Husband and wife Leo and Hermína travel through the countryside along the Berounka river trying to find a nice summer lodging for themselves and their three sons. They decide to stay with the family of ferryman Prošek and enjoy the summer. The boys play football and cowboys and Indians and learn fishing from their father and Mr Prošek. Their mother plays gramophone records and cooks with Mrs Prošková. The head forester warns Prošek not to let his Alsatian Holan run free, because it could kill a roebuck. The truth is, however, that the Prošeks do eat wild game from time to time. In fact, once Mrs Prošek hid a dead animal in her child's crib just before the gamekeeper arrived. One day, the local character arrives with news that the Protectorate of Bohemia und Moravia has just been declared. Suddenly, everything changes. The elder boys and the father must now wear the yellow Jewish star and time gets close for them to leave for a concentration camp. The father then asks Prošek to lend Holan to him. With the dog's help, he hunts down a roebuck, whose meat is to give strength to the two boys. The youngest son stays home with his mother. Finally, the war is over and the family, fortunately having survived, returns to their beloved place by the ferry at Berounka. But nobody comes in answer to their calls across the river...
tatínek Leo
maminka Hermína
převozník Karel Prošek
Proškova žena
vlčák Holan
Predrag Babović, Miloš Bobek, Jozefína Petrášová, Michal Vostřez, Miloš Fedaš, A. Tylová
Ota Pavel (Smrt krásných srnců – povídka)
Ervín Sanders, Ivan Bartoš
Augustin Valko
Antonín Kachlík (režie), Jan Kališ (kamera), Karel Kohout (střih), Čestmír Církva (střih), Bedřich Pilný
manželé Hvězdovi, J. Plíva
Jaroslav Ježek (Isabel valse)
Song Composer Pavel Milan
Writer of Lyrics Viktorka Bárová
Singer skupina J. Rozínka
Song Composer Jaroslav Ježek
Writer of Lyrics Jiří VoskovecJan Werich
Singer Jiří VoskovecJan Werich
Song Composer Bedřich Smetana
Writer of Lyrics Eliška Krásnohorská
Singer Věra Tichánková
Smrt krásných srnců
Smrt krásných srnců
The Death of the Beautiful Roebucks
featurenon-theatrical distributionstudent film
étude, historical
medium length film
32 min
901 meters
without subtitles
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