Director Hynek Bočan spent six years barred from making feature-length films after earning the displeasure of the Prague Barrandov film studios' management thanks to his political stance and the motion pictures he had put out during the 1960s. Eventually, the ban was relaxed, but naturally, given the prevailing regime, Bočan was not free to select subject matter for his films. The appearance in his filmography of crime comedy Muž z Londýna (The Man From London, 1974) is a consequence of that uncomfortable situation. The narrative relates an unsuccessful attempt at a crime made by top professional safe cracker George Reiner (Jiří Sovák) from England. Things break down because of rather specific characteristics of the modestly-sized Czech gangland. Reiner is a Czech emigrant, who, after 30 years away has forgotten how things really are in the country of his birth. The robbery of golden twenty-dollar bills from a villa in Pilsen, which is due to soon disappear under the waters of a new dam, is also complicated by the acquisitive but “innocent” Sýkora couple (Lubomír Lipský, Květa Fialová). Despite excellent casting, Bočan’s film amounts to little more than an undemanding, relaxing entertainment.
A British citizen by the name of George Reiner arrives at Prague airport. He was once a Czech safebreaker, and has now returned home after thirty years to steal twenty-dollar gold coins still kept in the safe at a private villa in Plzeň whose owner fled to the West. Donovano, a member of his gang, is waiting for him at the airport and hands him a false identity card, a suitcase with safe-breaking tools and a photograph of the Sýkoras – the present inhabitants of the villa, which is scheduled to disappear under the water of a new reservoir. The burglar introduces himself to Mrs Sýkora as the architect Hönig and she allows him to wander around the house. After his return to the hotel, in a moment of inattention Reiner loses his suitcase with tools to the beginner-thief Celestýn. The burglar tries in vain to borrow some tools from his former buddy Davídek. Another former safebreaker, Fifka, is more willing to help. Celestýn is caught trying to sell the loot. The police begin to search for its real owner. Davídek and Fifka secretly watch Reiner. Nobody realizes that almost all the gold coins have been spent. Sýkora has been filching them for his mistress, and his wife for her lover the jealous ice-hockey player Tratil. The last remaining dollars are now in Mrs Sýkora's small suitcase. All the interested parties end up lifting the suitcase off one another, sometime using force in the process. Donovano is caught at the border while attempting to take the suitcase out of the country. Reiner is merely expelled from the country, but in London, the local police are already waiting for the wanted safebreaker. He now doesn't have to worry about his next fifteen or so years of his life.
Until 1974, the director Hynek Bočan was not allowed to work at Barrandov even as an assistant director for political reasons. This film was the first he was offered to direct.
kasař Josef Reiner alias Ing. arch. Honig
manekýnka Magda Sýkorová
Sýkora, Magdin muž
bývalý kasař Fifka
frézař Václav Davídek, bývalý kasař
hokejista Karel Tratil, milenec Sýkorové
italský gangster Donovano
kapitán VB Zeman
poručík VB Kalina
zloděj Celestýn Aulický
vedoucí stylové vinárny Svojtka
Sýkorova milenka
vedoucí obchodu s použitým zbožím
číšník v stylové vinárně
nadstrážmistr VB
nadstrážmistr VB
úředník evidence obyvatel
prodavačka konfekce
Voice by Karel Houska
vrátný v hotelu
recepční v hotelu
zpěvačka, Fifkova sousedka
strážmistr VB
podpraporčík VB
příslušník Pohraniční stráže
úředník pasové kontroly
cestující ve vlaku
vrchní číšník v tanečním sále
muž z kolonie
pochůzkář VB
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
člen skupiny Bukanýři
dubl za Jiřího Sováka
dubl za Jiřího Sováka
dubl za Vladimíra Hrubého
tlustý kluk
Antonín Šimral
Josef Fiala (2), Marcel Kříž, Eva Slívová
Jiří Plachý, Ivan Rejmon
Václav Maršálek
mjr. Miroslav Korda
Marcela Žížalová (klapka), Ivan Minář (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Singer skupina Bukanýři
Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Ladislav Štaidl
Singer Karel GottJiří Krampol
Muž z Londýna
Muž z Londýna
The Man from London
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, crime
literary Screenplay approved 16 April 1973
start of filming 18 June 1973
technical Screenplay approved 17 July 1973
end of filming 24 January 1974
projection approval 6 February 1974
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
gala premiere 1 June 1974 (Sportovní hala Parku kultury a oddechu Julia Fučíka, Praha)
premiere 7 June 1974 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 20 June 1974 /suitable for youths/ (kino Sevastopol, Praha)
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny), Výrobní skupina Věry Kadlecové, Věra Kadlecová (vedoucí výrobní skupiny)
feature film
91 min
2 555 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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