A young assistant to the director is being congratulated on her wedding by her colleagues and her boss. The wedding is to be held at the oncoming weekend in a her native village. Veronica recalls the first meeting with her husband-to-be - a locksmith Rudolf. The young man promised to bring her a suitcase borrowed from his friend Eda. Veronika's room-mate Martha is ashamed because she never allowed the young couple to enjoy privacy, and she decides to leave home earlier. Ed prevents Rudolf to buy a new leather suitcase. He takes him to his apartment, where a gang of boys have been waiting to throw a stag party. Rudolf gets a new suitcase from them for a wedding present. Veronika has impatiently been waiting for her groom. Rudolf brings her the luggage, promising to join her on the next day at the train station. He refuses to stay overnight, because he feels obliged to return to his splendid friends. Disappointed Veronika stays alone, crying and soaking her new night-gown.
sekretářka Veronika, nevěsta
zámečník Rudolf, ženich
Hála, Veroničin vedoucí
Marta, Veroničina spolubydlící
Eda, Rudolfův kamarád
Veroničina kolegyně
Veroničina kolegyně
Veroničina kolegyně
Veroničina kolegyně
Veroničina kolegyně
Veroničina kolegyně
Jiří Drašnar
Richard Yates (Všechno nejlepší /The Best of Everything/ – povídka)
Michal Krob
Igor Farbák
Josef Maniš
Otakar Vávra (režie), Jan Kališ (kamera), Alois Fišárek (střih), Vladimír Volf (produkce)
Martin Vojtíšek, archivní
Song Composer Hank Williams
Writer of Lyrics Jan Vyčítal
Singer mužský sbor
Všechno nejlepší
Všechno nejlepší
Warm Congratulations!
featurenon-theatrical distributionstudent film
short film
24 min
672 meters
black & white
without subtitles