After his chilling condemnation of the communist regime in Ucho (The Ear, 1970), director Karel Kachyňa was forced to strictly adhere to the “normalization” era ideology of Prague's Barrandov film studios. This is evident in his subsequent adaptation of a short story by Petr Jilemnický, O dvoch bratroch (The Story of Two Brothers) – a socially critical piece, which tells the story of two siblings of different temperaments. The narrative takes place in the Moravian-Silesian village of Žitková during the Great Depression. The industrious Josef returns to his father’s house with his family. However his younger brother, the greedy alcoholic Vendel, disapproves of his conduct. For he desires to inherit his father’s farmstead himself…. In Škaredá vesnice (The Ugly Village, 1975) Karech Kachyňa utilises contrived folklore motifs. To achieve a greater degree of authenticity, the cast is comprised mostly of lesser-known actors. The film is dominated by an impressive performance from Petr Čepek in the role of the ex-serviceman Vendel Juriga.
Veteran Jurga plays the cimbalom and sings about the ugly village of Žitková. On the Epiphany Day in 1932, farmer Jurica receives a letter from his son Josef - the economic crisis deprived him of his job, because of which he had left for town to look for a job years ago. He would now like to return to his parents' house with his wife Marie and little son Jurka. Vendel, Jurica's younger son, does not like the idea; he feels they - that is, himself, his father and mother and his wife Tereza and little daughter Bertina - do not have enough as it is. But old Jurica is not about to let his elder son down; he values the hardworking Josef far more than Vendel, who has an addiction for alcohol. This is also the reason why Jurica has not yet turned the farm over to Vendel. Vendel keeps spinning unrealistic plans in order to get money. He takes out fire insurance, because some time ago the house of farmer Hodula burnt down and the farmer was able to build a new one quickly with the indemnity. Josef and Marie move into the outbuilding and start working at the farm. Tereza keeps poisoning Vendel's mind against them; she had hoped to become the landlady and now she has nothing. Vendel is in debt; he even cons out of Josef the little money he has saved. During the traditional ritual celebrating the coming of spring, Bertina tumbles into the brook and falls seriously ill. Marie wants to take the child to the doctor, but the parents refuse. The local herbwoman is unable to help her, so the little girl dies. Vendel's drinking and obvious greed make Josef hold on to his share in the farm, although Marie begs him to go back to town. One day, most of the family goes to the market. Vendel gives matches to the local character and takes him to the barn. Josef returns just in time to extinguish the starting fire. Summoning all his strength, he fights off the furious Vendel who attempts to kill him. Josef, Marie and their little son then leave the farm and return to town.
All of the dancers are members of the crew named Chorea Bohemica.
gazda Fabián Jurica
gazdina Juricová
Vendel, mladší syn Juricových
Tereza, Vendelova žena
Jožin, starší syn Juricových
Marie, Josefova žena
vojenský vysloužilec Jurga
slabomyslný Ondryš
Tunin Uherek
Voice by Slávka Hozová
Márika Hodulová
Voice by Petr Svojtka
Štefan, Máričin milý
Bertina, dcera Vendela a Terezy
Jurka, syn Josefa a Marie
kořenářka zvaná Bohyně
kmocháček Martin
Voice by Jan Pohan
pojišťovací agent
Jura Soviš, Máričin ženich
řídící učitel
gazda Hodula, otec Máriky
Voice by Mirko Musil
správce lomu Šopík
bába kořenářka
bába kořenářka
hostinský Rotter
hudebník-hráč na cimbál
Peter Jilemnický (O dvoch bratoch – povídka ze sbírky Kompas v nás)
Hanuš Bečvář
Josef Müller, Milan Rališ, Jiří Žůček
Jaroslava Semrádová
Dana Průchová (klapka), Miloš Schmiedberger (fotograf)
Jaroslav Krček (Masopust /motivy pro píšťalku/), Jaroslav Krček (Pochovávání basy /úprava lidových písní/)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Chorea Bohemica (Music Conducted by Jaroslav Krček)
Singer Václav Babka [dab]Luboš Holý
Singer dětský sbor
Singer Václav Babka [dab]Luboš Holý
Singer dívčí sbor
Singer Václav Babka [dab]Luboš Holý
Singer dětský sbor
Singer sbor
Singer Václav Babka [dab]Luboš Holý
Škaredá dědina
Škaredá dědina
The Ugly Village
featuretheatrical distribution
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 21 November 1975 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 27 November 1975 /suitable for youths/ (kino Kyjev, Praha)
Dramaturgická skupina Karla Copa, Karel Cop (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
83 min
2 321 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles