Programme Televised from Bublice





Production year



27 September 1974


82 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizi

Czech title

Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizi

English title

Programme Televised from Bublice

Working title

Televize v Bublicích


Following his popular “Homolka family” trilogy, Jaroslav Papoušek pursued further success in his directing career with another escapist “village” feature. Papoušek, who had previously collaborated with world-famous director Miloš Forman (who participated in writing the screenplay for this film), made good use of an entertaining conceit – TV staff visiting an out-of-the-way village that has nothing interesting to offer the “world”. So what can the residents of Bublice do but hurry to create a successful hockey team and amateur theatre company within one week. For don’t they need more to present to the TV people than just their real, exemplary agricultural cooperative?… For this motion picture, Papoušek actually cast himself as “movie director Papoušek”. He arrives in Bublice to shoot his new feature film in the tongue-in-cheek finale. Petr Haničinec, Zdeněk Řehoř and Jan Libíček play jolly villagers.


The representatives of Bublice village - a council mayor, a co-op farm chairman, a school headmaster and a secretary of the council - are close to panic. They have just learnt that their village and their exemplary co-op farm are going to be filmed by a TV company. The television people want to film not only people working, but also the cultural and sport life in the village. However, all the cultural and sport events in Bublice are only limited to sitting in a pub or in front of a TV. The representatives of the village decide to recover the village reputation. Within one week they manage to set up a hockey team and an amateur theatre company. The performances in either of the teams are not great, but at least they exist. The expected and feared day is here. The television staff comes; they take shots of the amateur theatre actors, an ice hockey match, and village people enjoying their pork feast. The entire thrilled village then watches TV news. When they find out that all their efforts are presented in only two film shots, taking several seconds, the village becomes extremely indignant. All of them prepare protest letters. In the middle of all the warnings and passions a co-op member Nováček stands up and reminds them they wanted to change life in the village, not only to show something off. - And this is the moment when the Czechoslovak film cars are approaching Bublice as the director Papoušek has decided to make his new film just here.


The last completed film of Jan Libíček. The text of the song Uhlans, Uhlans, Lovely Children, the Sit on a Horse and Fly as Birds (Huláni, huláni, malovaný děti, sednou na koníčka, jako ptáci letí) has been included in the book Špalíček by Mikoláš Aleš.


Petr Haničinec

předseda JZD

Bohuš Pastorek

družstevník Láďa

Zdeněk Řehoř

Bedřich, tajemník MNV

Míla Myslíková

Bláža, tajemníkova žena

Jan Libíček

ředitel školy

Slávka Budínová

družstevnice Máňa

Oldřich Velen

Franta, předseda MNV

Josefa Pechlátová

matka předsedy MNV

Vladimír Hrubý

rváč Ludvík Palouček

Karel Augusta

Franta Paukert

Zdeněk Kryzánek

Jaromír Macháček

František Suchomel

žloutenkář Jeník Maňas

Vladimír Huber

Jiří Nováček

Josef Hlinomaz

Pepíček Čejka, bývalý ochotník

Petr Novotný

traktorista Zdeněk Kořán

Karel Meister ml.

lesník Jarda Vokurka

Darja Hajská


Jarmila Hlavová

sekretářka Hanka

Marie Motlová

Hančina matka

Consuela Morávková

televizní režisérka

Jiří Lír

kapelník Meteoru

František Kubíček

Václav Vopička

Karel Hovorka


Karel Bělohradský


Jan Pohan


Jaroslav Papoušek

filmový režisér

Jana Gýrová

televizní hlasatelka

Jarmila Orlová


Pavel Osif

dubl za Petra Haničince

Václav Hrůza

dubl za Bohuše Pastorka

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Milan Kadlec

Assistant Director

Antonín Kopřiva

Shooting Script

Jaroslav Papoušek

Director of Photography

Miroslav Ondříček

Second Unit Photography

Eduard Kadeřábek

Camera Operator

Jiří Knotek

Production Designer

Oldřich Okáč

Assistent Production Designer

Václav Hlávka

Set Designer

Jiří Cvrček, Bohumil Kadlec, Rudolf Příhoda

Costume Designer

Marta Kaplerová

Assistant Film Editor

Jiří Brožek

Sound Designer

Jiří Hora

Special Effects

Trikový ateliér FSB


Jan Knapeš (skok na laně)

Production Manager

Jaroslav Solnička

Unit Production Manager

Milan Štěch, František Jaderník

Unit Production Manager

Lucie Hertlová


A. Černá (klapka), Karel Šebík (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Karel Mareš

Selected Music

Antonín Dvořák (Slovanské tance)

Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)


Jak ustelem si, tak si lehnem

Song Composer Karel Mareš
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Papoušek
Singer Karel Černoch

Pionýři, pionýři, malované děti /parafráze na Huláni, huláni/

Singer dětský sbor

Ach, synku, synku

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer dětský sbor

Přijela pouť

Song Composer Ladislav Štaidl
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Štaidl
Singer Karel Gott

Production info

Original Title

Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizi

Czech Title

Televize v Bublicích aneb Bublice v televizi

English Title

Programme Televised from Bublice

Working Title

Televize v Bublicích




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 10 December 1973
start of filming 19 December 1973
technical Screenplay approved 7 January 1974
end of filming 13 June 1974
projection approval 19 June 1974
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986


premiere 26 September 1974 /suitable for youths/ (kino Letka, Praha)
premiere 27 September 1974 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize



Creative Group

Dramaturgická skupina Karla Copa, Karel Cop (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

82 min

Original length in metres

2 300 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio



black & white



Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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