A film depicting a day in the life of criminal investigators in the Ostrava police department was one result of director Dušan Klein’s specialisation in crime and detective stories throughout the 1970s. Under the dramaturgic oversight of Oldřich Železný, screenwriters Karel Cop and Karel Štorkán created a trio of different and unrelated cases. Police search in vain for a missing 16-year old girl; succeed in arresting a mentally disturbed kidnapper of infants; and in a robbery case manage to arrest a pair of lovers about to cross the border into Poland, complete with their loot, albeit at the expense of an injury to one of the investigators… In his search for authenticity, Klein cast some lesser known actors in this film, which also benefited from realistic depictions of industrial Ostrava.
A summer’s day. Sixteen-year-old Hedvika arrives in Ostrava. At the same time Libuše Zahradníková is conspiring with her lover Emil Kučera at a bistro, secretly observed by the crime investigator Bauch. A baby kidnapped a week before in front of a shop is found dead in the deserted waiting room at the health centre. The three events become the focus of attention of the Ostrava police crime squad. Hedvika's flight from home is reported by her parents. Bauch follows the two conspirators all the way out of town to a neighbourhood of weekend cabins where Kučera attacks him with a knife. The badly wounded policeman luckily reaches hospital in time and his written notes put his colleague on the right trail. Věra Hánová is telling a lawyer that he must compel her former friend engineer Kalvínský to visit their daughter. After leaving the lawyer, she gives money to a little girl looking after her baby brother's pram, telling her she can go and buy a bear in the toyshop . Then she takes the opportunity to steal the pram with the baby. The police are investigating all three cases. Zahradníková has a hundred and twenty thousand crowns from the robbery for which her husband has been jailed, and Kučera has stolen Bauch's pistol. The lawyer leads the police to the mentally disturbed kidnapper Hánová, who had earlier miscarried her longed-for child. The first child kidnapped by her was ill and died on the way to the health centre but fortunately, the second one has been saved. The lovers are arrested before they manage to escape to Poland. Hedvika will also be found soon. A new day begins and the town is unaware of all this...
major VB Kilián
nadporučík VB Pěnkava
nadporučík VB Falta
poručík VB Adámek
kapitán VB Touš
poručík VB Lukeš
nadporučík VB Bažant zvaný Fotr
Libuše Zahradníková
Emil Kučera, milenec Zahradníkové
Věra Hánová
Hedvika Miloňová
nadporučík Stanislav Bauch
Jana, Bauchova žena
Ing. Jiří Kalvínský, bývalý přítel
informátor Ervín
Petrmichlová, matka uneseného dítěte
podporučík VB Havránek
kantýnská Ciprová
matka inženýra Kalvínského
provozní Maxmilián Hubert
poručík VB Tonda
soused s chlebem
vrátný zdravotního střediska Nekuda
zdravotní sestra
Eva Vajsová, kamarádka Hedviky
vedoucí prodejny
MUDr. Klem
člen hlídky
člen hlídky
příslušník VB
technik VB
mladý lékař
řidič Volhy
domácí u Hánové
Jiří Prokeš
Jan Hanzl
Miloš Osvald, Jiří Rulík
Ladislav Beneš, Jana Koubová
Lev Veltrubský
pplk. Miroslav Hýbl
Blažena Zajícová (klapka), Ivan Minář (fotograf), Krájská správa VB v Ostravě
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Lester LeeZeke Manners
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Grossmann
Singer Naďa Urbánková
Song Composer Zdeněk Marat
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Poštulka
Singer Helena Vondráčková
Song Composer Zdeněk Marat
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Hana Zagorová
Song Composer Zdeněk Marat
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Borovec
Singer Valerie Čižmárová
Město nic neví
Město nic neví
Town Unaware
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 1 April 1976 /suitable for youths/ (kino Jalta, Praha)
premiere 2 April 1976 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Kaliny, Vladimír Kalina (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
87 min
2 450 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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