The film The High Blue Wall was created to mark the 30th anniversary of the independent Czechoslovak air force. Directed by Vladimír Čech in 1973, the film is inspired by the novel Osm a půl sestřelu (Eight-and-a-half Shootdowns) by author Vladimír Podzimek. The narrative is played out in 1951, and sees air force commander Jelínek (Jiří Bednář) nostalgically looking back to the formative days of Czech military aviation. Years ago, when first starting out, Jelínek even found himself at odds with his strict commander Dvořák (Martin Růžek). But both soldiers are ultimately joined together by the hope that new Soviet military aircraft will help secure the country’s borders against Western aggression. The film is an unabashed early “normalisation” attempt at rehabilitating the Stalinist era. The Czechoslovak People's Army (ČLA) and Svazarm (the Union for Cooperation with the Army) assisted with the production. Vysoká modrá zeď (The High Blue Wall) benefits from realistically staged aircraft battle sequences.
The young captain Jelínek, the top-ranking executive of the army air force, has been recalling the year 1951 when he joined military unit at the western border. He was a second-in-command responsible for political issues. The commander of the flying unit, general Dvořák who is his superior officer a feared but respected man, was imprisoned in a concentration camp during the World War II. Later he dedicated his family life to his profession. Jelínek has to prepare a lecture for the commanders, being grateful to his older colleague for helping him with choosing an appropriate text. The unit leaders do not let him know that it has been several times they heard the same lecture. Dvořák forbids Jelínek from organizing pilots as volunteers to built new apartments, but he tolerates his rising relationship to a secretary Libuška. The flying unit expects a supply of new Soviet fighters to provide for the "high blue wall" - protection against western armies. Old military aircraft is not capable of preventing the intrusion of leaflets carrying air balloons and American fighters. On the contrary, two Czech soldiers fly over to West Germany. Pilot Netopil though returns back soon. His apology for an emergency landing is accepted, but despite that, he is transferred to ground maintenance and supplies. Dvořák is very unhappy about the death of a nineteen years old pilot of the Aero Club, whose shot down he had to approve. The crash of an air balloon with an airliner causes death of several civilians. Soviet instructors arrive with the new aircrafts, and Czech pilots enthusiastically and successfully undertake the training. In a short time they have an opportunity to demonstrate their skills when forcing an intruding American military aircraft to land on our territory.
The first Czech feature film to be distributed also in 70mm film format.
generál Dvořák, velitel leteckého svazu
kapitán Luboš Jelínek, zástupce pro věci politické
plukovník Šmíd
major Josef Švestka
major Pekař
major Pecka
sekretářka Libuška
poručík Zdenek Netopil
poručík Vašíček
major Pilař
major Sluka
stavbyvedoucí Nohýnek
hospodyně Málková
Nehodová, Netopilova bývalá dívka
poručice Boučková, meteoroložka
nadporučík Vinopal
generál z ministerstva národní obr
staršina Hanák
staršina Havlín
major Přikryl
plukovník Hájek
nadporučík Němeček
generálova sekretářka
generálova písařka
písařka Věra
sekretářka majora Švestky
žena s deštníkem na zastávce
americký pilot L 29
tanečnice poručice Petráková
člen zabezpečovací skupiny
člen zabezpečovací skupiny
obsluha radiolokátoru
člen posádky C 11
člen posádky C 11
člen posádky C 11
člen posádky Mig 15
člen posádky Mig 15
člen posádky Mig 15
člen posádky Mig 15
člen posádky Mig 15
člen posádky Il 14
člen posádky Il 14
člen posádky Il 14
člen posádky Il 14
člen posádky Il 14
sólový tanečník
dubl za Jiřího Krampola
dubl za Vladimíra Brabce
hlas pilota ve vysílačce
hlas pilota ve vysílačce
Václav Podzimek (Osm a půl sestřelu – novela)
Václav Podzimek, Milan Růžička, Vladimír Čech, Miloslav Vydra
Petr Hanousek, Josef Müller, Jiří Žůček
Karel Škop, Vlasta Synkulová
Milan Futera
pplk. Ing. Josef Pavlík, Jan Hotěk, plk. Jan Kovář, Zbyšek Svoboda
T. Hospodářová (klapka), Josef Janoušek (fotograf), letecký útvar ČSLA Ostrava
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Ivan Petrovič Larionov
Writer of Lyrics Ivan Petrovič Larionov
Singer Alexandrovci
Vysoká modrá zeď
Vysoká modrá zeď
The High Blue Wall
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, political
literary Screenplay approved 1 November 1972
start of filming 20 February 1973
technical Screenplay approved 26 April 1973
end of filming 26 October 1973
projection approval 31 October 1973
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1989
festival premiere 13 June 1974 (25. filmový festival pracujících – červen ´74)
premiere 16 June 1974 /suitable for youths/ (kino Veletrhy a Sportovní hala Parku kultury a oddechu Julia Fučíka, Praha)
premiere 13 September 1974 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Karla Copa, Karel Cop (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
91 min
2 548 meters
16mm, 35mm, 70mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
mono, stereo
without subtitles
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu za rok 1974
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Čech
Event: Literární soutěž k 25. výročí Února
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Čech
Event: Literární soutěž k 25. výročí Února
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Václav Podzimek
Festival: 12. festival českých a slovenských filmů Nitra
Nitra / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 25. filmový festival pracujících – červen '74
45 měst / Czechoslovakia
Films screened using the original 70 mm copy are something of a holy grail for cinema connoisseurs demanding nothing but...
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