A Risk-Formula Driver





Production year



7 September 1973


89 min




drama, psychological


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Jezdec formule risk

Czech title

Jezdec formule risk

English title

A Risk-Formula Driver

Working title

Pláču, protože jsem blbec


The story of a young delinquent who ruins his life – and whom society fails, despite its best efforts to put him on a straight path. This 1973 film typifies normalisation-era efforts to present a new kind of morality and pro-regime ideology on-screen. Directed by Antonín Kachlík, the main protagonist of the piece, Jiří Hudeček (played by the lesser-known Alexej Okuněv), dreams of a career as a motor racing driver. Instead, he makes a living stealing cars. After his criminal band is caught, he ends up sentenced to hard labour at a quarry mine, but even this “good-for-the-soul” environment, filled with manual labourers, fails to rid Hudeček of his bad habits. The very appearance of this anti-hero suggest a youngster corrupted by imperialist dreams and notions of profit without work. Explosives manager Beran (Ladislav Večeřa), helps Jiří to try to find the correct way forward, and offers audiences the acceptable model of a conscientious workhorse.


Jirka Hudeček wins a car race and receives congratulations from his friends. Here the dream ends, and the young man realizes that he is facing a court trial together with other members of his gang of thieves. Jirka is the only one to be put on probation; the others - including Rosmery, Jirka's secret love - go to jail. Jirka's parents have never taken much care of him. His father slaps him in the face on leaving the court hall, but Jirka immediately hits back. The young man starts to work in a quarry, keeping to dream about a car racing career. He irritates his co-workers by his rebellious views, cynicism, and even by his long hair. Only the charge man Beran takes care of him, though he soon finds out that Jirka could easily commit another theft. Being influenced by Mr Beran, Jirka starts to change his negative attitude. The members of the gang return from prison. Rosmery makes use of Jirka's affection as well as his mania for cars, and talks him into another crime - a car theft. Car mechanic Janeček then disassembles the stolen cars, selling the components. The last one to come back from prison is the gang leader and Rosmery's partner Jacek. He forces Jirka to participate in the robbery in a museum, threatening him to reveal his assistance at other thefts. A night action ends up by arresting the whole gang. Upon hearing the verdict of imprisonment, Jirka is slapped in his face again. This time he does not hit back, because the one to slap him is Mr Beran - a man who gained his respect. At last, he starts crying. He realizes that his life has been irretrievably spoilt.


Alexej Okuněv

Voice by Petr Svojtka
lamač Jiří Hudeček

Ladislav Večeřa

střelmistr Svatopluk Beran

Marta Rašlová

Voice by Eva Trejtnarová
Marie Růžičková zvaná Rosmery

Roman Skamene

Ludvík Strejček zvaný Prcek

Ladislav Křiváček

lamač Macháček

Jiří Krampol

lamač Hrbek

Václav Brtna

Voice by Josef Bláha
lamač Sodomka

Miroslav Homola

mistr v lomu Janota

Vladimír Švabík

Mazač, předseda ZV ROH

Jana Gýrová

kantýnská Valentová, Beranova přítelkyně

Alena Kryštofková

kadeřnice Zdena

Ivan Řehák

vůdce party Karel Malina zvaný Jacek

Jiří Pleskot

automechanik Janeček

Václav Král

vrátný v hotelu Esplanade

Jaroslav Drbohlav

recepční v hotelu Esplanade

František Kubíček

soudní zřízenec

Roman Holát


Josef Langmiler

otec Jiřího

Jiří Žák

příslušník VB v gazu

Jaroslav Toť

starší příslušník VB

Jan Kuželka

příslušník VB

Josef A. Stehlík

hlídač v muzeu

Jana Boušková

kadeřnice Jana

Olga Skálová

královna ve snu

Eva Trunečková

Zdenina matka

Karel Smrž

starší harmonikář

Ivan Šlapeta

řidič bílé škodovky

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Věra Pištěková

Assistant Director

Jitka Poledňáková

Shooting Script

Antonín Kachlík

Director of Photography

Ivan Šlapeta

Second Unit Photography

Richard Valenta

Camera Operator

Oldřich Kovář

Production Designer

Milan Nejedlý

Assistent Production Designer

Josef Kraus

Set Designer

Zdeněk Jeřábek, Rudolf Kinský, Pavel Šťastný

Costume Designer

Bedřich Dlouhý

Make-Up Artist

František Čížek

Sound Designer

František Fabián

Production Manager

Jan Balzer

Unit Production Manager

Zdeňka Černá, Oldřich Mach

Unit Production Manager

Alena Lípová


Ivana Nevolová (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Karel Svoboda

Selected Music

František Kmoch (Na motoru /kvapík/)

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Orchestr Ladislava Štaidla


Život je dráha

Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Štaidl
Singer Karel Gottženský sbor

Bílé tulipány

Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Poštulka
Singer Naďa Urbánková

Tak pouze láska kouzlit umí

Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Poštulka
Singer Milan Drobný

Maminko, mámo

Singer sbor

Production info

Original Title

Jezdec formule risk

Czech Title

Jezdec formule risk

English Title

A Risk-Formula Driver

Working Title

Pláču, protože jsem blbec




featuretheatrical distribution


drama, psychological

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

start of filming 27 June 1972
technical Screenplay approved 24 July 1972
end of filming 18 January 1973
projection approval 23 January 1973
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986


preview 7 June 1973 (Chomutov /v rámci 11. filmového festivalu mladých Trutnov/)
festival premiere 14 June 1973 (24. filmový festival pracujících – červen ´73)
premiere 12 July 1973 /suitable for youths/ (kino Lucerna, Praha)
premiere 7 September 1973 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

Dramaturgická skupina Vojtěcha Trapla, Vojtěch Trapl (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

89 min

Original length in metres

2 514 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 12. festival českých a slovenských filmů Nitra

Nitra / Czechoslovakia


Festival: 24. filmový festival pracujících – červen '73

45 měst / Czechoslovakia

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