Director Vojtěch Trapl was very much at ease with the post-1968 “normalisation” era storytelling required by Prague's Barrandov film studios. One example is found in this 1975 adaptation of Trapl’s own play. The directing debut of this film industry functionary, maker of instructional films, and opponent of cinema's Czechoslovak New Wave, leaves much to be desired in terms of craftsmanship, but more than makes up for it via its ideological fervour. In a story that takes place in the summer of 1968, state prosecutor Ronešová launches an investigation into an attack by an angry mob on the wife of a local communist. In court, Ronešová succeeds in uncovering the real culprit: a right-wing colleague who deliberately stirred things up... Jiřina Petrovická takes the lead role in this archetypal example of “normalisation” period filmmaking. Trapl would return to the big screen director’s chair two further times – albeit with similar results – via Vítězný lid (The Victorious People, 1977) and Velké přání (The Big Wish, 1981).
A young woman is driven through streets by a furious crowd and just a quick reaction of a driver rescues her from dying under a bus. It is the end of 1968 and the politically stirred time influences people's behaviour and their acting. The prosecuting attorney Olga Ronešová decides to accuse several town inhabitants present on the crime scene of not attempting to stop the crime. She can hardly collect witness and evidence. The crime victim Zorka Balcarová remains in psychiatrists' care. Olga gradually collects a mosaic of social relationships and events preceding the crime. An operating deputy manager Balcar, Zorka's husband is a communist of principle and he hinders many people. He punished workers for their not meeting job duties and their participation in demonstrations by reducing their wages. A journalist Voska filmed the whole tragic incident and after certain reluctance he gives the film to Ronešová. People are, however, filmed from their back and so it cannot be used as evidence. Olga's husband Karel does not stand by her and finally he moves away. Olga's daughter Majka describes the very beginning of the conflict - Balcarová tore down a poster labelling her husband a collaborationist. Voska, himself being sued by Olga, supplies her with the substantial part of the film, where there is Karel among the people. The mutual accusing of the sued at the court results in convicting the main culprit - the right wing lawyer Kahan who purposely provoked the beating and called the police only when it nearly turned into a tragedy.
The role performed by Vladimír Švabík introduces himself at a hearing as Matěj Brebera, at the court they list him as Viktor Brebera.
prokurátorka JUDr. Olga Ronešová
Ing. Karel Roneš, Olžin muž
Majka, dcera Ronešových
obhájce JUDr. Pavel Kahan
vedoucí prodejny Antonín Kuchař
Zorka Balcarová
provozní náměstek Balcar, Zorčin muž
svědkyně Anna Smutná
redaktor Ivan Voska
obžalovaný Matěj Viktor Brebera
obžalovaný Jiří Pelda
obžalovaná vdova Yvona Přeskočilová
JUDr. František Hanousek, okresní prokurátor
zapisovatelka Liduška Karešová
strážmistr VB Hošek
profesor Valenta
Voice by Mirko Musil
mechanik Karel Vochoč
řidič autobusu Pilný
Voice by Mirko Musil /pouze v exteriérové scéně/
Souček, Valentův přítel
MUDr. Lacinová
JUDr. Stočes, předseda senátu
přísedící soudu Kofroň
přísedící soudu Havránková
muž rozdávající letáky
starší žena
Tomášek, syn Balcarové
žena na chodbě soudu
Viktor Riebauer
Vojtěch Trapl (Tobě hrana zvonit nebude – divadelní hra)
Jaroslav Lehman, Josef Pavlík, Ladislav Rada
Vladimír Kubík
Blažena Motlíková (klapka), Miroslav Pešan (fotograf)
Antonín Dvořák (Symfonie č. 9 e moll /Z Nového světa/), Antonín Dvořák (Koncert pro housle a orchestr a moll)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer dívčí sbor
Song Composer Alexandr Vasiljevič Alexandrov
Writer of Lyrics Vasilij I. Lebeděv-Kumač
Singer sbor
Tobě hrana zvonit nebude
Tobě hrana zvonit nebude
The Bell Will Not Toll for You
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
preview 28 August 1975 (Hradec Králové)
premiere 4 September 1975 /suitable for youths/ (kino Paříž, Praha)
premiere 5 September 1975 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny), Výrobní skupina Věry Třeškové, Věra Třešková (vedoucí výrobní skupiny)
feature film
93 min
2 600 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Exhibition: 20. přehlídka avantgardních a neorealistických filmů Avellino
Avellino / Italy
československá kinematografie
Festival: 14. festival českých a slovenských filmů Brno
Brno / Czechoslovakia
Vojtěch Trapl
Festival: 23. mezinárodní filmový festival San Sebastián
San Sebastián / Spain
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