Glass Splinters for Eve





Production year



18 May 1979


86 min


Rudolf Adler




social, psychological


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Střepy pro Evu

Czech title

Střepy pro Evu

English title

Glass Splinters for Eve

Working title



Documentary maker Rudolf Adler made just one live-action feature film, which, as it happens, tells the story of a student who has set out to make a documentary. Střepy pro Evu (Glass Splinters for Eve, 1978) tells the story of Petr, a young student of film directing at Prague’s FAMU film and TV school. Petr begins to prepare for the making of a film about the history of glassmaking in Bohemia. He first visits a modern facility, but then becomes acquainted with traditional glassmaking methods still in use at an old glassworks, methods that are no match for the modern, mass-production lines. Switching from recording authentic glassmaking footage, Petr instead successfully develops a relationship with Eva, an employee of a glass modelling shop. However, she is considerably shaken up on discovering that Petr is merely using their reality as material for his motion picture… This film, released in 1978, was made in glassworks located in Chřibská and Nový Bor. The parts of Petr and Eva are performed by Svatopluk Skopal and Jana Pehrová, respectively, with Lenka Kořínková and Dagmar Bláhová appearing in supporting roles. Adler’s colleague, documentary maker Ivan Vojnár, took up the opportunity to make a cameo appearance as the cameraman.


Student of direction Petr wants to devote his first documentary to the history of Czech glassmaking. His professor at the Film Academy advises him to go and spend some time amongst glassmakers. Petr starts shooting the film at a glass factory where they are just launching a new automatic line for making glasses and where they also have old glassworks still working in the old way. Petr meets old gaffer Josef Tomaška, who is against automated production. Tomaška fears that all of the old skills will disappear. The glassmakers are afraid of loosing their jobs. Petr also meets pretty Eva and starts courting her. Petr is not getting on well with his work much; he always misses the best shots. Eva works at a pattern shop, but longs to work independently. She refuses the help of Professor Mirek, her friend and teacher, and starts dating Petr. In the end, the automatic line is a success. Tomaška exhibits his best works. After the opening day, he has a heart attack. In front of Eva, Petr says that Tomaška's funeral would provide a gripping ending for his film. Eva is shocked by his callousness and when Tomaška dies, she breaks up with Petr. The film crew finishes their last meters on the film, while capturing the rhythm of the glassmakers' work and their band of togetherness at the red-hot furnaces. Hopefully, Petr has come to understand that life and work are not a mere spectator sport.


Svatopluk Skopal

student režie Petr

Jana Pehrová

Voice by Marta Vančurová
výtvarnice Eva

Petr Kostka

profesor Mirek Loukotka

Josef Rozinek

Voice by Jan Skopeček
sklář Josef Tomaška

Jiří Lábus

sklář Franta

Pavel Zedníček

sklářský technik Zdeněk

Ferdinand Krůta

sklář Kudla

Zdeněk Buchvaldek

ředitel skláren

Věra Tichánková

Tomaškova žena

Lenka Kořínková

učitelka Božka, Tomaškova dcera

Ivan Vojnár

Voice by Petr Svojtka
kameraman Ivan

Vladimír Holomek

asistent kameramana

Zdeněk Dušek


Vlastimil Venclík


Jiří Baranowski

muž s dýmkou

Vojtěch Ron

pomocník Tomaška

Vladimír Ptáček

hostinský Josef Patočka

Richard Záhorský

vrátný v huti

Michal Gelnar


F. Koudelka


J. Papoušek


Vilém Veselý


Miloslav Vaňura

mladý mistr

Bronislav Poloczek

řidič Tatry

Pavel Hajný

fyzik ve školním filmu

Jaromír Kučera

psychiatr ve školním filmu

Jana Synková


Ilona Jirotková


J. Klusák


J. Kochrda


M. Malovaník

pomocník Franty

A. F. Šulc

profesor FAMU

Michael Tarant

muž s baňkou

Milada Vnuková

zdravotní sestra

Marjan Bernacik

tanečník v maškarním průvodu

Vlastimil Carda

tanečník MP

Martin Cejp

tanečník MP

Karel Červinka

tanečník MP

Jiří Drgáč

tanečník MP

Josef Fajta

tanečník MP

František Hlaváček (2)

