The events of February 1948, and a contemporary spying affair (allegedly inspired by true events) provide the basis for this 1977 motion picture drama, jointly directed by Štěpán Skalský and Josef Mach. A simple view of a complicated period revolves around the title character, scheming American diplomat Barton. He turns to blackmailing undesirable political opponents with the use of compromising photos. Employing his contacts at the interior ministry, Barton even attempts a coup d'état. The American’s cunning plan eventually fails when the working classes gain control under the leadership of the communist party… Although events in the film are clearly depicted through a heavy post “normalisation” era propagandistic lens, Tichý Američan v Praze (The Quiet American in Prague) is nonetheless regarded as a well-crafted film, whose appeal to audiences includes a strong cast led by Josef Langmiler and Polish actress Barbara Brylska.
In Prague of 1947 the political contest for power culminates. The opponents of growing communist influence hope in a coup supported by the Western countries. One of the spies is an American attaché Barton, a quiet and discreet man, who among others, initiates a robbery in Štěchovice archive carried out by an American army. The important documents hidden in the forests by withdrawing Germans are finally returned by the Americans; however the Gestapo agents' lists and other important materials are missing. Barton's Czech secretary Milena meets Jiří Háček, her great pre-war love. Both of them used to be members of an illegal resistance group Ztracenka that had been given away to Gestapo. Pavel Král, one of a few survivors, is determined to find out the traitor. Jiří starts to live with Milena but does not know she has been gouged on by Barton keeping her compromising photos proving her contacts with German officers. As an alleged journalist Milena gets secret information from executive army officers in turn for sex and alcohol. A newly established counterintelligence service at the Ministry of Interior is managed by captain Prokop. Pavel has found the traitor of Ztracenka - Milena. The Americans kill him with her help. Jiří is losing trust in Milena and starts to collaborate with Prokop. It is February 1948, the communists seize the power and the expected coup has not occurred. Jiří gets evidence of Milena's betrayal and breaks their relationship. The young woman commits suicide. On Prokop's request Jiří leaves the country together with the Americans.
The film is based on true events of 1948.
Voice by Libuše Švormová
sekretářka Milena Singrová
americký kulturní atašé plukovník Charles Barton
rotmistr PhDr. Jiří Háček
kapitán Prokop, velitel kontrašpionážní skupiny ministerstva vnitra
major Brauer, velitel oblastní Bezpečnosti
Prokopův nadřízený
odbojář Pavel Král
plukovník Jaroslav Tampír
Erich Laube
americký kapitán Richards
americký voják Urquart
americký voják Fulton
německý důstojník
dr. Pichlík, zaměstnanec ministerstva vnitra
Ann, Bartonova žena
vysoký důstojník MNO
brýlatý muž, Prokopův spolupracovník
novinář z Rudého práva
novinář ze Svobodného slova
velitel americké skupiny
dubl za Barbaru Brylskou
kuchařka u Bartona
Tampírova žena
fotograf za zrcadlem
agent vydávající se za vyšetřovatele
poručík Kobylka
československý důstojník
československý důstojník
československý důstojník
Miroslav Hladký (Dirigent zákulisí – kniha)
Jiří Bžoch, Karel Kracík, Miloš Sršeň
František Kruml, plk. dr. M. Čáda, CSc.
Jitka Radová (klapka), Jiří Kučera (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Jan Korda
Writer of Lyrics František Korda
Singer sbor
Song Composer Jiří Voldán
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Voldán
Singer sbor
Tichý Američan v Praze
Tichý Američan v Praze
The Quiet American in Prague
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 12 October 1976
start of filming 15 November 1976
technical Screenplay approved 1 February 1977
end of filming 27 June 1977
projection approval 1 July 1977
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1988
premiere 20 January 1978 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
93 min
2 690 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, English
without subtitles
Festival: 16. festival českých a slovenských filmů České Budějovice
České Budějovice / Czechoslovakia
kolektiv tvůrců