Director Dušan Klein made a sequence of popular crime dramas during the 1970s. However, Případ mrtvého muže (The Case of the Dead Man, 1974) stands apart from Jeden z nich je vrah (One of Them Is the Murderer, 1970), Zatykač na královnu (A Warrant Against the Queen, 1973) and Sázka na třináctku (A Bet on Thirteen, 1977) in that it was set during the 1950s and draws on the decade’s heightened Cold War themes. The film was also inspired by a real murder case which had not been solved. This spy-crime thriller centres on efforts by police to uncover the identity of a Western spy. Among the suspects is a deaf-mute man with amnesia, as doubts emerge that Karel Neumann is feigning his impairments... An actor of Slovak descent Július Vašek stars in this mostly unremarkable feature. The role of the investigator trying to uncover Neumann’s true identity was a familiar one for Jaroslav Moučka.
The year is 1955. An agent in a balloon trespasses the West frontier, immediately afterwards shoots dead the driver of a lorry awaiting him in the woods, and takes to flight. The body buried under the stones and the gondola balloons is soon found. The finger prints at the bottle belong to the waiter Voráč who fled last year to Austria. The investigators Major Sojka and Captain Erba are tipping of the persons, detained last time at the frontier, a deaf-and-dumb man. The man puts down at the slip of paper his name Karel Neumann and also the statement that he suffers loss of memory. The doctors after thorough examination do not eliminate deafness and amnesia. Neumann is released and takes up work in the sand-pit. There is successfully arrested Voráč but he has nothing to do with murder. Neumann becomes friends with nurse Vacková. An other trace leads to the town of Carlsbad. In the meantime a badly braked car almost runs over Neumann and the endured shock returns him speech and hearing. His photograph, printed due to the accent of his speech in Polish newspapers, brings to the police Mrs Sosnowská. Nevertheless, face to face to the old woman Neumann denies that he is her son missing since the war. He marries Vacková and assumes her surname. The barman at Carlsbad, cooperating with the police, invites the agent for a meeting. To the dining car in a train there comes Neumann and after grasping he is disclosed he jumps out of the train during journey and he shoots himself dead.
agent-dělník Karel Neumann, později Karel Vacek, vlastním jménem Florek Sosnowski
major VB Sojka
kapitán VB Erba
zdravotní sestra Vacková, později Karlova žena
agentka-artistka Sylva Neuwirthová
agent-číšník Ladislav Voráč
agent-řidič Hanzi Carona, Sylvin asistent
kriminalista poručík VB Tesař
kriminalista poručík VB Konrád
kriminalista podporučík VB Klimeš
Polka Sosnowská, Florkova matka
polský kriminalista plukovník Tokarz
barman Kaiser
Voice by Gustav Bubník
Jarek, syn Vackové
dělnice Zdena
dělník Máček
dělník Standa
tlustý dělník
Voice by Jan Faltýnek
dělník Fred
dělník Kondr
profesor MUDr. Sládek, lékař v ústavu pro hluchoněmé
MUDr. Bauer
MUDr. Jahn
řidič nákladního automobilu
poručík letectva
kriminalista z pohraničí
kriminalista z Karlových Varů
Jaroslava, rozená Nývltová, Voráčova žena
montér Jiří, Voráčův bratr
poručík Pohraniční stráže
Voice by Luba Skořepová
úřednice na poště
Voice by Luba Skořepová
zdravotní sestra
Voice by Mirko Musil
řidič sedanu
Voice by Mirko Musil
dubl za Júlia Vaška
dubl za Josefa Somra
Jiří Prokeš
Jindřich Kühnel, Dušan Klein, Václav Šašek, Karel Cop (spolupráce na dialozích)
Zdeněk Jeřábek (vedoucí výpravy), Rudolf Kinský, Pavel Šťastný
Jana Koubová, Ladislav Beneš
Miloslav Černohlávek
František Blanař
Marcela Žížalová (klapka), Vladimír Souček (fotograf), Tiskový odbor Ministerstva vnitra ČSSR
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Miloslav Ducháč
Writer of Lyrics Miroslav Zikán
Singer Yvetta Simonová
Song Composer Bedřich Nikodem
Writer of Lyrics Jaromír Hořec
Singer Josef Zíma
Případ mrtvého muže
Případ mrtvého muže
The Case of the Dead Man
Stará stopa
featuretheatrical distribution
crime, spy
literary Screenplay approved 8 January 1974
start of filming 2 May 1974
technical Screenplay approved 21 June 1974
end of filming 3 December 1974
projection approval 20 December 1974
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1989
festival premiere 21 February 1975 (13. festival českých a slovenských filmů Praha /kino Světozor, Praha/)
premiere 8 May 1975 /suitable for youths/ (kino 64 U Hradeb, Praha)
premiere 30 May 1975 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Karla Copa, Karel Cop (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
99 min
2 781 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Polish
without subtitles