The existence of cooperative agreements between film studios in communist countries gave rise from time to time to the obligatory creation of coproduced motion pictures filmed in exotic locations. For the adventure story Ve znamení Tyrkysové hory (Focusing on the Turquoise Mountain, 1977), politically reliable director Ivo Toman travelled to faraway Mongolia to make a film about a (fictional) joint expedition of local and Czechoslovak geologists. The expedition searches for copper ore deposits in remote mountainous regions. In the face of continued failure, Professor Pudil (Josef Langmiler) decides to draw inspiration from the local legend of the Turquoise Mountain. However, the idea that copper deposits are usually located where turquoise is found runs contrary to the opinion of Pudil’s colleague Mareš (Karel Hlušička). The doubter Mareš is eventually forced to admit defeat… The film is worth seeing mainly for its footage of beautiful Mongolian landscapes, recorded by seasoned camera operator Josef Illík.
Czechoslovak and Mongolian geologists are searching for copper in Mongolian mountains. So far, they have been unsuccessful and thus, the author of the research plan, Professor Pudil, leaves for Mongolia without informing either the Prague company, called Geoindustria, or its branch in Ulánbátar. In his search for copper, Pudil wants to rely on an old folk tale of the Turquoise Mountain, because copper locations are often of turquoise colour. The expedition divides. One group continues according to the plan and the second group pursues the Turquoise Mountain. Dr Mareš leading the Czech expedition, who is in the second group, completely disagrees with the action provoked by a folk tale. In Ulánbátar Pudil must explain the reasons for his sudden arrival. Pudil uses his visit to the Mongolian capital for a meeting with the director of a local library. He tells him that there are many tales of the Turquoise Mountain and each says something different. Therefore, the Professor wants to call the expedition off. During his flight back, he gets a message that Dr Mareš got lost in the mountains. The plain changes its course and starts searching for the lost man. Finally, they spot him and the pilot manages to land. Mareš runs to the plane holding stones of a turquoise colour as he had found the location of the copper deposit.
profesor Josef Pudil, geolog
Voice by Ladislav Mrkvička
dr. Amarin Tömör
dr. Mareš, vedoucí expedice
Davasüren, člen expedice
Ing. Vrutský, ředitel pobočky Geoindu
Dulma, mongolská tlumočnice a sekretářka
úřednice Horáková
geolog Olda Macháček
geolog Hrubý
geolog Uhlíř
geolog Lorenc
pilot Franta
radista Honza Šmerek
Pudilova žena
úředník Schindler
Rykl, generální ředitel Geoindustrie
profesor Arkadij Ivanovič Kvajatkin
úřednice Pastýřová
Lubomír Břinčil, Bajandelgerín Džamsran, Josef Loučím
Magdalena Davidová, D. Tümenbajar
Milan Štěch, Ladislav Beneš, D. Dordžgočó
Jiří Šíma, RNDr. Igor Papoušek, D. Cerendagva
Irena Sedláčková (klapka), Miloš Schmiedberger (fotograf), S. Ajúš
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Ve znamení Tyrkysové hory
Ve znamení Tyrkysové hory
Focusing on the Turquoise Mountain
Chajrchan öndör chá bajna?
Azimut 47 / Najdi Tyrkysovou horu
featuretheatrical distribution
adventure, comedy
Czechoslovakia, Mongolia
literary Screenplay approved 1 July 1975
start of filming 1 April 1977
technical Screenplay approved 16 June 1977
end of filming 13 December 1977
projection approval 14 December 1977
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 9 June 1978 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
84 min
2 451 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Russian, Mongolian
without subtitles