Screenwriter Jiří Křižan and director František Vláčil twice joined forces to work on dramatic tales relating to the troubled post-war years. Stíny horkého léta (Shadows of a Hot Summer, 1977) takes place in 1947 in the Beskid Mountains. The pair’s latter adaptation of the Ladislav Fuchs’ novel Pasáček z doliny (The Little Herdsman from the Valley, 1983) is also set in this location. In both cases, locals’ lives are disturbed by Ukrainian nationalist paramilitaries wandering through the woods and desperately looking for an opportunity to escape west across the border. In this film, shepherd Ondřej Baran (Juraj Kukura), living at a remote sheep farm in the mountains, is forced into a deadly game of trying to protect his family while avoiding being sucked into a malevolent world. Baran’s delicate wife is played by Marta Vančurová. Jiří Bartoška plays a blond-haired pro-Stepan Bandera militant in this intense and dramatic feature film.
In the summer of 1947, remainders of Stepan Bandera's Ukrainian Rebel Army roam Czechoslovakia, trying to get west. A group of them break into the isolated mountain farmhouse of Ondřej Baran. One of them, probably a high ranking officer, is badly wounded. Fearing for the lives of his family - his delicate wife Tereza, twelve-year-old son Lukáš and baby daughter, the quiet and circumspect Ondřej accepts the conditions of the armed-to-the-hilt men. He goes down to the town in the valley, secretly brings a physician out of his flat and, helped by one of the troopers, takes him up to his farm. The physician is forced to attend to the wounded officer, who hopefully will rally in a week or so. Ondřej must also go and buy tobacco and food for the five men. Lukáš does not understand his father's "cowardice." Ondřej starts working hard to acquaint Lukáš with the duties of a farmer - milking sheep, mowing with a scythe and repairing the shingle roof. A young, but already white-haired ravisher attempts to rape Tereza in the shed. Ondřej gives him what he deserves, but he is aware that his family could even be in danger if somebody accidentally stops by. In town, he learns from the police chief that there will be a roundup in order to catch Bandera's troops. Ondřej decides to put up an active resistance. At night, he kills the patrolling trooper with his knife and shoots another two with the gun he has taken from the watch. The fourth man flees. The physician is dressing the gunshot wound on Ondřej's shoulder when the wounded commander, who is still lying there, shoots the farmer dead with a pistol he has hidden away. Devastated Tereza, carrying her baby daughter in her arms, the physician and the young Lukáš, leading a horse pulling a cart with the coffin, walk to the town.
sedlák Ondřej Baran
Tereza, Baranova žena
lékař MUDr. Pavel Valchar
Voice by Vaculík
Lukáš, syn Baranových
banderovský poručík
banderovec Starý
banderovec Bělovlasý
banderovec Lysý
raněný banderovec
poručík Grygar, velitel SNB
Voice by Václav Babka
hostinský Jožin
Voice by Sedláčková
Lucinka, Lukášova kamarádka
Voice by Marcela Martínková
Anežka, lékařova hospodyně
Voice by Eliška Balzerová
Voice by Oldřich Velen
obchodník s rounem
uniformovaný muž
žena ve městě
žena ve městě
muž v civilu
Petruška, mladší dcera Baranových
hlas opilce v hospodě
Karel Kočí (vedoucí výpravy), Karel Krejčí, Stanislav Krejča
Marie Ryšlinková
Irena Gregorová (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf), George Pokrovskij (práce se zvířaty)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Stíny horkého léta
Stíny horkého léta
Shadows of a Hot Summer
Horké léto / Baran / Samota
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, thriller
literary Screenplay approved 9 October 1975
start of filming 4 April 1977
technical Screenplay approved 13 June 1977
end of filming 20 December 1977
projection approval 23 December 1977
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992
gala premiere 14 September 1978 (kino Lucerna, Praha)
premiere 15 September 1978 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 1 August 2024 /suitable for all ages without limit/
Ústřední půjčovna filmů (původní 1978), Národní filmový archiv (obnovená 2024)
Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Kaliny, Vladimír Kalina (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
104 min
2 835 meters
16mm, 35mm, DCP 2-D, MP4, BRD
without subtitles
Event: 8. ročník ankety čtenářů časopisu Květy o nejpopulárnějšího herce a herečku socialistických zemí
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Marta Vančurová
Event: Státní ceny Klementa Gottwalda
Praha / Czechoslovakia
František Vláčil
Festival: 21. mezinárodní filmový festival Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 16. filmový festival mladých Banská Bystrica
Banská Bystrica / Czechoslovakia
Juraj Kukura
Festival: 16. festival českých a slovenských filmů České Budějovice
České Budějovice / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 29. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´78
61 měst / Czechoslovakia
Marta Vančurová
Festival: 29. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´78
61 měst / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 16. filmový festival mladých Banská Bystrica
Banská Bystrica / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 29. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´78
61 měst / Czechoslovakia
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