The Czechoslovakian censor was not slow to stir when it came to Jewish topics in newly produced films. Given this daunting difficulty, writer and director Jiří Krejčík omitted some motifs when it came to transferring to film Píseň Juditina (Judith´s song), a 1969 detective novel by Pavel Dejl (the artist’s pseudonym of Pavel Hejcman), which features a Jewish organisation pursuing Nazi criminals. The trade-off meant Krejčík’s 1972 motion picture, Podezření (Suspicion), avoided a production ban. But even this compromise did not allow him to continue unhindered in his filmmaking amid the restrictive era of “normalisation”. Podezření’s protagonist Klára Bornová is traumatised by her war experiences. She does not even feel safe as the wife of a Prague diplomat. And, as it happens, with justification, her husband is murdered by former Nazis. Bornová recognises one of them as Gill, the commander of the Dutch concentration camp. Slovak television announcer Jarmila Koštová stars in this improbable tale.
Klára Born has mixed feelings as she follows her husband, a diplomat, to his new assignment in Prague. She herself spent a happy childhood in the city, but during the Second World War her whole family was sent to the concentration camp by Eindhoven in Holland, and she was the only one who returned alive. Klára doesn't feel comfortable in the villa from which Born's predecessor Morton vanished in unexplained circumstances. At a large reception the woman meets a number of diplomats, among them the mysterious Gill. In the night Klára has her old recurrent dream. She is back in Eidhoven, but this time guests from the reception are there in Nazi uniforms. Gill shows great interest in her dream and wartime experiences. One evening Born leaves the house with a gun and money and is never seen again. Investigation yields no results. The embassy is reticent and the Czechoslovak Secret Police are not allowed to interrogate diplomats. It is only when Klára becomes a private person that Captain Chrástek can start a search. He is soon successful. He discovers that Born and Morton were murdered, exposes the murderers, too, and establishes the motive: both men were on the track of a German war criminal that is clearly living in Prague. Klára uncovers the truth as well. On the basis of Morton's book, photographs from the reception and reports from abroad, she recognizes Gill as the commander of the holland concentartion camp. When he tries to kill her, she shoots him dead.
Fears that the film would be banned led to the original scenario being stripped of all Jewish themes – the origin of the characters and organizations searching for Nazi criminals.
Klára Bornová, rozená Janotová
diplomat Francis Gill
diplomat Dr. Jacques Born, Klářin muž
kriminalista kapitán Chrástek
Dr. Philip Milner, první tajemník ambasády
konzul Robert Carier
profesor Josef Trojan
Voice by Libuše Švormová
Irma, Milnerova žena
poručík Mareček
Marie, komorná u Bornů
Karla Hofová
plukovník Havlíček
pohřební řečník Vaclík
cizinka v letadle
řidič Janečka zvaný Leopold
Voice by Božidara Turzonovová
Voice by Lubor Tokoš
zřízenec prosektury
prodavačka v bufetu/žena diplomata
tuzexová dívka
diplomat na recepci
diplomat na recepci
diplomat na recepci
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
žena diplomata
cizinka na letišti
cizinka na letišti
člen komorního kvarteta
člen komorního kvarteta
člen komorního kvarteta
člen komorního kvarteta
úředník ministerstava zahraničí
žena velvyslance
mladá žena na recepci
řidič u Bornů
tanečnice na recepci
tanečník na recepci
dirigent Národního divadla
žena na recepci
fotoreportér na recepci
Jiří Býček
Pavel Hejcman (Píseň Juditina – detektivní román)
Jaromír Dědek, Václav Kozel, Vladimír Mácha
Jindřiška Novotná (klapka), Zdeněk Dukát (fotograf)
Antonín Dvořák (Smyčcový kvartet F dur Americký)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Orchestr Václava Hybše
Song Composer Josef Leopold Zvonař
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, crime, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 28 October 1971
technical Screenplay approved 1 March 1972
start of filming 1 December 1972
end of filming 8 December 1972
projection approval 22 December 1972
withdrawal from distribution 22 February 1974
premiere 6 December 1973 /suitable for youths/ (kino Lucerna, Praha)
premiere 28 December 1973 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Karla Copa, Karel Cop (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
105 min
2 965 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
Czech, French