tanečník MP

Jiří Hrabal

tanečník MP

Jiří Kaftan

tanečník MP

O. Kašparovský

tanečník MP

Jan Klár

tanečník MP

Petr Kosek

tanečník MP

Jan Kuchař

tanečník MP

Jiří Linhart

tanečník MP

Vratislav Marek

tanečník MP

Oldřich Mazůrek

tanečník MP

Vratislav Mikšaník

tanečník MP

Bohumír Muchka

tanečník MP

Ivan Muchka

tanečník MP

Vladimír Pohořelý

tanečník MP

Ladislav Rajn

tanečník MP

Peter Tomašovič

tanečník MP

Ladislav Vašek

tanečník MP

Pavel Veselý

tanečník MP

Miroslav Vilímek

tanečník MP

Miroslav Walter

tanečník MP

V. Čížková

tanečnice na diskotéce

P. Frýbort

tanečník na diskotéce

Zdeněk Hajn

tanečník ND

H. Hanusová

tanečnice ND

M. Hlavičková

tanečnice ND

Š. Králíková

tanečnice ND

K. Kusák

tanečník ND

L. Prošek

tanečník ND

L. Součková

tanečnice ND

M. Šturm

tanečník ND

René Vojtěch

tanečník ND

Jiří Vrba

tanečník ND

Jan Prokeš (3)

hudebník ND

V. Vávra

hudebník ND

Miroslav Jíra

dubl za Richarda Záhorského

Tereza Brdečková

návštěvnice vernisáže


Jiří Zahajský

hlas skláře

Crew and creators


Rudolf Adler

Second Unit Director

Josef Sandr

Assistant Director

Martin Mahdal, Věra Justová


Rudolf Adler

Shooting Script

Rudolf Adler


Zdeněk Dufek

Director of Photography

Jiří Macháně

Second Unit Photography

Viktor Růžička

Camera Operator

Vojtěch Kuthan

Production Designer

Jiří Matolín

Assistent Production Designer

František Vokřál

Set Designer

Ivo Černý, Miloš Osvald, Jiří Rulík, Katka Toušková

Film Editor

Jiří Brožek

Assistant Film Editor

Eva Horázná, Rimma Stejskalová

Sound Designer

Alexandr Vrbata

Production Manager

Karel Škop

Unit Production Manager

Jiří Holeček, Juraj Zach

Unit Production Manager

Pavel Brunclík


Ing. Rudolf Pavlišta, Vilém Veselý, Michal Gelnar


Marie Hasíková (klapka), Václav Beneš (fotograf)


Music Performed by

FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček), skupina ETC, Merta Vladimír, skupina Petra Hanniga


Milena Moravcová


Dvanáctkrát pět minut

Song Composer Zdeněk Pololáník
Writer of Lyrics Jiří CmíralPetr Hannig
Singer Lenka Kořínková

K pětadvaceti

Song Composer Vladimír Merta
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Merta
Singer Vladimír Merta

O skle

Song Composer Vladimír Merta
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Merta
Singer Vladimír Merta

Já jsem sklářův syn

Singer Ferdinand Krůta


Song Composer Karel Vacek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Vacek
Singer mužský sbor

Čím, čím, čimčarara čim

Song Composer Josef Stelibský

Bude zima, bude mráz

Singer dětský sbor

Foukej si, skláři

Singer Ferdinand Krůta

Bludička Julie

Song Composer Václav Zahradník
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Poštulka
Singer Jiří Lábus

Proč ten jetelíček roste u vody

Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň

Včera jsem byl u muziky

Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň

Production info

Original Title

Střepy pro Evu

Czech Title

Střepy pro Evu

English Title

Glass Splinters for Eve

Working Title





featuretheatrical distribution


social, psychological

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 16 December 1977
start of filming 16 January 1978
technical Screenplay approved 27 February 1978
end of filming 12 October 1978
projection approval 18 October 1978
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986


premiere 18 May 1979 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

Dramaturgická skupina Miroslava Hladkého, Miroslav Hladký (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

86 min

Original length in metres

2 460 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 17. filmový festival mladých Trutnov

Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Macháně

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