Vladimír Čech filmed this psychological drama with criminal intrigue in 1974. The story’s protagonist is Václav Martan, a former aviation mechanic who tries to start a new life upon his release from prison. Martan is able to find work as a forest labourer in a border village – and a love interest in temporary worker Ivana. But when two murdered men are discovered in the forest, Martan, a man who has spent five years doing hard labour in the uranium mines for trying to hijack an airplane, becomes the main suspect. This story, based on a script from author and screenwriter Rudolf Kalčík, is designed as a tale of redemption for a character who previously strayed from the ideological path. Eduard Cupák offers a convincing performance in the lead role. Karel Höger and Luďek Munzar play two criminologists assisted by Martan in tracking down the real perpetrators of the crime.
Václav Martan, a former aircraft mechanic moves in a frontier village. He buys a horse from the pensioner Vávra, and he wants to work with the horse in the wood. He stays in a flat above the pub and he knocks the old animal into shape by walks and grazing on the meadows. Soon he makes friends with a young and pretty temporary worker Ivana and he even asks for her hand. He tells her he used to make a lot of money in uranium mines but he missed there the nature. The girl has parents living inland who tremble for her and therefore they are sending her packets with oranges. In the wood where Martan uses to feed the horse a technician and a foreste are shot. The criminalists start to investigate the case together with the frontier guards. Martan becomes suspected. Some time ago he was in prison for five years because he had attempted to hijack an airplane. Ivana told him a lie too, in reality she had grown up in a children's home and she is sending the fruit herself. Tonda Randák who had seen Martan to run away from the scene of the crime is an important witness. Tonda's brother Eda deserted from the army and fled to the West. Martan is arrested, he admits that it was he who has found both dead men but he was afraid to report it. But while he is arrested, a soldier is wounded by shooting at the border with the same gun. Randák starts to say to the police that Eda had not fled anywhere and is hiding in the surroundings. Martan is not guilty but the criminalists announce with his consent that Martan had pleaded guilty. After seven days of searching Tonda Randák is convicted and arrested. Ivana and Václav shall explain many things to each other now.
Václav Martan, bývalý letecký mechanik
brigádnice Ivana Zímová
dělník na pile Tonda Randák
kriminalista major Tichý
kriminalista kapitán Jan Šrámek
Eva, Šrámkova žena
major Pohraniční stráže Baloc
nadporučík Hromádka
poručík Jakeš
kriminalista Zeman
harmonikář Zunt
nadpraporčík Ryba
starý Randák
Tereza Randáková
Vávra, Martanův předchůdce
polesný Kovanda
polesný Rataj
lesní technik Alois Moučka
správce Doubek
voják Burian
hlídka VB
hlídka VB
hlídka Pohraniční stráže
hlídka Pohraniční stráže
řidič Pohraniční stráže
prodavačka Marková
úřednice na poště
Jiří Švengsbír
Josef Müller, Bohuslav Varhaník, Jiří Žůček
Karel Škop, Vlasta Synkulová
plk. Jan Kovář, František Kruml, mjr. Stanislav Hrdlička
T. Hospodářová (klapka), Josef Janoušek (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Singer sbor
Singer sbor
Sedmého dne večer
Sedmého dne večer
The Seventh Evening
Pět dní kapitána Š. / Sedmý den
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, crime
literary Screenplay approved 19 October 1973
start of filming 6 November 1973
technical Screenplay approved 11 March 1974
end of filming 26 September 1974
projection approval 2 October 1974
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
gala premiere 20 January 1975 (Karlovy Vary)
premiere 30 January 1975 /suitable for youths/ (kino Kyjev, Praha)
premiere 31 January 1975 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Karla Copa, Karel Cop (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
90 min
2 530 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Event: Literární soutěž Československého filmu k 25. výročí Února
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Rudolf Kalčík
Event: Literární soutěž Československého filmu k 25. výročí Února
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Vladimír Čech
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