Yet another contribution to the list of enthusiastic, post-1968 socialism-building film dramas was Hřiště (Playground, 1975), directed by Štěpán Skalský. The main protagonist is a young civil engineer who upon graduating joins a prestigious design studio. Young Turna is blissfully unaware that his position has been previously arranged by his father, a prominent architect. After the clueless rookie attempts to steal a design created by his Canadian colleague, the truth comes to light. The flawed hero later finds redemption in a motorway bridge construction project... This standard-for-the-times tale about a conceited young intellectual who is set on the right tracks by honest outdoor work is only lifted above mediocrity by a strong performance from Jiří Bartoška in his first leading role. The part of the father comprised the last film performance of Karel Höger. In the 1970s, director Skalský also collaborated with screenwriter Karel Steigerwald in creating a similarly attuned film, environmental drama Čistá řeka (Pure River, 1978).
A fresh graduate, civil engineer Luděk Turna decides on his future. His former girl-friend Jana left him because of his vanity and touchy moods. But Luděk says it was him who left her. Although he has agreed to leave with his fellow students to build a motorway, he accepts a job in a prestigious architecture office. His father, an important architect approves his decision. Soon after he joins the office, Luděk gets an individual task. He shall make a competition project of a sanatorium for miners in the Krušné hory mountains He gets to work eagerly and he refuses advice of his father who leaves to Belgium for work. In the office they expect maliciously his failure, only designer Polda trusts Luděk unconditionally. But Luděk is unequal to this task. When the deadline approaches he finds in his father´s rich documentation a similar project of a Canadian architect. He hands in this draft slightly modified as his own work. The boss is excited and expects that Luděk's project will win. But architect Turna recognizes his son's cheat and he is very disappointed. As chance would have it he learns shortly after that from Polda that he got the job thanks to the influence of his father. He feels humiliated and decides to solve it radically. He confesses to the boss and leaves Prague to build a motorway bridge. He devotes all his power to his work and to an innovation suggestion which can stop wasting of wood. After some time his father visits him and they have it out with each other. Luděk is finally happy and one day he even gets a visit from Jana.
stavař Ing. Luděk Turna
architekt Turna, Luďkův otec
meteoroložka Jana zvaná Rozmarýna
stavitel Louda
Turnová, Luďkova matka
kreslička Polda
profesor Vinklář
ředitel ateliéru Omega
stavař Míša Anděl, Luďkův kamarád
stavař Vladimír, předseda SSM
stavař Holý, Luďkův spolužák
stavař Vágner, Luďkův spolužák
stavařka Ivana, Luďkova spolužačka
architekt Werniš, zaměstnanec Omegy
architekt Jan Frejka, zaměstnanec Omegy
architekt, zaměstnanec Omegy
architekt Hromada, zaměstnanec Omegy
inženýr Horák
inženýr Bázler
stavbyvedoucí Halma
dělník Růžička
dělník Šrámek
dělník Ciboch
dělník Kápl
stavebník Tauchman
televizní moderátorka
podporučík VB
správce kurtů
otec Holého
matka Holého
matka na promoci
matka na promoci
řidič Tatry
zpěvačka v televizi
zpěvačka v televizi
mladík v baru
dubl za Karla Urbánka
dubl za Jaromíra Spala
dubl za Elišku Balzerovou
Václav Křístek, Bohumila Potůčková
Miroslav Ondříček, Jiří Krob (letecké záběry)
Miroslav Himmer, Marcel Kříž, Eva Slívová
Ing. Jaromír Beránek, Věra Suková
Ivana Malíková (klapka), Karel Ješátko (fotograf), Ředitelství silnic a dálnic Praha, Vojenské stavby Brno, Inženýrské stavby Košice, Stavby silnic a železnic Praha
FISYO (Music Conducted by Martin Kratochvíl), Jazz Q (Music Conducted by Martin Kratochvíl)
Song Composer Aleš Sigmund
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Žák
Singer Martha ElefteriaduTena Elefteriadu
Singer Josef Langmiler
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 19 February 1976 /suitable for youths/ (kino Letka, Praha)
premiere 20 February 1976 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
96 min
2 728 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 14. festival českých a slovenských filmů Brno
Brno / Czechoslovakia