realizes she has him cornered. He sets a trap for her - and she gets killed by a faulty light bulb in the bathroom after he leaves for work. At her funeral, Gaudl meets graphic designer Březina. Annoyed by her husband, Hedvika spent the last night before her death with Březina and, having got drunk, told him everything about the car accident. In the meantime, Daniela finds the negative and the photographs hidden away in the frame of Hedvika's portrait. She realizes that Jiří has killed his wife and runs away from him, hiding in her room. Then she opens the telephone directory. But the old Gaudl, standing in front of the villa, already knows how to convict Jiří.
profesor Jiří Horáček
redaktorka Hedvika, Horáčkova žena
Daniela Táborská
kriminalista v. v. Václav Gaudl
Jan Berdych, ředitel Metaloexportu
Marta, Berdychova žena
sousedka Skuhrovcová, Danielina teta
Voice by Jan Faltýnek
grafik Luděk Březina
kriminalista nadporučík Šabata
kriminalista poručík Dřevíkovský
JUDr. Zámyslický
redaktor František, kolega Horáčkové
podplukovník Antonín Máca
sekretářka Eva
výtvarnice v redakci
Voice by Edita Dindělová
Zdenička, vnučka Zámyslického
řidič VB
švédský obchodník Anderson
expert Hejlík
student u zkoušek
Libuše Stloukalová
Jana Pachnerová
inženýr Pachner
inženýr Stloukal
strážmistr VB ve vrátnici
poručík VB
závorářka Brázdilová
taxíkář Kouba
automechanik Wolf
stopařka Kristýna Hejzlarová
hlas muže
Milan Kadlec
Zdeněk M. Veselý (Pozlacené mříže – román), Jiří Brabenec (Pozlacené mříže – román)
František Jaderník, Milan Štěch
Václav Polák
Jiří Sequens (režijní supervize), Irena Hrušková (klapka), Richard Polák (fotograf), Vladimír Souček (fotograf)
Johann Strauss ml. (Povídky z vídeňského lesa)
Orchestr Gustava Broma (Music Conducted by Gustav Brom)
Singer dětský sbor
Svědectví mrtvých očí
Svědectví mrtvých očí
The Evidence Given by Dead Eyes
Past na myš
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, crime
literary Screenplay approved 7 December 1970
technical Screenplay approved 15 February 1971
start of filming 17 March 1971
end of filming 20 June 1971
the first film copy approved 10 September 1971
projection approval 6 October 1971
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 25 November 1971 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino 64 U Hradeb, Praha)
premiere 10 December 1971 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny), Výrobní skupina Jiřího Šebora, Jiří Šebor (vedoucí výrobní skupiny)
feature film
86 min
2 440 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
black & white
without subtitles