The director Oldřich Lipský was a big fan of the circus. This was evident in his very first film, a comedy titled Cirkus bude! (The Show Is On, 1954). He returned to his favourite venue several times, whether in the documentary Cirkus jede (The Circus is Coming, 1960) or in the comedies 6 medvědů s Cibulkou (Six Bears and Cibulka, 1972) or Cirkus v cirkuse (Hurly-Burly in a Circus, 1975). He did not live to see the realisation of his dream project, the Cirkus Humberto TV series (1968), for which he wrote the screenplay. Cirkus v cirkuse was thus Lipský’s farewell to his beloved ring. The screenplay for the Soviet-Czech project was written by Miloš Macourek, who combined the performance of the Moscow circus, which Lipský had studied with the loving passion of a documentarist, with a fantastic story about a congress of zoophilologists. The British scientist, Dr. Whistler (Iva Janžurová), ventures that if her Czech colleague Professor Růžička (Jiří Sovák) can teach an elephant to sing, she will eat her hat.
To Moscow have arrived the participants of the international conference of the zoophilologists and also the international jury which is to elect for the world festival the best performance of the programme of Moscow circus. Mrs Whistler, British associate professor, makes her understood with the animals in their language but the Czech professor Růžička, though he is capable of using the animals language, prefers teaching the animals the human language. Růžička's friend, the poodle Archibald, speaks "in Human" very well. The scientific dispute ends with a stake - if Růžička teaches the circus elephant to sing, Mrs Whistler will eat up her hat. In circus there starts the programme. Nobody suspects that Gríša, an unsuccesful suitor of charming Táňa, daughter of the director of the circus, out of jealousy and vengeance intentionally tampers with everything. He even slanders at the director a young and talented waiter Aljoša, Táňa's new love, saying he is a drinker. The hypnotist sends the associate professor, who is interfering, to sleep and Růžička teaches the elephant to sing. However, the reward - two buckets of ice-cream - cause heavy hoarseness to the elephant. Gríša has prepared a trap on Aljoša, lemonade with sleeping draught, which is drunk by mistake by the hypnotist who then falls asleep in the middle of his performance. But the spectators have a wonderful time and are amused by circus performers, jugglers, training of animals and most of all by the comic performances - altogether the consequences of Gríša's treacherous activity. Love causes that Táňa and Aljoša fly up over the night town. Poodle Archibald discloses to the director who is guilty of all the collapses. At the end the elephant sings up and Mrs Whistler, in front of the spectators, has to take a bite into her hat which she unsuccesfully attempted to get rid of at the backstage. But with surprise she finds out that it is a cake just as gentleman Růžička had it made. The jury decides to accept for the festival the whole programme.
Voice by Josef Vinklář
ředitel cirkusu
profesor Růžička
britská docentka Elisabeth Whistle
Voice by Michal Pavlata
číšník Aljoša
Voice by Marta Vančurová
Táňa, dcera ředitele
Voice by Rudolf Jelínek
Voice by Vladimír Hrubý
zřízenec Lopuchov
francouzská porotkyně
italský porotce
český porotce Lopata
norský porotce
Voice by Karel Hlušička
indický zoofilolog
Voice by Mirko Musil
hypnotizér Evard Spiridonovič Smir
Voice by Karel Vlček
inspicient Alexandr Borisovič
Voice by Svatopluk Skládal
žárlivý manžel
ošetřovatel slonů Nikolaj
holandský zoofilolog
bulharský zoofilolog
německá zoofiloložka
francouzský zoofilolog Jean Leriqu
italský zoofilolog
polský zoofilolog
jugoslávský zoofilolog
švýcarský zoofilolog
španělský zoofilolog
švýcarský zoofilolog
sekretářka zoofilologů
ošetřovatel slonů
letec Aeroflotu
Voice by Otto Lackovič
číšník u zoofilologů
krásná akvabela
muž v bílém
Máša, žena žárlivého muže
otec holčiček
matka holčiček
dubl za cvičeného medvěda
dubl za Natalji Varlejovou
dubl za Alexandra Leňkova
leki-dagestánský provazochodec
akrobat na hrazdách
uzbecký akrobat s velbloudy
akrobat s kruhem
vzdušná gymnastika
drezura lvů
akrobat – obří kroky
rýnská kola
rýnská kola
akrobat s odrazným můstkem
vedoucí skupiny žonglérů
vedoucí medvědího cirkusu
severoosetinští džigisté
akrobat na perské tyči
létající hrazdy
čeremošzakarpatský skákač
volná drezura koní
akrobatka na motocyklech
krotitel slonice Rézi
Aleš Dospiva, A. Razumovskij, Andrej Maljukov
Zdeňka Slunéčková, Viktor Karásek, N. Bilimovová
Miloš Macourek, Jakov Kostjukovskij, Moris Slobodskoj, Oldřich Lipský
Pavel Nečesal, Jan Němeček, Oldřich Hubáček, Pavel Dosoudil, Karel Hejsek, Karel Dobřichovský, Ladislav Chroust
V. Čurinov, Josef Müller, Bohuslav Varhaník, Jiří Žůček
Jaroslav Kučera, Jiří Rumler, Ludvík Malý, Trikový ateliér FSB
Zlatomil Fabinyi, František Faust, Josef Koch, Miloš Novák, Jaroslav Šimonka, Stanislav Tůma, Alexandr Vejsada
Jaromír Lukáš, Lev Kušelevič
Milana Melcerová, R. Kalmykov, Miroslav Dousek, T. Varginova
A. S. Agadžanov
Mark Mestečkin (režie cirkusového představení), Dagmar Vrbovcová (klapka), Jan Kuděla (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán KoníčekFrantišek Belfín), Orchestr Karla Vlacha
Michail Ančarov
Jiří Korn, sbor
P. Grodnickij
Cirkus v cirkuse
Cirkus v cirkuse
Hurly-Burly in a Circus
Solo dlja slona s orkestrom
Ať žije cirkus!
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 5 February 1976 /suitable for youths/ (kino Blaník, Praha)
gala premiere 12 February 1976 (kino Blaník, Praha)
premiere 13 February 1976 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
Dramaturgická skupina Miloše Brože, Miloš Brož (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
131 min
3 674 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Event: 48. ročník Ceny americké Akademie filmových věd a umění Oscar 1975
Hollywood, Los Angeles / United States of America
Festival: 14. festival českých a slovenských filmů Brno
Brno / Czechoslovakia
Oldřich Lipský
Event: Československá nominace na Cenu americké Akademie filmových věd a umění Oscar 1975
Praha / Czechoslovakia